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RE: The Miners of steemit & the ethical use of votes.

in #discussion7 years ago

It is impossible to stop people from self-voting, the ideal would be for the system to work in such way that they would win more if they didnt...


The system is already made like that... (It is up to us to make it work)
Those who have more SP need to share the rewards pool, i've seen you do. I try too it with my limited means.

With PowerUP comes great responsability

That is the way for us who trust the long term future of the platform to encourage others to join and stay.

I dont mind self voting much, I mean if you write something that from your point of view is good and goes unnoticed or something, well... you are just using part of your SP to compensate for your "Proof of Work"

But to actually mine STEEM instead of ideas is something that can only be compared to misuse of the available funds...

I think about 80% of the users have only their little 0.500 SP + the 27 delegation, when they self vote they take a tenth of a cent...

And most times their stuff is at least fairly good (when is not plagiarism or spinning from somewhere), so we could say that self vote is deserved...

It is a way to motivate people to keep trying until they get noticed.

autovoto reveur nnnarvaez.png

Why 80% of users have 27SP delegated and me only 12SP (13SP previously)? So far I thought that the delegation from @steem was only for those who had less than 15SP, so that the poor also had some influence by voting.

I have no idea... I used to have 27 even thou my SP was high, now that i delegated i think they are gone...

I see you make good content and you post both in french and English, tell you what; organize a small community, bring new users, keep engaging people that comments your posts.

Help us help steemit grow and I'll get you a 700 to 1000 SP delegation to kick start you.

Switzerland needs to have more steemians (that is where the money sleeps after all hahaha)

Thank you very much for the advice and your proposal for delegation.

Three of my colleagues opened an account but they posted little. They are more active on Facebook and Instagram. Two other people told me they were going to open an account, I'm still waiting to see them here. I did not use social networks before Steem. I read here quite a few articles about cryptocurrencies before discovering the nature of SteemIt. I had to try.

Yes in Switzerland money sleeps, but not in poor's bed ;) Most people from here to whom I speak of the Bitcoin do not believe me when I tell them that we will all pay with altcoins in 10 years.

I continue to talk about crypto to the people I like because I wish them to be still among the early adopters.

Make a twitter account, post your steemit articles there, pester your friends on wassap and telegram.

Get them engaged, use to post and use the busy tag they will give you an upvote for being beta tester / advertiser.

Create a discord channel, engage with other people from CH already on steemit, you will see is fun !

And in the end over the long term this will pay off!

I have nowhere as many followers as on Steem. Long live Steem!
I will test and make a Twitter account (at least to follow the crypto). You are a good adviser, thanks.

quien bebeth.png


very easy to talk about the need to make a small bit of money with self voting and small groups when around 80 out of the 490 votes to you were from @cervantes

Source : steemreports/@michelcamacaro

I am very sorry for your confusion ... I think I have not said anything, who has made value judgments is the author of the post
He said:

"How do you feel about this kind of behavior?
Should it be tolerated, is it his acceptable?"

Lamento mucho su confusión... creo que yo no he dicho nada, quien ha hecho juicios de valor es el autor del post.
Cuando escribió:

"¿Cómo te sientes acerca de este tipo de comportamiento?
En caso de ser tolerado, ¿es aceptable?"


im not confused i see the multiples times you spammed this post with images on voting and images from the blockchain history.

you saying this is a joke when you get paid so much votes from @cervantes

No estoy confundido. Veo los múltiplos por los que spamé esta publicación con imágenes de votación e imágenes del historial de blockchain.

Estás diciendo que esto es una broma cuando te pagan tantos votos de

I regret their confusion again, it is not spam, it is a relevant subject to the conversation, the author speaks of self-vows and the graphics speak of someone who votes himself.

If you did not see the 3 accounts belong to the same author :) and all votes go towards the ... :)

lamento su confusión otra vez, no es spam, es un tema relevante a la conversación, el autor habla de los autovotos y las graficas hablan de alguien que se auto vota.

Si usted no vio las 3 cuentas propias al mismo autor :) y todos los votos van hacia el ... :)


There is no confusion, you try to say his voting is bad,you are part of large group that votes each other why does an individual who does with small amount matter?

I count 8 accounts below exchanges votes often and with thousands worth of SP.

No hay confusión, intenta decir que su voto es malo, usted es parte de un grupo grande que se vota entre sí, ¿por qué un individuo que lo hace con una cantidad pequeña importa?

Cuento 8 cuentas por debajo de los intercambios de votos a menudo y con miles de dólares en SP.


lol jajajajajajajja you are so funny :) see that.

michelvotos.png#my outgoing votes ;) see the numbers lol

and the most important, I HAD NEVER SAID I AM A CURATOR, or have asked sp to anyone to support me in false projects;)
I'm just a writer and I just have to account for my votes to myself;)
The problem begins when someone cheats a community, whales and everyone pretending to help :)

Cervantes its a real curation group ;) lol
cervantes votos.png

Ahh yes, i am very happy :) a real curation group vote for me.. and they vote for a lot of people... but @cervantes its a real proyect to help people... not a scam to have money and dont vote anybody.


i didn't say it was

what i said was, its easy to comment with images how others make money when you get paid with less work.

No dije que era

Lo que dije fue que es fácil comentar con imágenes cómo otros ganan dinero cuando se les paga con menos trabajo.

You are right it is very hard to give yourself votes all day and say that you help a community.

Usted tiene razón, es muy duro darse votos a uno mismo todo el dia y decir que se ayuda a una comunidad.

when you give votes to each other with tens of thousands worth of SP is worse.

cuando se dan votos el uno al otro con decenas de miles de SP es peor

In the same way, I repeat, the value judgment did the author, I do not :)

De Igual manera, le repito, el juicio de valor lo hizo el autor, yo no :)


you do the same but in different way by scale of 100+

haces lo mismo pero de diferente manera por escala de 100+

jajajajaj no nono you are very bad, he is the same person voting for him self... ;P hahahah realy you are funny or are the same author lol...

that is indefensible

@walo, @nnnarvaez, @bebeth and @reveur are acounts of the same person.. you know???

Well i am tired for today, to was a pleasure to talk about this, but tomorrow are the long day, you are invite to read about this in a post i am write now, i think tomorrow or the sunday i will up.

Sorry about my bad english :)

autovoto reveur nnnarvaez.png


@chitty se que eres venezolano, te invito a revises bien a quien estas apoyando con tu sp y tomes tus propias conclusiones a quien esta ayudando si a la comunidad o a quien: fuentes

@michelcamacaro no entiendo tu punto, podes ser más claro y decirme por quien crees que estoy votando que no debería... por lo que veo sólo he votado por @nnnarvaez una vez y nunca he votado por @walo o por @bebeth , por lo que me resulta muy wtf tu comentario.


Las tres cuentas pertenecen al Sr, y para el momento que se hizo este comentario todos el gran porcentajke de los votos que hacian esas tres cuentas eran descargados solo en el autor del post, que de manera ironica hace este articulo acusando de autovoto a alguien mas, como trate de explicar en mi mal ingles abajo, mi tema etico no pasa por el auto voto, pero si que se abrogue un proyecto de ayuda a la comunidad de habla hispana y busque apoyo de ballenas para autovotarse, eso deja muy mal parados a futuros proyectos que si sean serios de curación, no es la primera vez que le llamo la atención sobre esto a el autor, ya lo había hecho por discord y me parece un soberano descaro este articulo de su parte, si quiere ganar dinero con steemit hay infinidad de proyectos productivos que puede hacer para tal fin, pero no engañar a la comunidad venezolana y la hispanohablante diciendo que la apoya cuando no es así, estos dos días ha tratado de diversificar el voto, cosa que me había dejado un buen sabor de boca, pues no tengo ningún tema personal con él, sino con esta aberración entre el propósito que vende y las acciones en el blockchain. sin embargo, aun sigue sin entender que es curar contenido, al darle una serie de votos seguidos a una cuenta plagiadora y de muy mala calidad, arrastrando sus propios votos, las de sus cuentas alternas y las de las ballenas que lo apoyan (esto hace pensar que o es ineficiente sin remedio o esta descargando votos en otra cuenta sobre la que tiene control) revisa el perfil @novaptconline y veras de lo que hablo. Ya para terminar mi problema empezó al trailear a una cuenta de curación de contenido venezolano que "por error" traileo al sr y yo al trailear esa cuenta me percate que mis votos iban directo a sus post y comentarios anidados (los del autor de este articulo) en vez de la comunidad venezolana que yo pretendía apoyar.

De igual forma en alguna de las respuesta que el mismo coloca aquí, expone haber delegado su sp altruistamente... y al revisarlo la delegación es sus propias cuentas que lo siguen votando a él, conclusión no es una persona confiable ni seria.
