The Invading Horde

in #discussion6 years ago (edited)

Is falling apart
so sad..too bad

Amateurs study strategy and tactics. Professionals study Logistics. Whom ever planned and financed the Horde didn't think of that.....either. Lambs to the slaughter.

  • The caravan is splitting into groups as they started battling with each other........

Short on food perhaps? Kinda tired of walking. No one giving them rides? What about medical supplies?

Or perhaps self defense?

  • the migrants lambasted Mexican officials for directing them northward through the Gulf Coast state of Veracruz, calling it the ‘route of death.’

  • Authorities in Veracruz said in September they had discovered remains from at least 174 people buried in clandestine graves

They won't receive a warm welcome if any of them survive to reach the US Souther Border.
US Soldiers Prepare for Illegal Migrant Caravans — Lay Razor Wire at Border

Militia groups head to border, stirred by Trump call to arms...


they know what's waiting for them.

But I guarantee this...all those "caring" liberals that are shrieking about these 5000+ people won't give a single fuck about them after the horde has been turned back.

The "refugees" will be forgotten in the space of the breath the liberals take in to start their next incoherent round of screeching

We need to look after each other and show kindness to people but there is a line to that. If thousands of people were trying to cross into our country illegally and all the issues that will follow that then I'm all for prevention. Whatever it takes to turn them back. Mexico isn't the third world. There are facilities and jobs. I know it's not a great country but it's up to the citizens to change that.

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The Mexican government and traffickers have allowed the CIA to traffick drugs through their country for quite a while now. The people of these countries are victims not the crooks. Let's keep that perspective so we can get to the root of the problem which is George Bush1 and 2, Hill & Bill Clinton, the Obamas, Soros, the Pope, Comey, Clapper, Chertoff, James P. Chandler... The list goes on. If we show compassion and take care of people in need, we may be able to expose the sources who we all know but can't prove.

Mexico offered them citizenship and benefits.

The sheer and utter lunacy of the left never ceases to astound me... The last time I checked "refugees" didn't come in by the horde waving their country's flag and shouting for welfare. They also don't break down fences and fight with police of the country they are traversing through. Mark my words, this is undoubtedly a ploy by the left. Rest assured, this horde will crumble and the left will be exposed for the traitors and con men that they are!

according to all standard definitions of the word "refugee" the horde isn't .
it doesn't even come close.
and when it refused asylum from mexico it's tissue thin case became full of holes.

It's as out of touch from the word "refugee" just like how the left is out of touch with US politics.

Are there any journalist from the alternative U.S. media out there trying to find out what's really going on. Looks like a great opportunity to catch some dirty rats in action. The globalist are taking advantage of poor people around the world.
Don't miss this opportunity to help those in need. The globalist want us all at each other's throats no matter how it happens. Showing love and care is the best way to stick it to the devil.


Let's get to the bottom of this whole situation by gathering real intelligence from the people in the march before they turn around!

That would be hate speech.
The legacy media AND the Social media AND google are doing their best to censor hate speech.

As much as I try to post the truth as I know it, The Black population, in which I am a part of, are not engaging me. I'm sure they are shadow banning me because I am confident in my sources of Truth. Either my community is ignorant, they don't care or they are being MK-ultraed. Thank God people like your self are giving me a platform to express myself and giving me some feedback. We have to fight to make our freedom of speech be as effective as possible. Thanks for replying.

I dunno about any of that...but I do have a black neighbor. Interestingly enough he and I both just recently moved into the neighborhood. He's in his mid forties...about the same age as my son. His dad was a viet nam era vet same as me.

Somehow we find a lot to talk about. He comes over frequently and we sit on the front porch, smoke, drink, talk, and watch the kids play. There are a lot of kids on our block..and they all have bicycles, skate boards and scooters. Watching them is a HOOT.

I was in the Army national guard under Reagan and Bush. Got called the N- word from a superior officer. I was pissed

I can understand why. Norman isn't my name either.

Just for the record, you're saying that globalists, or I'd prefer to call them global corporatists, try to divide the people by making poor Americans hate poor hispanic refugees, and we should ignore the globalist hatred and take those refugees in, right? Or certainly those who are almost certainly peaceful, like the women, children, old people and so on

I'm not really saying take them. I just want to know what made them leave? Was it money given to them directly.. Just some wish I could be there to get their point of view. Tthe globalist are destabilizing all countries including the U.S. San Francisco is a shame. They should march somewhere and make some type of cry for help. The Blacks in Chicago should gather a few thousand and hold Rahm Emanuel for targeting them with 5G and Smart lighting and Smart cities. We must turn their tactics against them(global corporatists and their minions). Why can't we organize a giant march like those people and put the fear of God into the criminals. How do the American victims unite with the world. Are we only getting criminal refugees . Can these people be a source of intelligence and inspiration. We have got to change our thinking in this country and take responsibility for electing crooks. All the crooks are still running around doing their thing. I think we should protect our border. If Mexico hasn't stopped their own people from crossing the border, I don't think they have the will to stop anything. Our government has been proven to cause destabilization and human trafficking. We have got to get a better understanding of this situation. Showing true compassion is what we must practice . We need more empathy.

To be fair, if Mexico stopped its people from leaving the country, that would literally be Soviet Union style tyranny, remember the Berlin Wall?

I don't think this refugee caravan is an attempt to "put the fear of God into the criminals", they just want to flee to get a less bad life. The reason they march together is likely because it's safer and they don't get lost.

Would globalists really gain that much if they increase the population of the US a tiny, tiny bit, by sending people to seek asylum there? There is already a process in place for refugees to seek asylum, and that's exactly what that caravan is planning on doing, the same way the caravan a few months ago applied for asylum. It's not a question of what we feel like doing today, if they get in through the asylum process they get in, and if they don't, then they don't

I believe they want Americans to fight over the issue. in the meantime, they will be doing other nefarious things to further destabilize us in the background. Information is coming out that confirms Soros is teaming up with Master Card
to give the migrants money. He is saying that he wants to support the oppressed populations. However, he does nothing for Blacks in America except use them for further destabilization. We must march and assemble against him

I'm sure many rich people and corporations want the American people to fight over migrants while they run away with all the money while mobody's watching. Notice how after the election right-wing politicians are barely talking about the caravan anymore?

The Democrats are also very much bought by those rich people and corporations. Corporations want us to fight over whether we should let migrants in and if the American people decides they don't want migrants then the Republicans are elected who do 100% of what the rich want, and if the American people decide they want migrants then the Democrats are elected who do 90% of what the rich want.

I don't believe they need to finance migrants to come to the US, there's already enough migrants wanting to come there. What makes them go there isn't some investment fund by Soros, but just the potential for a safer and better life in general. We don't have to make a conspiracy out of this, and argue whether this specific transaction was with ill intent or not.

The solution is to elect people who are not bought by the rich, who don't take billionaire or corporate PAC money or Super-PACs. One such group is the Justice Democrats, or Our Revolution, who want to pass a Constitutional Amendment to get money out of politics, to prevent corruption.

It doesn't matter that there are plenty of people want to come here. The point is that Soros is directly funding criminal activity. Those who take the money are now the slaves of Soros. Soros destabilizes countries. A conspiracy is two or more people colluding in a criminal act. All that is is Soros plus one ore more people. Conspiracy theories, hate crimes, antisemitism are all Orwellian doublespeak to shut down free thinking. Instead of holding people proven to be nefarious accountable , we act as if the news bearers are the ones committing the crime. Everybody's saying if they want the refugees or they don't want them. They act as if this is such a great country that people are willing to risk their lives to come here to become second class citizens. We, America, did what we did to the natives of this continent. We, destabilized all these countries with our CIA. We allow the mass media to hypnotize us with the propaganda box . Soros, Bush, and Kissinger are still pushing their Rothschild agenda. Their agenda is there on the internet for discovery. Yet one is called a conspiracy theorist for exposing these traitors. What chance does an oppressed Black have against the lure of innumerable dollars?. What hope has the oppressed South American?
Damned if I do and damned if I don't. Learned helplessness- the mark of slavery in these modern times

If that's all you're concerned about, then I guess there's no real danger. What, they're "waving a flag", so they must have the intention of destroying the US or something? There's a few US migrants in Germany that have a US flag in their garden, does that mean Germany is now conquered by the US because of some migrants? Interesting how that works

Mexico isn't safe enough, if you had a cousin living in some island in New Zealand and he has to flee because of a tornado, would you tell him if he lands in Mexico that's "safe enough"? Also how do you know there were no incidents in the last few weeks that they were there? What, because not all of them have died yet?


So it should be Mexico's problem?
Do you think Jews fleeing from Europe in WWII were also "not America's problem", and they should have just fled to the USSR, where they're prosecuted similarly?

Refugees should be able to get safety, not go from one extremely dangerous place to a slightly less dangerous one. In Mexico, even local politicians are murdered on a regular basis, imagine how much cartels could threaten and exploit completely defenceless refugees?

following your logic it would appear that personal safety is a personal responsibility. In other words everyone should have guns.

Perhaps that's why the US is the safest place on the planet. We have so many guns?

No, I specifically said it's the responsibility of the rich and powerful (in this case America) to keep the weak safe

well in that case you would be totally wrong.

Soldiers are between the illegal mob and the US liberal mob.

posse comitas