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RE: The Invading Horde

in #discussion6 years ago

I believe they want Americans to fight over the issue. in the meantime, they will be doing other nefarious things to further destabilize us in the background. Information is coming out that confirms Soros is teaming up with Master Card

to give the migrants money. He is saying that he wants to support the oppressed populations. However, he does nothing for Blacks in America except use them for further destabilization. We must march and assemble against him


I'm sure many rich people and corporations want the American people to fight over migrants while they run away with all the money while mobody's watching. Notice how after the election right-wing politicians are barely talking about the caravan anymore?

The Democrats are also very much bought by those rich people and corporations. Corporations want us to fight over whether we should let migrants in and if the American people decides they don't want migrants then the Republicans are elected who do 100% of what the rich want, and if the American people decide they want migrants then the Democrats are elected who do 90% of what the rich want.

I don't believe they need to finance migrants to come to the US, there's already enough migrants wanting to come there. What makes them go there isn't some investment fund by Soros, but just the potential for a safer and better life in general. We don't have to make a conspiracy out of this, and argue whether this specific transaction was with ill intent or not.

The solution is to elect people who are not bought by the rich, who don't take billionaire or corporate PAC money or Super-PACs. One such group is the Justice Democrats, or Our Revolution, who want to pass a Constitutional Amendment to get money out of politics, to prevent corruption.

It doesn't matter that there are plenty of people want to come here. The point is that Soros is directly funding criminal activity. Those who take the money are now the slaves of Soros. Soros destabilizes countries. A conspiracy is two or more people colluding in a criminal act. All that is is Soros plus one ore more people. Conspiracy theories, hate crimes, antisemitism are all Orwellian doublespeak to shut down free thinking. Instead of holding people proven to be nefarious accountable , we act as if the news bearers are the ones committing the crime. Everybody's saying if they want the refugees or they don't want them. They act as if this is such a great country that people are willing to risk their lives to come here to become second class citizens. We, America, did what we did to the natives of this continent. We, destabilized all these countries with our CIA. We allow the mass media to hypnotize us with the propaganda box . Soros, Bush, and Kissinger are still pushing their Rothschild agenda. Their agenda is there on the internet for discovery. Yet one is called a conspiracy theorist for exposing these traitors. What chance does an oppressed Black have against the lure of innumerable dollars?. What hope has the oppressed South American?
Damned if I do and damned if I don't. Learned helplessness- the mark of slavery in these modern times

I completely agree that Bush Senior, Bush Junior, Obama, Clinton, etc are all beholden to the same people, which are not "the people". Are some of those billionaires like Soros, that fund their campaigns with massive doantions? Yes, definitely

But that's not all the money those politicians got. They also got a lot of money from the military industrial complex: Giant corporations that directly gain from destabilizing for example oil competitor Venezuela (Exxon Mobil), or those giant Wall Street banks that want the banking system unregulated so they can make quick cash which eventually results in a crash and then they "need" to be bailed out without consequence for them or their managers (Goldman Sachs), or giant health insurance companies that don't want people to be allowed to import medicine from Canada (United Health Group), or of course the aforementioned weapons industry that wants wars to be started, so they can get more weapons deals (Lookheed Martin).

Now, I doubt that these companies all get into a smoke-filled room and the health insurance companies agree that there needs to be war and the war industry agrees that people shouldn't be able to import medicine from Canada. They don't have to: They can just both bribe politicians with their massive campaign contributions, and then those politicians either do all of their bidding or lose their money for their reelection campaign.

Do all those companies benefit when Americans are at each other's throats over immigratio instead of coming together to end the wars that virtually everyone wants to end? Yes, they do very much

So could it br that part of the reason the US didn't want to for example legalize drugs was because then the Mexican cartels would lose power and that would decrease the number of Mexican refugees coming to the US? I do believe so. Even if Soros gave some Southern Americans some money, that probably didn't play that much of a role, there's already millions of Southern Americans in the US for very different reasons.

I think you're very right in your broader point on the elites and their strategy on dividing the people. I just think you're focussing on, even if true, a very part of the equation, that makes some people connect you to conspiracy theorists

I've been in this arena long enough to be able to shake off labels like conspiracy theorist, anti semitic, and hate speech. The people who label me as such are usually complicit or ignorant. The goal of these labels is to shut down free speech and free thought. That being said, you may be on the right track with your comments. Thanks bro.sorcar.jpg

Right. I think it's basically a conspiracy without a conspiracy, if you will. Hundreds of billionaires and corporations bribing thousands of politicians across the country (also in state legislatures).

To be honest, I feel kind of uncomfortable when you portray migrants and refugees as "a tool of the elite", and suggest that they're themselves hostile to the US, because those are still real people, including women and children, with a real need of surviving.

If the elites somehow blew up a train station to have us fearmonger over Arab immigrants, then the problem wouldn't be the Arab immigrants but still only the elites and the things they want to distract us from. I think you could make your point better if you made that clearer, for example the meme in this comment would make people think your issue is with the immigrants and that Soros is bad for helping immigrants, not that the problem is billionaires wanting to distract us from for example the wars.