It is amazing how people can lie without really lying ...
only Germany has a net positive net credit position with the world apart from China.
It should be:
only China ($2.2 Trillion) and Germany ($1.2 Trillion) has a net positive net credit position with the world.
what lie?
the way the sentence was structured, it can "lie" or create the wrong impression for those who do not read it carefully. Some could also take it out of context.
China's net credit position is almost double that of Germany's and was included at the end as "apart from China" downplaying the huge difference between them.
Since the actual numbers, $1.2 T Germany and $2.2 T for China are not in the sentence, it is a lie in my book.
you have an interesting book.
Perhaps you should publish.
Here is "the book":
Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics: The Manipulation of Public Opinion in America
by Michael Wheeler (Author)
In "my book" - means that I have read it and learned from people pulling the tricks in them.
In my first chemical engineering job, I had a highly paid consultant who attempted one of those tricks to manipulate and distort test results.
does that book include lawyers?
(a lawyer is someone who is highly lying in general...while telling the truth in specifics ).
or Actors?
If you have not read it, get one.
Chemical engineering research is all about how to understand and correlate data from research and sort out facts from fiction.
Engineers care about a 0.1% accuracy and 1% error could spell disaster.
Phrasing such as the one I quoted is a blatant lie as far as an engineer is concerned. But, for politicians or economist? hmmm ...
Just read the comments from the Federal Reserve and try to understand their cryptic messages.
How'd it work out last time we had an engineer for president?
I know who, but, engineers should not be a politician, IMHO.
Engineers are trained to be factual and precise. Engineers can not lie.
I noticed that you didn't answer the question.
Is that a form of prevarication?
there's a difference between the world 'can' and 'should'.
I am presently engaged in a project which involves two structural (foundation) engineering companies.
one represents the seller.
one represents the buyer.
you reckon they are both saying the same thing?
In reverse, you will not want a politician or economist to be the pilot of your flight.
"Close enough" will kill ya.
too many words
I would not want a politician or economist....period.
for any reason.