Why I Don't Downvote (Flag)

in #downvote8 years ago (edited)

People talk about downvoting poor content.
I disagree with that mindset.
Even when I was on YouTube and people were openly talking about that sort of thing,
I never used it (with some meta-exceptions).

Take this post for instance. Piece of shit work. But, let me ask you this:
Does downvoting tell the person anything?
That's a lot of why I'm even inclined against thumbing things down,
(not that I dislike the feature being around;
I hate that facebook only has a thumbs up)
because it says SO LITTLE about what the issue is.

Words say, and do, SO MUCH MORE, as you can see in my reply to his/her post:
"1. Your grammar/punctuation could use some work.

  1. You're doing a decent job on spacing. Include more white space.
  2. From what I can tell, you're posting more often than once an hour, and your posts are a video with a sentence or two of commentary... or just straight video.
  3. You said it yourself:
    "[CENSORED BECAUSE (it amuses me that he thinks that) I PROFITED OFF OF HIS CONTENT!!!"
    So, from where I'm standing, you're openly admitting that you don't own (not that I believe in IP, but this is ridiculous) the content that you're posting, you're briefly summarizing it with the intent to be dramatic about political events, and then bitching that you're not making money with other peoples' content. Am I missing something here?

Perhaps you should actually write your own shit.
Make your own videos.
And THEN bitch that people aren't looking at it.

If you're on here to make money using other people's stuff...
then use facebook. That's where you can honestly instigate conversation using other people's material.

On here it's just slimy behavior.
Why should you be rewarded for other people's effort, especially when you're spamming it?

But, you know what, maybe I should "tell them, not you."
Oh wait... this might very well be the first post where it's actually YOU whom I'd be talking to.

Your surprise is bizarre, and your mindset of "money for next to no effort" is the very cancer that people are bitching about in regards to steemit use."

As well, because of the lack of knowing and the sheer emotional oomph
of downvoting or upvoting, such actions create a spiral of retaliation.
"You downvoted me?! WELL I DOWNVOTE YOU!"
Even simply saying why you downvoted could stop this.
Why "spread your weight" in economic, penis-fighting style,
when you could instead explain what they're doing wrong...

And, strangely enough, maybe even come to enjoy them on the site?


I agree content wont improve via down voteing but with honest disscusion

The point is that on steemit downvotes reduce the payout which a poster will receive.

You are right in not downvoting when people use bad grammar, or even post terrible content, I don't fo it either. Not voting FOR their content is enough punishment for those people :)

Downvoting is a very powerful negative reaction, which can and should be used as a means of punishment:

In case people plagiarize content, in case people blatantly flout the comunnuty rules or in case people pretend to be other people etc,...

Ok... so I should flag that one guy who I'm talking about, then?

I wouldn't flag the post you linked to,... He's just bitching, I guess you are right that an honest discussion is better there :)

I have flagged very few posts, one example was a guy who kept on posting nude picture without using the nsfw tag

(It's okay to post nude pictures, but the nsfw tag is part of the community guidelines)

Also I would always recommend to comment the fact that you flagged, and to tell the person why...

That's my personal take on this issue, perhaps other people have other opinions on this...

I have never down voted someone's post. If I don't like it I move on. I don't think they should deserve a down vote, that's my opinion though, cheers.

Where did @siren's comment go?
Deleted by author?


and you even linked to my page. that is not fair use writings. wtf yo! you say to me im wrong for posting ohers news articles because they wernt mine and making money off them is wrong but u doing the same to me. fuckeed up yo! you a hypocrit

"and you even linked to my page. that is not fair use writings."
There's no other way to say it: You're an idiot.
So, it would be more fair for me to post about this without including a link to your post?
How does that make any sense? My guess is, you don't like that people see your dickish behavior for what it is, and you see me putting light on it, and so you focus on me because... well, you ain't gonna introspect. Instead, you gotta project.

"wtf yo! you say to me im wrong for posting ohers news articles because they wernt mine and making money off them is wrong but u doing the same to me. "
Right, because I quoted a sentence or two of you in .... about 6 paragraphs of MY content.
I TOTALLY profited off of YOU.


It's really quite unfair that I can also reply to you in the comments and people can upvote me and I can make money from that. I guess you just have to stop commenting so I stop profitting from people liking what I have to say.

Sucks for you.

Go back to facebook and post the same stuff.
Facebook is a scam, though, didn't you know?
You can't even make money with it.

what happened to my original response?

Which one?
I see three comments from you, currently.