Yep, I've talked about this before, a good effort from Democrats to build some consensus around protesting the FCC's gutting of net neutrality, but it's sadly not going to even have a CHANCE at passing...and even if it did, the House and/or Trump would ultimately shoot it down
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It is disgusting to me that politicians care more about holding party lines and pleasing lobbyists than actually doing what the people they are supposed to representing want. Same with the organizations that are supposed to be put in place to protect the consumer... cough FCC cough.
I think this Net Neutrality has been the most obvious proof of that in my life time, and I hope that it will open peoples eyes to what our government has really become (or maybe always has been?).
My question to you... how do we fix this? What ultimately will change this "hold the party line" or "please the lobbyists" feeling of our representatives? There are plenty of examples of Dems doing this as well, it feels like its everyone. Term limits? Make lobbying illegal?
The way we fix this is to stop championing legislation that we have never read.
You know you have not read one word of the bill and are just in on the warm fuzzy name of Net Neutrality with Puppies.
If you read the legislation you would know that it gave the federal government the power to do the exact thing you are afraid of.
The FCC just saved us in the silent majority from you in the ignorant mob that were fooled by a friendly sounding name.
Our government is actively working against us.
Let's give internet regulation power to the FCC. So Trump can lean on providers to shut down "www.DonaldTrumpsucks.com".
Amazing how easy it is to get people to hand over their freedom to the state.
Hahaha.... checkmate son!
Good video
Net Neutrality. A government solution to a government-created problem.
Not even that. The problem never even existed.
People are begging for more laws to protect them from fiction.
No ISP ever 'bundled' any website nor has plans to because they would obviously lose billions overnight if they tried.
Yep. The Dems are posturing on this one for fundraising purposes. Elections are coming up and they need the money! Not that the GOP doesn't do this kind of stuff, too!
Yeah but doesn't that kind of belie the reality that Net Neutrality is a good thing to support, regardless of reasons? We cannot afford to throw Net Neutrality supporters to the curb because they support it "for the wrong reasons." This is already a tenuous fight as it is, and any ally is one we need.
If you want a legal news the technology should be developed...isnt it?.....
This post very nice..dtube is my best channel..thanks for sharing this post..
nice video my friend....
its help for technology....
thanks for sharing
i agree with you and this is a technological news..
thanks your informative info..
carry on..
The big guy always wins! :(
wow .... afraid. trum shoot
@davidpakman will shoot me with 100 percent vote
I've been hoping that it is so unpopular that lawmakers simply just couldn't let it pass. Thanks for the insight @davidpakman
Good video, as somebody who doesn't live in America this has been very informative. I hope other countries won't do the same, its bad enough when the USA drop net neutrality.
Sigh.... You do not know the situation and people are pulling on your heart strings.
There was nothing NEUTRAL about Net Neutrality and that is why the FCC threw it in the trash next to Obamacare or the Affordable Heath Care act that no one could afford.
True, I dont know the situation in the US but net neutrality is important. ISP already have more power than I would like them to have, even with net neutrality.
The ISPs are the ones that want Net Neutrality. If you would read it!!!
They tricked everyone but the FCC.
This is soooo backwards. It is like everything flipped. =o
This is a very important topic, that I don't think aaaaa lot of people, that essentially live on the internet even have a clue about. Thank you so much for posting about the topics you do. Great work gentleman. Here we go, being hindered from getting things done due to the good 'ole pass around. Cheers guys! Keep posting.
Folks without a clue are always the loudest.
Maybe you could explain how giving the US federal government the authority to allocate bandwidth as a penalty to what it also has the power to determine is not 'neutral' is a good thing?
Maybe one of you that know so much about the legislation without reading one word of it can share some of this knowledge you were born with.
Yeah... This is going to cause A LOT of stink if they don't just put it back, lol. LOOK, we'll pretend you never touched if you just put it back where you found it.
I do not think I get your point man.
As in, reinstate the Net Neutrality they allowed the FCC to appeal (or not reinstate themselves, I can't remember which at the moment).
So you never even read the bill, have no clue what is in it and still want to jump on that bandwagon to have the government regulate your internet eh?
Are you really thinking or are you just trying to be accepted by the ignorant mob?
Maybe it would help to know the vast majority does not support government regulation of the free market. Only jobless antifa kids and the diversity hires do. They are loud but they are few in number.
Well no I haven't had a few hours to read thru their excessively long bill. I never jump on bandwagons. Tend to be the last one to. I just asked a question to as which it meant to over turn it. I know they like to name bills obtusely or even opposite what they are for. So, I was under the impression that the FCC had rejected the free access of the internet, and that was Net Neutrality. So, the government overturning said overturn would be a plus. But, if I am misunderstanding any of this, I was asking. Thank you for the information. I'll be sure to ride my bandwagon to another source of information.
The silent majority is letting your begging for more legislation to regulate ISPs fall on deaf ears.
The reason no one of consequence will ever care is because of economics 101 and simple common sense.
All you have to do is boycott your ISP or switch providers to solve your fears of your NetFlicks being bundled.
You will NEVER be able to regulate the free market without ruining everything you tried to fix.
How do you propose one switches their ISP when only one provider is available? Or when the only 2 options you have both are fucked?
For 30% of the population you are correct and they will have to do without the internet for a month or two.
Is that really outside of your realm of possibilities?
Most of the people in that 30% are rural anyhow and would likely not miss it much.
I think the issue here is that you might be addicted to the internet.
Ever wonder why you only have 1 or 2 ISPs in the area? Government sponsored monopolies. The same government that wants to help fix your issue now.
i apricate your post.and news... please carry on your task...
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