I'm not sure about you but when the markets swing up and down like this I do get emotional.
From euphoric when they go up fast to slightly depressed when they pull back.
I have learned not to trade this markets. (I almost always lost money).
There is a saying in Dutch, it roughly translates to 'sit still when you getting a shave.'
And that's what I do. I sit still.
And it's always been the right choice.
With 2018 approaching I'm looking forward to SMT's more than anything.
I got a new thought today.
SMT's in the future will introduce a lot of new people to the Steem Blockchain.
This won't happen through Steemit alone but also through other communities build around the SMT's.
I think that exposure will show more people how good this blockchain is. (once they realize they are on one, lol)
3 seconds block times, 100.000 Transactions per second and no fees! Just to name a few.
I talk about it more in my vlog. (starts from @1:07)
I have recently become a witness with our developer group blockbrothers for the Steem blockchain. If you want to support us I would appreciate your vote here.
▶️ DTube
I suppose the 'fee' equivelent for using Steem is the high inflation rate, though if you use Steemit you can at least earn some of the new tokens which are created. It's interesting that you're now more optimistic about the implementation of the SMTs than you were previously, I'm still on the fence and unsure whether or not they will be good or not for Steem. Why did you change your mind?
The inflation rate is 9.5% and going down over years. I don't think that is too much. I changed my mind because I had more time to think about SMt's and how they can be utilized. And I see a lot use cases.
Wow. When i checked my feeds and saw the title of your post including smart media tokens, i was glad to hear of what you had to say. I really cant wait for it. Its going to change steemit.
Because for me, they are the next step in the true creation of Internet 3.0. We are social creatures. We want to interact with each other in a way that is peaceful and constructive. As writers, photographers, painters and film-makers we want our audience to share in our success.
Now we can do that and so much more. I didn't think I could love Steemit more.:)
Thanks for sharing @exyle
It doesn't always happen but sometimes I get very attached and feel emotional but sometimes there is opportunity on both sides of the coin you just have to look and yes I feel SMTs @exyle will eventually became a huge success you would have to be very stupid to not want to gain something out of your online activity.
I must agree with you that the masses will only appreciate the transaction speed that steem blockchain has to offer after they have tried it, I had my first experience purchasing steem from bittrex and I must say I was thoroughly impressed after coming from the "traditional" bitcoin blockchain speed.
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yes, 2018 and smt... I am curious what will happen..
A very good point my friend hence why you always have my upvotes. I have fastened my sit belt for our moon ride next year (do the same )...wish you a happy weekend and do not forget to see my latest post for a crypto video bounty...happy weekend.
Hopefully we will see each other in exactly a year's time and celebrate some massive gains.It's Romania national day today by the way :) Cheers
@exyle 2018 is the Year of The STEEM. I know everyone will be happy to see where the price goes.
Great expectations from 2018 for SMT not only for you friend, we all looking forward to see its development. Thanks for the great share, congrats for the witness in @blockbrothers. I will be happy to come with you and upvote you. Thanks my friend.
Many congratulations my friend for setting up a second witness server and that's great because this development completely eliminate the worry of missing the block and it's good news for all of us, you guys are doing your work with great dedication and i am sure your hard work surely brings good results, you also talk about the market swings and yes i also sit still when such swings are happening because we never able to catch the right direction in such volatile market and i agree with you buy and hold and sell it at it's peak is a fantastic strategy and man i am also so excited to see the launch of those SMT's and i am sure it will help the steem blockchain growth, wish you a best of luck in running the witness server my friend, Stay awesome
Thanks, man!
same here, some very exciting projects already being worked on, esp can't wait for appics!
vice.org can be big too.
Maybe it is because Im new to the market, but same here. When the market goes bezerk, I get super restless and start to wonder if the game is even for me because of the emotions. Im hoping this is just a temporary phase, but it is also the voice in my head saying: 'karinnnnnn, stuff is happening to your cash, arghhh'
To be honest, I think I am still missing the big picture about SMTs, so I seriously need to dig into this matter. Any info would be welcome by anyone! But sikeyness like yours triggers that I really need to read about it, so I'll go info hunting :)
I would suggest to start here: https://smt.steem.io/
Dankjewel, Im gonna scan and print this in my brain
Oh, I really know that feeling
I had made up my mind long time ago, not to trade the markets. I've lost so much money. And the funniest part is that most people don't know that trading can be addictive. Even when loosing you can't help but to trade.
I feel it's best you just joined the train when it's going up, and then take profits. That's my own view though.
I believe SMT will be the best thing that has happened to steemit, with steemify coming in next 😊. With it, people who are not too deep or involved with steemit can now access the blockchain for their own personal and organizational use - a revolutionary idea.
And as a side talk, you look really fresher today @exyle.it seems you had a nice shave.
It's very addictive indeed. Thanks, I felt fresher too!
had another thought about SMT, communities and tokens, anything that brings people back and creating, communicating, building together has to be good in my book, it's one of the things that is missing from the 'social' of today - collobration, i truly believe that is where it's at for us all to get ahead and enjoy working on something as a group. that's certainly my 2018 anyway.
I like this thought!
I never knew SMTs will be coming out in 2018.i had heard of them, and I knew to some extent what they were about, but did not know the release year, I was thinking they would come far in the future.
Really good work to the developing teams. They are really working hard.
Facebook, Google and other social media will have to decide if they want to make their own tokens or implement SMT, otherwise Steemit will grow too quick, and may likely overtake them. They sure should give it a thought.
Nice post @exyle.
Smart tokens is a topic we are really interested in. It has so much potential, that it has drawn me to do a lot of study on it.
From my studies, what I think SMTs consist of is that SMT will be traded through STEEM, so we won't have a bunch of SMTs and Steem, but just one of them. We will have STEEM, and then a bunch of SMTs on top of STEEM. Market-wise, this will most likely boost demand for STEEM, as a token.
Also, the SMT generation mechanism is way more complex than just a token issuance on the Ethereum platform. When you launch an SMT, you literally launch a thin layer of Steem-application-processes on top of your content, including your own rewards pool, your own inflation model, your own voting and curation algorithms and your own vesting mechanism.
Hope this information helps some people understand more the power SMT wields.
Let's keep steeming.
I wish you all the best of luck.To be sincere I can't really wait for 2018 to come, because steemit prices is font to strike the sky. I will like to appreciate all does that vote for @blockbrothers as withness. Am looking forward to see you @exyle, @ezzy, @blockbrothers, @rea, @clio and bianca having a good time here on steemit.
Hey man i have been following you for a while now and i feel you. While i dont have the same amount of money invested as you have, it's a lot for me. When i see all these coins as bitcoin, litecoin, dash and a few others i cant help but feeling a bit down when i see our beloved steem not moving anywhere and if it does it falls quickly again.
Hopefully 2018 will be a great year for the steem blockchain and people will start to see it's true potential. I am sticking with my 5k SP and will keep adding every spare penny i got.
When I used to trade stocks if I believed the company was strong, I would buy when everyone else was selling. I am new to crypto, so not sure if it would work the same. Although, I now regret not paying attention to Bitcoin several years ago.
It works pretty much the same I guess. I bought STEEM when everyone said it was going to end badly last year.
You sure are not alone on this @exyle.i some days, I have had the market ruin my whole day just because the market went against me, and ive decided to give trading some time, so I can get myself back.
Am also anticipating SMTs by next year. It's surely going to be a big thing, expecially for steem as a whole. STEEM has two advantages - zero fees and super fast transactions. Neither Ethereum nor Bitshares have that. This is why I believe SMTs, together with these advantages of Steem, will really provide a great potential for steem to be a big player in the crypto industry.
I just can't wait for 2018,and am honored to be on steemit to experience history in the making.
The worst kind of feeling i mostly get from the crypto market is basically felt when there is a drastic drop in the prices of some coin sometimes, simultaneously but meagre capital to purchase some crypto.
It's pretty cool checking up news on coin market stat daily to get real set for any opportunity that pops up.
I remembered vividly when SBD rose to $2 I literary freaked out
Excellent one @exyle. It really will be the game changer. All projects revolve around communities anyway, being social in nature. It will really show the the importance of rewarding project contributors to spur growth. Steem is already enabling this universally, and SMTs could very well take this concept to the moon. With the right incentives and workflow in place, SMTs could pave the way for better communities as it is conceivably easier to reward contributors and work on achieving goals. That said, SMTs will also benefit from the general works produced by content creators, curators, and regulators coming from the larger Steem community. Atleast let the people who work day and night to create comtent beneficial to steemit just like the @blockbrothers did be rewarded. This will spur many others to pursue quality and original content also. Thank you and see you at the top
Great post. SMT's are the real deal. Steemit would move to rhe next level definitely.
It all seems to me like a fundamental breakthrough for just about anyone to start creating their own currencies and communities, leveraging on both the blockchain infrastructure and capital liquidity available on Steem. Low-barrier deployment. Everyone can get involved because the basic level of participation is simply social contribution, in which complexity can be built upon. This will become clearer as we subscribe to different SMTs, aligning our interests and maximising our returns. For early adopters, we now have a great reason to use Steem to bootstrap projects on the platform, just like how early adopters of Ethereum are using ethers to fund the ERC-20 token projects.
It will indeed give a new use case to STEEM.
Well said. I believe also that SMTs will bring alot of new people to the steem block chain. This is shown and expressly talked about in the steemit white paper by @ned, which can be found here https://steemit.com/steem/@ned/announcing-smart-media-tokens-smts
The whitepaper is long, like 50 pages so i will give a little summary in few words for those who don't love reading lengthy stuff like me.
In 2018,through SMTs, Services that use "upvotes" or "likes" will be able to have their tokens working same as upvotes here on steemit. So if some big website decides to pay users for comments, votes or whatever automatically, from now on they will be able to do that. Their users wont even know something called STEEM is below the token they earn. This way companies will be kind of white-labeling their tokens using STEEMs blockchain.
This shows you how big steem can become, and simultaneously the steemit site and all other sites related to steem.
It would be surely wisdom to invest in steem, knowing the impending explosion and expansion coming. All the best.
Think of large websites like coindesk, news.bitcoin.com, etc..etc.... being able to monetize articles with a Steem backed SMT.. think of websites like espn,cbsnews,absnews,foxnews, all large websites being able to monetize with their very own Steem backed SMT $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
SMT will be traded through STEEM, so we won't have a bunch of SMTs and STEEM just one of them. We will have STEEM, and then a bunch of SMTs on top of STEEM. Market-wise, this will most likely boost demand for STEEM, as a token.
Also, the SMT generation mechanism is way more complex than just a token issuance on the Ethereum platform. When you launch an SMT, you literally launch a thin layer of Steem-application-processes on top of your content, including your own rewards pool, your own inflation model, your own voting and curation algorithms and your own vesting mechanism.
So i think this is one of the best things to happen to steemit
You lucky you've learnt to sit still from watching others lose their money. I have learn to glue my bum to the chair, and sit still by the loses I experienced. I lost so much money and decided I had to leave the trading to the chart cowboys riders (learnt that from you)
I believe SMTs will succeed so well because the steem block chain is not new to tokens. Let's not forget that Steemit already has the "Pocket" tokens that were created by the great @Biophil. They seem to be working great! and are doing fine. @pocketbook has found all kinds of fun uses for this token. So I say the future for Steemit tokens is bright!
Let's just wait too see how things unfold in 2018
Yah, even me too, i keep wondering why steem price can't stay up for long time, it keeps want to seem to fall.
I was just imagining content creators and influencers rewarding their audience with all kinds of giveaways and creating private groups and channels to grow a community and a culture about the topics they are passionate about?
Now, Imagine that very exact situation only this time, imagine if their have a Smart Media Token that allows them to not only monetize their content but to reward the most engaged members of their community via inflation or otherwise.
Let’s say they’re into Gaming, they can create Game Coin - or whatever they wish to call it - and not only use that to reward the most valuable members of their community, but also to gamify the user experience and to grow their community even bigger.Yeah i agree with you @exyle.
And with it, the value of their SMTs would inevitable grow even as well, which will benefit all parties involved. So i when i say i agree with you, i have a whole idea what you are talking about.
Steem on!!!
There has never been many tools for monetizing your passion as we have on this very day.
So if you’re a Youtuber, Blogger, writer with your own fan base or community, you might wanna check the Smart Media Tokens.
And most important of all, I suspect many steemians will create their own SMTs in order to grow whatever field their passionate about which will only contribute to the growth of STEEM.
It’s needless to say that we are before something truly revolutionary, something that can be the next step in social media evolution and at the same time something that can fast-track blockchain adoption, and I say this with great intent.
That's trading for you. The ups and down movements can be really emotionally draining.
On the issue of SMTs, am fully anticipating it. I see it as one of the biggest things of 2018.
What I love somuch about it is that you will be able to launch your very own Steem-like token (e.g. Gabrielexyle Coin) that would automatically be distributed to only your followers, and in direct proportion to the amount of value those followers add to your community! You would also be able to allocate a bunch of tokens to yourself at launch, or receive a percentage of the token inflation in perpetuity. And of course, they would be transferable in 3 seconds without a fee, instantly making Cryptobobby Coins faster and cheaper than bitcoin, bitcoin cash, ethereum, ethereum classic, waves ... basically every other cryptocurrency in existence.
This is just phenomenal. Am totally anticipating it.
Yeah we are waiting for 2018.
For the content creator:
Not only the SMTs will give them the ability to reward the most valuable people in their audience and create more engagement, but it will help them create a culture and community around their passion or product which will only increase the value of their coin.
For the regular user and content consumer:
There many people out there who do not precisely want to create content but they’re still passionate about their interests and you often find them very active in all sorts of forums or comment sections.
So this is a win win for me. I will definitely take advantage of this.
Both parties are rewarded. Great post i must say
I heard so much about the SMTs, and I love the concept around it,and I'll like to know more so I'll be informed.
Please a quick question. Do these tokens have any relationship to steem apart from being by the same maker and the having the same goals?
Like if these turn into must buys will that directly have an effect on the steem economy?
And will website-x's tokens be on a different blockchain then website-y
Really smart question. Yes they do have a direct relationship to Steem. Their use requires Steem bandwidth. In order to use bandwidth you either have to earn or acquire stake (Steem Power). So, in short, SMTs will create more demand for Steem by creating more demand for bandwidth. Now you will still be able to launch a coin for $1 and do all kinds of stuff with it because creating coins doesn't actually consume much bandwidth (it's not a lot of information). That's good for developers. But if the app really takes off then you have to either earn enough additional Steem Power through upvotes (i.e. demonstrating that you are adding value to the Steem blockchain) to support the amount of bandwidth you are consuming or you have to purchase that Steem Power. Both increase demand for bandwidth and therefore Steem Power.
For the crypto-currency sector as a whole thid will be a boost definitely.
Nothing will accelerate mass-adoption and public consumption than having social media influencers rewarding and increasing their audience by using currencies on the steem Blockchain.
I stand corrected, there is only one thing that beats that.
Nothing will dissipate the initial fear and dogma around cryptocurrencies than having every single person using their own crypto-currencies and use them in their daily life, either by creating them or by receiving them from the social media community that they belong to.
Even for steem, today, steemit ranks in the top 2000 websites worldwide. Imagine what happens when all sorts of social media platforms and all kinds of social media influencers start creating SMTs on the STEEM blockchain...
So lets see what 2018 has for us
interesting to know!
yes frnd i also feel that feeling when trading n lost money.
with us the most profitable days :)
Today's post was very beautiful and much to understand. I understand a lot
thanks bro nice post
Its so exciting to be on the ground floor. I think most people don't realize how lucky we are to be a part of this as a community. Things of this magnitude are usually only available to the elite. If the power of the community could be harnessed the growth could be exponentuial
I'd read 10 posts today and soo much excitement. But no one explains in simple words how is this connected with steemit and price of steem. It looks like is obvious to everybody that the price will rise. Except me. I'm sure there are many people who don't want to embarrass themselves with this question. Or am I the only stupid one here?
STEEM is a currency on the steem blockchain, SBD is a currency on the steem blockchain, GOLOS is a currency on the steem blockchain.
DTube is a platform on the steem blockchain, Busy.org is a platform on the steem blockchain.
What is not is a platform on steemit.
It's like Microsoft has so many programmed built on it. It's like apps being built on the operative system.
That's the closest metaphor I can give and I hope this helps :)
i think all getting emoutionals from swings, good thing if its end only in feeling and you dont take action like sell all crypto, or sell house or gamble some in casino , or beat someone because bitcoin is down :D
I also have a faith on SMT! So, until SMT launch I will not move my STEEM stock out! Moreover, I will add you (blockbrothers) as one of my witness too!@exyle,
nicc...post love thiss
Hello friend is a post with a lot of glad and possitivity
a lot of time has gone there is no updates on smt's would be great to hear a lot about that in the time coming by and seeing it getting implemented
Loved it . Lesson learned
Lets do it
I do hope 2018 brings a great news for the development of the Steem Blockchain !
I do hope the community of Steemit increases and we get to go further along the way !
wow the speed of the steem block chain will set it apart from other and will give a special boost :)
2018 is just round the corner can't wait to see what new changes are going to happen around the steem block chain particularly