Are you addicted to Steemit and don't get off your chair? This post is for the sitting winners!
Most of the people that are winning the Steam game are addicted to it? Can you blame us for that? Being addicted to the money certainly ain't bad, I would say that such a type of devotion is required to make good cash anywhere.
But never was it easier to become financially independent than with Steem. Almost 4 months ago I joined this platform with 0 investments and I now make 2000 USD per week just by posting two times per day (I already put 40SBD in my wallet today, that is why it is at 1700 USD).
And you can all do the same. But the price for that is heavy. You craft awesome posts and videos and answer all the comments for that and even participate in a couple of communities.
For many hours we just sit on our ass watching money fly into our virtual and real wallets. Our backs crack (or we wish they would start to crack).
I will tell you two ways to do muscle growing exercise that you can easily shove in when you stand up. But before that, we need to trick the mind with a little motivation.
The Benefits of Working Out
"Blablabla, yes I know those benefits." Bitch I am not talking about those, go back and make me a sandwich!
Now that she is losing some weight by being active in the kitchen it is time for some real talk. We are lazy asses by sitting all the time. She is working her booty in the kitchen and we just sit here like lazy hobos.
We gotta train the guns to impress the women. We gotta sweat some to stink like warmongering gorillas. We gotta get off our ass to train our ass so that our girls don't have to look at a flabby piece of old ass.
They cook for us, we get stronger for them (and ourselves). I got lost here having too much fun. So what are the unusual benefits? EMOTIONS MOTHERFUCKER!
When your heart is pumping and the testosterone flows through your Steemstream, I mean bloodstream you feel more energized, strong and bold. That reflects in your writing mate!
Do you record videos and sound like a bitch? Do you record videos and sound like you would fall asleep? Then you need to lift those fucking weights or yourself!
So these are the unusual benefits mate -> Better articles & videos! Didn't expect that huh? Let's talk about those 2 great quick exercise tips...
The Lazy Mans Exercise
Okay mate, look, after every post you are going to do 50 pushups, 50 squats and 50 crunches. Hopefully, you post once per day.
If you don't get 50 pushups, squats or crunches done in a row don't worry, Rome wasn't built... you know what I mean. Do as many pushups as you can and then pause. After your pause, you continue to do the rest till you reach 50 reps. Then you continue with squats and crunches.
The second lazy mans exercise you will do when you stand up to go to the bathroom or to catch some food or a drink or whatever.
You are now away from the computer. Drop to the floor and do 50 pushups. Aka the exercise I wrote above. You just moved away from the computer and you are in place to do some lifting.
That is fucking easy mate. But you won't see any benefits if you just skip that shit. You have to do this every damn day to see results.
There is no 1 week to six pack abs shit magic recipe. Without doing this every day you will see no results. So just fucking do this when you stand up after sitting for 3 hours in front of your PC!
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Ist dein Lieblingswort zufällig fucking? Hahaha
Wollte gerade fragen ob du deutsch bist, hab dann deinen Blog gecheckt und die Frage hat sich erübrigt.
Du hast deine eigene Art, Leute zu motivieren.
Nicht lange fackeln, sondern machen!
Find ich gut ;-)
Ja ist es.
Und genau das ist mein Ziel mit den meisten meiner Posts, Menschen zu motivieren/inspirieren sich selber zu verbessern.
Saubere Vision!
Ich folge dir dann mal und bin gespannt auf deine weiteren Posts.
Schau doch mal bei mir vorbei wenn du Bock hast.
Haue auch gerne mal Fitness/health posts raus.
Hau rein!
Ich schau mir deinen Blog mal an. Hoffentlich polarisierst du, ich finde politisch korrekte posts langweilig und fake.
Hast zu viel von dem Scheiß hier in Deutschland, da brauch ich den Kram nicht noch im Internet.
When I read your post it sounds a little bit like Victor Pride (maybe you know him). I really like posts that are written in that way so there is no other option than follwing you. Keep up the good work!
That is a huge compliment. I learned many things from Bold&Determined and VP inspired me to quit my 9-5. Vielen Dank.
Bleibst du bei englischem Content oder ist auch eine deutsche Version deiner Texte geplant?
Ich bleibe bei Englisch. Ich spreche sowieso mehr Englisch als Deutsch pro Tag.
Hab kurz deinen Blog überflogen, hast eine starke Körperform auf deinen Bildern.
Wenn du Discord hast dann besuch mal meine Crew (da kann man sich besser unterhalten):
man you are absolutely right, as always.
one must never forget to keep himself in shape, otherwise a man will turn into a woman. Training helps increase confidence and testosterone, and this influences our successes in bed with a woman. To put it simply, for a man, this is the basis of everything.
As for your earnings, then $ 2000 per week is a great option. For example, in my country, to receive such money in ordinary work, you need 150 years of experience, 20 higher educations :) well, it's simply not realistic to say ... and the boghar keeps on, it's possible, although I am very far from you, but it motivates me
I know what I need to do to get of my arse (ass I mean lol) and get fit - the housework (and the odd HIT youtube workout too, if they don't kill me).
this is very true for women too!! Thank you for the reminder. :D but I P a lot.......LOLL so thinking in 2 weeks I will be down to nothing :D
That last was a joke.....
Good Night my friend. Very great reminder to all!
Indeed it is.
Those three (pushups, squats, crunches) have pretty good coverage of the body? As I read this I hopped off get this started. What do you think about holding planks?
They are good to lose weight.
We only have one body in this life, and it is really depressing to see how the majority of people, especially in the USA, treat it like if it was something you could just get from a 7/11 store.
Treat your body well and you'll be fine, stain the temple that it is and you'll get bitten back.
Awesome Post!
The Body is important to maintain.
We can become sluggish and regret not being able to do so much more.
We can it's just the little things. Making sure to drink lemon water. Or eating the pear because you'll keep yourself alert with fewer blood spikes.
It's important to make your life optimal for what you can do. And push your personal limits.
Agree 100%
I try to work out at least 3 times a week. I try to workout to the point the my body feels like it's about to give out. This way I know I'm getting some work in.
"train our ass so that our girls don't have to look at a flabby piece of old ass." Hilarious dude.
Sounds good man. Too many people in the gym don't even sweat. I am doing supersets since 4 months now to sweat but I am getting used to that as well.
However, increasing the speed again would be a bad idea, I need to focus on the progression, the intensity is good.
Always implementing some jokes mate.
I love doing high intensity. That's basically all I do now. That combined with explosive movements and basketball
What the hell. Sometimes I am really happy to work out in private gym.
High intensity is the best training style to lose weight, the fat guy in he background should do it!
I have heard that it is also good for speed and endurance.
I am going to be lean with muscle but deceptively strong and explosive.
I normally like to keep my weight in the 210-215 pounds range
Sounds like the right combination for a BB player!
I want to run around like bane.
High muscle mass with around 11% bodyfat! Guy ain't even flexing!
At one point when I played american football I wanted to get my body fat down super low like Terrell Owens. Well maybe not as low as his. When he played pro his body fat was around 3%

Don't be this guy

Love this post! I just recently joined, and I'm starting a fitness plan for myself. I can adapt some of this to fit my body and goals. Love these kinds of posts :)
Don't upvote yourself.
Good luck with your goals and glad that it helped you.
We all need to exercise.
Really great steemit . So beautiful post. thanks for sharing
Very informative quote.
Wow. That's discipline right there. Thanks for sharing this and I enjoyed reading it. ^^
this is a very nice creation
your thinking is so high
thanks for this
t is about spending your time productively..
It is about making you think from a different perspective..