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RE: Downvote Rampage

in #ecotrain5 years ago (edited)

Not okay to downvote based on a difference of opinion and it always should be explained. Alot of it is revenge, pettiness and attention seeking. Trolls will be trolls - seems we cant help them here anymore than Facebook. It is pretty awful when you get downvoted and harrassed for just commenting on someone you dont like. And then there is all the alt accounts purposely set up for downvoting. Get a life! The downvoting system HAS got rid of bidbots though, and you do get a certain amount free before it starts affecting you. Hence the ones on rampage having -10 reps and being pretty insignificant fleas.

Content downvoting is good so long as its downvoting plagiarism, token farming on shit posts and other crap that as a whole we dont want on steem. Downvoting for difference of opinion is pathetic. I get a couple a post these days, just vindictiveness, jealousy or a buzz for being an asshole, who knows, they never say.. and I take your approach... ignore the little mites.

I would give you a beer but i think i need to stake them? Let me try



If you're going to downvote what you call 'token farming', consistent rational thought would also demand you downvote people belonging to multiple steem communities to gain their autovote. It's a fine line. So tagging for your token is ok but tagging for others isnt? I dont buy that. A newbie steem player tagging for multiple tokens is as entitled as you are to tag #ecotrain as well as #naturalmedicine to increase post rewards. That kind of downvoting unhelpful & unfair.

Define shit post? Is that a which doesnt even bother to tag a location or how to get there? An actifit post? Or just something you dont like? Again, stating for the record that downvoting for what YOU think is a 'shit post' is not ok in my book. Ever. Suggest just ignoring & not upvoting is more than enough.

Positive curation reinforces what a community wants. Sidestep & ignore the rest.

Downvoting for plagiarism? Sure. If you publish the search result too. 😊 Bullying? Absolutely? And blackmail.

I think you need to have 6 beers in your fridge before you can shout. Lol... 🍺

Oh really ? 6? Someone buy me a beer!!! Lol. Define shit post? One line and a blurry picture of tomatoes and tagging it with every tag you can think of? Lol. It IS a fine line. Personally? I hate it and never downvote. I think you misunderstood what I mean by token farming... i dont mind multiple tags and tokens and in fact they are often neccessary and very fitting. But you can tell scammers trying it on...

Posted using Partiko Android

So what is "token farming" by your def? "Trying it on"? All far too subjective for downvotes.

Totally unrelated content and tags. When you look at their history its clear they are playing game. Shit man.. theres one dapp allows a zilliin tags, not sure which one, but that gets ridiculous...😂😂😂😂 all on game to collect as many tokens as possible. There are all sorts of tricks people play to game system. Kudos to them trying, but it is one of the many underhand actions frowned upon. Sure, might be subjective.... but is possible to look at objectivèly on balance with past behaviour. But then we all get judgey on posts, don't we, lol. As we have talked about before, there is stuff that benefits the platform and stuff that doesn't. I will leave it to others to flag though, it makes me squeamish 🤣 I like to do more research on whether its habitual scam behaviour or accidental, and if accidental Id rather chat in private message if it came to that for sure!

Posted using Partiko Android