So..I spent more time on Facebook today than the last 5 years Combined!! Why??

in #facebook8 years ago (edited)

I joined in with @giftedgaia's discussion about Steemit on there along with @winstonwolfe, @jessamynorchard and other well knows Steemians. We're finally getting that little headway into piquing their interest! Just in the last week I've had a bunch of friends join after this post

The text in there says:

As most of you have probably already noticed, I've never been terribly active here on Facebook...or really any social media.
However, for the last year I've been absolutely cracking out on a relatively new site called steemit that pays you for your posts. (steemit . com without the spaces.) Without getting too in depth, there's new money printed each day that's distributed to it's users. This last week I've made almost $2,000, and nearing about $15,000 since I've started there.
One of my bigger paying posts was my introduction post talking about my transgender journey. I wasn't ever motivated to put much about myself out there on other sites, but mixing the extremely supporting community on top of the chance of making money..I just wanted to. This one post made me $350!
I highly recommend checking this place out for yourself, it's completely free, is censorship resistant and has zero advertising. If you do, feel free to shoot me a account there is @sykochica.

Since then I've gotten to see @ajnapanda, @felicitysitze, and @cotcond1 just to name a few! The latter has actually started posting and has been rather amazed making about $50 already...for what he would have posted on Facebook!! So today after having the great conversations with some prospective Steemians..I had to put out a renewed call for the poor Facebookers to join us!

This one reads:

Facebook friends...I Want to Give you Money!! No, not in a scam sense...every time I case my vote on Steemit, I get to give about a quarter. Other people get to give even more than that.
It's honestly been really strange when I'm back here on facebook and liking something doesn't add money towards the author for doing it!
With out getting too in depth...why spend so much time over here, when you could be posting a lot of the same stuff...BUT FOR MONEY!!
Are you tired of working for free while someone else profits off you? Come to Steemit! Swing by, leave a comment saying "Hi, I'm new" on my post and I'll give you about 25 cents with my vote!
Now that's by no means the limits of what is possible over there. Many of you on here know me personally and that I've never been a bit content creator, writer, artist, etc. Heck, I rarely if ever talk on social media.
But over the last year, I've been creating something, at least once a day that I enjoy and I get paid for it. Just to put this into perspective...
See my blog right there? I've been making $100-$200 a DAY posting things. Now, I will say I've worked my way up and put in a lot of you're not going to jump in and make a ton. However, start earning 5 bucks here, or 15 bucks's literally paying you for what you'd do anyway.
Just ask Ryan Keating, or Jessamyn Orchard, Jason Deal, or Winston Wolfe just to name a few!
Feel free to ask any questions, I'm happy to help, as well as try to give you come support should you sign up.
Remember..that's Steemit with two E's. Some signups have been a little slow, so don't get frustrated if it doesn't happen right away. Be an early adopter in this place!

One of my favorite conversations was with someone who felt she didn't have anything to offer as posts here, since she mainly just talked about and had pictures of her kid. So I showed her @happyharmonymay's blog!'s absolutely the time to be reaching out to your friends, family, social media acquaintances , etc. to urge them to sign up.

It's nearing the last chance of being an EARLY ADOPTER!!

If they have questions or need a little support starting out...people are here to help!!

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Hey You Guys
All from FakeBook!


I only been on steem for about 10 days... I have yet to tell my 22k+ facebook followers yet... You are motivating me do so... I will soon, i just need a little bit more content on steem :)

I can understand that...have that nice little body of work to show them. We'll see how long you last before just saying...screw it...I want them all here with me NOW!! Lol

If there is anything I can do to help out, answer questions, etc just let me know! Feel free to make use of any of my guides, faqs, or other materials should it be helpful for you.

HAHA @Sykochica thanks for your help and will hit ya up... I can't let my big fans know yet that im just a minnow haha :-)

I'll know the right time. :)
The offer to help stands.

another person on steem was talking about how they showed their blog, and also the main feed, 'new, trending' feeds; to give people on his other platforms an idea of how much is being generated by others 'in addition' to you. Really helps paint a vivid picture :)

That's a lovely Facebook post, @sykochica. Have invited few of my friends to the platform and they are eager to learn more.

Glad to see you helping!

As usual. :)

Thank you! helping! :P


Great job reaching out to FB acquaintances to familiarize them with steemit. I'd do the same but haven't had a FB account in 8+ years :) I think it's a hard sell sometimes when people hear they can make money, then come over here to the site and see, in my opinion, some ridiculous posts making bank. It's an instant red flag, then they join up and try the same tactics (which lowers quality of content sitewide), and don't make anything. Instant turnoff. I read about it a lot, people who've left steemit and are now back again, they likely left because nothing was 'working' despite seeing many instances of content that told them what they were doing should work

It's hard not to mention the least in the main pitch. But you are right in setting good expectations. It's part of why I tend to expect doing some 'handholding' when they first come in...dealing with stuff like that.

I will say the the age of those posts does change things pretty drastically. Between the price now high again, there is a TON more potential for people to at least be making a buck or two...many getting that bigger payout post once in a while.

Various changes like the voting rules in the code, human voting rules (like what got many of the whales from voting with as much of their power which gave everyone else a much larger effect, curation guilds, delegated steem power, and of course the upcoming hard fork that will give small SP holders even more influence.

Little things reinvigorate steemit users at the beginning, like unlocking the slider bar and being able to give away a penny for the first time, which I've seen start happening for minnows at only 250-300 combined (help + delegated) Steem Power.

While I'm not denying there are things to still work on as well as people who 'fall through the cracks.' But there are support networks available on here too..that can be found.

But if you have friends that are are 'struggling' and you don't feel like you are able to help...feel free to send them to me. I'm here to help, like many other veteran users. :)

And therein lies a big part of the issue. The only way to bring people over is to mention the money opportunity. But when all the underlying voting, SP, curation mechanics, etc are what truly affect the rewards, that's where your run of the mill social network people get lost and will turn around and head home.

This whole experience suffers from complexity. Power through simplicity is key.

Those are only pieces if they want to get involved. Simply posting, voting and commenting is enough to earn some...even if not huge. But why shouldn't bigger payouts to those who put forth the effort to have good stuff, or those who know how to maximize payouts.

Most people have no clue how a car, a tv, or a computer actually work on the inside...but they don't care since they just want to use it (which is fine.) I see this along the same way. However many people do slowly ramp up their knowledge because care enough to have questions.

You're pitching it just the right way. When we tell others about Steem we need to consider their point of view and face all scam charges head on.

Trying to give a too "professional" impression would be bad marketing strategy, because most marketers are horrible at their job!

that part about how 'most marketers are horrible at their job!'

nothing but the truth right there. Too many are taking shortcuts. That hurts them, and makes the profession look bad. smh .... I've been hampering about that one for several years now; like an angry preacher on a corner.


very inspiring! my first day and am already hooked! any advice to get me on the right track?

Thank you! And it's all quite true. :)

The short answer is to click HERE for my last guide/faq post. Even if that's not your questions, there's a bit list at the bottom of all my previous ones. Great easy to digest answers (at least in my opinion, lol.)

Biggest things I say in a long answer:

  1. Spend time getting integrated with the community. Read other peoples work, leave engaging comments, make friends and build relationships. There is a social network component that isn't always seen on the surface.

  2. Sign up for . You'll use it to talk with others AND promote your posts links. I have a guide/faq showing how it works.

  3. Most posts are seen in list form, among tons of other posts. So it's important to grab peoples attention to click on yours and read. To help with this:

  • use images that enhance what your post is talking about (not trying to be mean, but I'm not sure how the image in your first post related)
  • Have rather short, active grabby titles. Think of what you would click on.
  • Use headings and images to break up walls of text in a post (I try to have something every few paragraphs.) Bolding and italics can help to add emphasis. All of these parts also help to make posts scannable...since so many people read the first paragraph, then just skims.
  1. Always feel free to ask questions...I'm here to help. I didn't want to give you more than this right now since it'd probably 'overload' you (or anybody.)

P.S. You're writing seemed quite strong. All the above are purely marketing. :)

Great post on facebook.
I still class myself as a newbie, but I share my Steemit post on facebook telling my friends to check it out.
I know they will finally get the message, that the majority of the stuff I am posting is steemit stuff.
It was actually one of my friends posting on facebook who convinced me to join.

Hell yea!! Definitely keep that up! You are proof that it works!
I'm glad you joined us on here. :)

Great job! I think it is good that everyone is posting on their other social media about Steemit. As for me, I'm pretty much done telling people about Steemit or digital currency related stuff in general. Getting on Steemit can be a total no brainer for these people but they still don't do it. I'm sick of trying to figure out why.
I have a friend with 19,000 YouTube subscribers and he is making about $200 / month lately because of the AdPocolypse. I have been telling him over and over again that I think he will do way better if he posts some of his content over here. He doesn't do it. So oh well. We are in the VIP.

Yea, in the end it's up to each person to decide to join or not. It's a pretty 'no duh' argument in my mind..but I've already 'drank the kool-aid.' Lol

I really see a lot of it as breaking through the 'extra work' and/or 'too good to be true' stigmas.

Yeah Too Good To Be true or I think partially in some of the people's minds I think they have a fear of failure or that they won't do as good as me so they just don't attempt it. I'm also sick of people looking at me like I'm pitching a MLM Pyramid Scheme when I talk about it. That is why I stopped talking to people about Bitcoin and other Crypto Currency related stuff as well.

I think it is awesome you are promoting it once again but personally I'm just going to focus my energy on here. I already feel like I have expended too much energy trying to explain it to outsiders who never ended up signing up.

Oh, I absolutely understand.

Up until recently, most my friends have been of that same mindset...they smile and nod, then nothing.

For some reason, many of my friends have suddenly decided to start asking actual questions and/or signing up. Which has been an exciting breath of fresh air for me.

But yea..I tend to not mention the crypto until they ask.

click here!This post received a 27% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @sykochica! For more information,

Most of the people that I'm connected to on faceplant don't actually write much content anymore, they just post about the news stories. A lot of them seem to be constantly pissed off about everything. I spend most of my computer time on steemit now, I don't get inundated with that kind of content here.
There are a few people that I'd like to talk to about coming over to steemit, they might do well here, they have interesting stuff to potentially share here.

Yea...that's so true. Like you said..they just pass stuff versus actually create or give responses. I'm with you..I way prefer it over here. It's way more stimulating and way less angry (most the time, lol.)

I hope you're able to bring those you have in mind over here. Let me know if there's anything I could do to be helpful with that. :)

Thanks, I'll let you know if someone has questions that I can't answer. :-)
I haven't personally seen anything on faceplant about steemit, but I know it's out there. Having a facebook page to show them for information could be helpful, if there's one there.

There are a bunch of steemit groups on facebook...don't think there are pages though. Steemit 101 on there is one I had tried to help in before betting too busy.

From what I've heard they often force steemit links to the bottom of feeds so no one sees them. Lol

Yeah, that wouldn't surprise me very much.

Great post! I am very much a noob here on Steemit, but i'm really liking it so far! I havent been here long enough to get payouts, and am not completely sure how they work, but my last post (video of an original song) has done waaayyy better than I ever thought it would. Im excited to see where steemit goes.

First off...welcome to Steemit! I'm glad you did come over to join us.
Great open mic night entry by the's definitely deserving of that fantastic payout!! :D're not far from my previous 'home base'. I lived in Springfield, MO till recently. You'd be surprised how many Steemians there are down there!

I hope you're able to make the podcast today too! :D

Feel free to ask me questions anytime as they come to mind..I love helping people out here. Just the basics on payouts...after 7 days a posts payout closes and the earnings automatically will deposit into your wallet. About 25% will be paid to curators (people who voted up your post) with the remainder being yours...half in an immediately spendable form (steem dollars) and half as a locked in form as Steem Power (which you can unlock over time.)

Thank you for the info! I'm learning, and having a great time doing it!

I am getting some real life friends on board soon. 2 today and then I will work on more this week.. I am stuck between wanting anonymity and wanting to help steemit and my friends all out.. But I decided anonymity doesn't matter all that much. Better to get all my friends on earlier than later. I will try something like you did later this week once i can bring my self to get on facebook ahah. thanks for all you do!

That's awesome! Two already with more to come! :D

I can understand walking the line of anonymity, but's just so much more fun when your real life friends are on here too. It seems to bring things to a whole new level. You also could always get another account made if you wanted to say some things without being known. :)

Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help your friends while starting up or answering questions you don't have the words for (yet.) This is absolutely a 'more the merrier' situation. Lol

Thank you! I love this place and enjoying doing what I can to help Steemians out. :) Keep up the great work! :D

You are of course right! And yes I will send them to your new user help posts since they are soooo good. and ya maybe I will make a second stealth profile to posts thing anonymously.. and I will try to keep up the good work and you as well!!

Amazing resource. Thank you for sharing this with us. Steem on!

Thank you! :D

I have been spending a lots of time before on facebook, and since I have joined Steemit I have not been login to facebook yet))

It's so strange not giving $ when hitting the like button over there! Lol

But's sooo hard to go back. I was the same way..pretty much quit over there last year when I signed up on here.

I think many people will be glad to come here, they just don't know about steemit yet.

Exactly! It's a pretty easy argument at it's root. Usually the big hurdle is getting over the 'too good to be true' mentality.

Hi Syko, just following the thread. Yes that's kinda my challenge. Too good to be true troubles me a little bit. But, I'm taking a leap of faith.I'm usually on medium but....I like it here. (The money helps). I have another question if you don't mind. So I understand curation and I've been taking part in competitions etc. I've made a couple posts as well. I read somewhere there is a limit to the number of posts per day that I can make. Is that true?
Thanks as usual. I'm betting on steemit for the future.

I read somewhere there is a limit to the number of posts per day that I can make. Is that true?

This short answer is no, not anymore.

The long answer is, this used to be the case, that we could only post 4 times in 24 hours without getting a 'posting too much penalty'.' However in a recent hard fork (17/18 I think) this limit was removed. But not you can post as much as you want without any issues. :)

Thanks Chica. You really are a fountain of knowledge. I'm glad I met you on Steemit. You ROCK.!.

Looks like you have got Steemit down! I just started using it, but like it enough that earlier today I posted about it to my FB friends. I'll send you and FB freind request :) steem on!

Hehe, I like to think I've figured this place out pretty well. I also feel like I've gotten lucky being able to fall into a niche of helping other Steemians out on here.

I just saw the FB friend request and got it accepted. :)

Keep pokin your friends about this place! It really takes that 'trusted' person talking about it to get over the 'too good to be true' stigma...but as you've been's just a great place! The money is just a nice bonus. Lol

Feel free to ask me any questions you or your friends may have about this place!! Happy to help out :)

If interested in joining us live. :)Also, we'll be recording the @steemittalk podcast this afternoon at 3pm CST (8pm GMT) on out discord here:

Thanks, I've got an early gig today so I won't be able to tune in, but I'll keep an eye on it. Appreciate offer of help, and you are 100% right, it takes a trusted friend or a good amount of personal research to get over the "to good to be true" stigma.

Definitely no worries...the recording will be posted midweek on @steemittalk podcast account on here.

Hope your show goes well!

Nice work!

Thank you! :D

FakeBook is the perfect name for it too

Hehe, thank you!
It's so much better over here...generally 10 times more real! :P