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RE: A hawk in the gardens

in #featherfriday5 years ago

I fully agree with you, but until now I haven't found the time to prepare a few posts, and I always could manage to post in the evening ;)

But now the days are so much longer, and coming home to post is sometimes hard, when it's beautiful outside.
Yesterday it was so nice at the reservoir after the rain, but I had to drive home, not only for my posting, but also for my kids, because my wife was not at home over the weekend :)


Of course family and work have to come first, I can understand you get out for such good trips for photos I int know where you find the time to do the posts you do as it is, so keep shooting and sharing

Work comes first? Seriously? LOL
Most of the times I go shooting on weekends early in the mornings. My family usually sleeps very, very long - the kids sleep sometimes till noon, when I usually come home :)

Well Thts what the say it used to for me but not so much these days LOL
I have no excuse not to catch sunrises, MY wife normally sleeps in till 8Am so this weekend i really need to get my act together and catch a sunrise

I'm looking forward to nice sunrise photos by you, maybe at the beach, or at the ponds, where you usually walk? You decide, of course, surprise us :)

I will do my best to not only surprise you but surprise myself as well this last few week I have struggled to get going on the weekends I need to break myself out of that

For me it is easy to get up, when I don't need to go to work, what means, from Monday to Friday I don't like to get up ;)
On holidays and on weekends, I can get up at any time :)

I used to wake easy and get moving same time everyday of the week nit sure why now I am struggling on weekends fir the getting moving part lol