The key is muscle growth and overall good health. The focus should not be on weight loss. You'll want to burn the metabolism candle from both ends. The diet end AND the exercise end. Accomplishing this is NOT easy. It is very simple, but NOT easy. All it takes is ditching old habits and adopting new ones.
- High Protein
- Low carb
- Cardio at least 3 times a week
- Resistance training
- Plenty of water
- Plenty of rest
- Take your vitamins
Look at EVERY single thing you're gonna put in your mouth like this: How will this benefit me in the long term? Will this make me strong? How will this affect my metabolism? Will this thing I'm about to stuff into my pie hole get me closer to my goals? Remember this, NOTHING tastes as good as fit feels.
Thanks for the insight. Great results!
A couple things I would also highly recommend for structural awareness and biological vitality are Tai Chi (Tai Chi for health with Terry Dunn is the vest video training I've found) and the Wim Hof method of breathing and cold exposure.