4 Key Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet - The Keto Cut Day 3

in #fitness7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to day 3 of The Keto Cut - a series that will follow my daily routines as I cut for the summer on a ketogenic diet. These posts may not be for all of you as they are intensely focused on fitness and nutrition. Health is one of the most important parts of my life and I take it very seriously and I figured I would share my experiences and daily "logs" with all of you who may also be interested in this topic.

4 Key Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet:

Hey Everyone! A lot of questions have been pouring in about the benefits of a ketogenic diet and why exactly I decide to eat this way. There's a lot of reasons for eating no-carb and they can vary from person to person. The 4 benefits I'm going to talk about here are benefits that I've directly felt for myself and I've seen that many other people also find the same benefits online.

  1. Weight Loss
  2. Mental Clarity
  3. Appetite Suppression
  4. Skincare

(1) Weight Loss - This is an obvious benefit of eating no-carb. By eating ketogenic, many people can see rapid weight loss for a variety of reasons. Carbs are an easy way to indulge in a ton of calories in a relatively short period of time. Just think of how many calories you can eat worth of candy and you can see how the ketogenic diet can help you cut back on many unnecessary eating habits that cause you to gain weight. I've also found that I have better workouts when I'm deep in ketosis - the best explanation I've found for this is that my body is able to utilize the fat stores on my body more efficiently.

Being in ketosis means that your body breaks down both dietary fat and stored fat on your body and utilizes it for energy. It turns out that your fat stores hold significantly more energy on your body than your glycogen stores in your muscles. This means that a no-carb athlete who's well-adapted to ketosis can have a far larger "energy bank" than a "carbed-up" athlete.

Just imagine your energy stores as being like a battery - your fat stores may have a battery capacity of "200" while your glycogen stores may only have a capacity of "20".

(2) Mental Clarity - Ketones are one of the most efficient sources of fuel for your body and your brain. When you're eating no carb, you also have less spikes and irregularity in your blood sugar levels which can lead to a sustained level of focus throughout the day. Have you ever notice that you feel really tired after eating a huge meal that's loaded with carbs? Do you feel like you need a nap after eating like that? This feeling is caused by a spike in blood sugar that is normal in a carb-loaded meal, but abnormal in one that is carb-restricted.

(3) Appetite Suppression - This is also likely due to the significant energy that's available in our fat stores. By using this energy to run our daily lives, we are able to have less cravings to eat more and more food.

(4) Skincare - I have a lot of friends that have skin issues and bad acne. I also suffered from some of these isssues until I went on a ketogenic diet for the first time. I noticed that eating no-carb signficantly increases the clarity of my skin and makes it look much better even within the first few days of starting the diet. This time around is no different and after just 3 days I already see a significant improvement in my skin, people have already commented and said my face looks really pristine :)

Day 3 Log:


Start WeightGoal WeightWeight Lost
Today's WeightFat Mass (%)Body Mass BMI


Push Day (chest, tricep, shoulders):

Flat Bench Press:
185x5 - 4 sets
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press:
70’s x 8 - 4 sets
(Superset 1) Ez Bar Anterior Delt Raises:
60lb bar x 8 - 4 sets
(Superset 1) Dumbbell Lateral Raise:
22.5’s x 12-15 - 4 sets
(Superset 2) Tricep Pushdowns (Cable + Rope):
35 x 12-15 - 4 sets
(Superset 2) Overhead Tricep Press (Cable + Rope):
20 x 12-15 - 4 sets
Decline Chest Press:
180lbs x 8 - 4 sets
Cable Chest Fly Machine:
70lbs x 15 - 4 sets

What I Ate Today:

0Coffee with 2 TBSP MCT Oil
14 Eggs, 2 Slices of Cheddar Cheese, 4 oz deli turkey
28 Oz Chicken, bamboo shoots and broccoli cooked in 2 TBSP Coconut Oil
38 Oz Ground Beef, Mixed Vegetables cooked in 1 TBSP Coconut Oil
43 Servings of Mixed Nuts, 1 Avocado, 2 TBSP MCT Oil

Here's the Question of The Day, don't forget to post your answers in the comments!

QOTD: Do these benefits sound like they can make a great impact on your life? Have you ever experienced these benefits on a ketogenic diet, if you've done one before?

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to leave your thoughts below and I look forward to seeing you in the comments!



The way you explain the all process regarding weight loss and body mass index is really amazing to read.

thanks for such great information. i had doubt about the skin thing but now i am sure that itss true. i am really upset about my skin these days n always have breakout on my chin and i hope it will go away with keto. and yes weight loss is the ultimate goal. i have experianced mind clarity too as i just started a book few days ago( just posted a list of books on my blog if you would like to see it) and i am enjoying reading more and my mind is so focused. keto is heaven.

Interesting .. well done
Healthy food is a lifestyle
I liked it, thanks for sharing

Again wow @khaleelkazi. I'm so glad you are benefiting from this diet. You did a good job explaining in a simple way how the ketogenic diet works and its benefits. I like the way that the post is personalized to what you have tried.

The fact that your skin got better is amazing. My wife and my son both have skin problems. I thought it would be better for them eat whole grains and fiber and the fat and proteins would actually cause more skin problems. But when I look at what you ate it is really a mater of the type of fats you are taking. Your fats are coming from coconut and avocado and cheese. So I can see some great befits coming there. Our liver cells are producing ketone bodies. This may have an effect on how your skin is changing. This picture is from a biochemistry textbook.


I read this pdf for a simple textbook explanation. It's from a university in India but they explain well.

Thanks @mineopoly! I appreciate your support and kind words! Yeah the skin issue is huge. I 've had eczema my entire life and it has improved SIGNiFICANTLY since my first stint at ketogenic dieting. I wish I had taken more pictures of what my skin looked like before I started doing these no-carb diets, because the before and afters would really be astonishing.

I'm glad you noticed that, I usually try to keep my diet as "clean" as possible and eat the best sources of fat that I have available - nuts, avocados, cheese, coconut, etc. are some amazing sources of fat. Fish is also a great source, I wish I liked it more but I just don't have much of an appetite for fish (with the exception of sushi, I love sushi!)

Thanks for the diagram as well, I opened up the link and there is a wealth of information here, I'm reading through it now!

Thanks for reading. I will let my wife know about this keto cut diet.

I'm right now doing a carbbackloading diet, which consists of doing IF, and being on keto until after the workout, when i workout i eat a huge ass amount of carbs, sometimes 200g of carbs or more, since it is after the workout most of those carbs go directly to the muscle to replenish the stores, it has been working wonders for my body.

I've also seen some of the skin benefits with ketogenic diet, don't forget to take a multivitamin though, it's really important since you aren't eating that many vegetables!

I've tried a similar (or maybe the same exact) diet that you're talking about. There was a great book I read on it called "The Carb-Nite Solution" - I recommend checking it out, it's full of amazing science that backs exactly what you're doing - saving your meals until post-workout.

It's great to hear that it's working so well for you! I had great success on it as well when I did it a few years back, I think it strikes a great balance between keto and "normal" eating. I do supplement with a multi-vitamin, I eat veggies every day, but I can only have so many when my daily carb limit is around net 30g a day. Thanks for sharing @teutonium!

I read the book, when i'm trying to cut down to single body fat digits i do the carbnite solution, when im bulking i go for a more relaxed all nights are carbnites xD

Ah yes balance that healthy business life with a healthy life to compound the benefits! You will definitely thank yourself and so will the people who use the info and inspiration to do it themselves.

A couple years ago, I dropped from 200 lbs down to 175 in a few months and have stayed there ever since. It has meant less back problems, healthier self image, and happier existence. Had little to do with diet though and more to do with an active lifestyle. If you have ever checked my blog you will get an idea what I mean by active.

If I were you, I would find a BJJ gym! All of this and learn something cool and applicable.

Looking forward to hearing your results.

I agree, balance is the key!

A couple years ago, I dropped from 200 lbs down to 175 in a few months and have stayed there ever since. It has meant less back problems, healthier self image, and happier existence.

That's awesome! I'm glad that you were able to drop some weight and reap the benefits of your hard work! I will check out your blog to see what you mean!

Yes! BJJ is actually a pet-obsession of mine, especially after listening to the JRE podcasts. It's something that I really want to get into, but haven't made the time to get myself into some of the classes. It's one of my goals this year to make it to at least 1 class to check it out!

Ah I may have something for you then! Every couple of days I post a video look into the white belt curriculum. You get to see what each class may hold and get inspired and prepared at the same time.
If you do end up going, you will be glad you did and wonder what took you so long!

ooo I will definitely be watching these videos. I just pulled up the one you posted yesterday and I will watch this when I get the chance! Thanks for sharing it!

Great post @khaleelkazi

A great balance, i believe, produce maximum results. I have heard of people that achieved their desired weight loss through exercise, while others I have seen, through dieting alone.

I've also learnt of those who active, up-and-down lifestyle alone did the trick.

I think balance is the key. With the help of a professional, everyone can find what is best for their body.

At my age I think it’s definitely more about activity. My diet isn’t that bad but my lack of rigorous activity is not good.

I've always wanted to try the ketogenic diet, but doubts and excuses start keeping into my head! I can't give up this or this is too hard! Were there some foods you couldn't give up? If so, how do you let go of those emotions to start this diet?

Oh, I have experience this energy drain quite a few time. I mean, when I eat a huge meal containing carbs, I immediately feel really tired and I want to sleep. I can't even do anything productive, because I can't focus on anything. I counter that with some coffee, because it returns my mental clarity, but I don't like drinking coffee really... But as of lately I have been trying to look after what I eat, so it doesn't happen often anymore.

@trendo, I have a very very similar experience with this energy drain after eating carbs. If I eat a carb-loaded lunch I always feel tired in the afternoon and I dread the work day and the meetings that I have to go through. In those scenarios, I love to supplement with countless coffees, espressos and teas. BUT, while I'm on the keto diet, I can eat a large lunch that's filled with healthy fats like avocado, nuts, beef, etc. and I can get right back into the workday and actually feel even more energized. It's a truly amazing feeling, I highly recommend experiencing it for yourself!

Before now I didn't know much about anything Keto, so am just learning from your blogs here. That's why you won't see much comments from me in this series but I read them all. Actually, it sounds cool and I'll be digging deeper into it am Google search. Maybe I might try it someday.

Haha it's always fun to learn something new, am I right!? Please do keep letting me know if you have questions or draw any connections, it's always great to hear your thoughts @lordjames! I hope you do try it someday, I think it's a fascinating experience that everyone should try at some point!

Yes you are right, it's great to learn something new and I'm an advocate of that.

I hope so too. Have a beautiful day.

Thanks @lordjames have a great day as well, my friend!

I have done this and it works! I have even juice fasted for a month. Great clarity.

Love this format. Do you go to a gym or do this at home?

I have also tried juice fasts in the past, only for a few days at a time, a month might drive me crazy! But yes, eating less (especially less carbs) does seem to lead to more mental clarity - which is kind of interesting, because you'd expect it to be the opposite!

Thanks @sequentialvibe! I go to the gym for my workouts, sometimes I'll do some abs/pushups at home if I'm hanging around and have extra time/energy.

Your post is very interesting, I'm sure sure many people love it, you are lucky people can have above average thoughts from others. Everyone wants to be like you and I also want to learn a lot from you, hope you will help me, my friend.

great post realy good job.

Thank ;you for posting; this great top; post the post is very nice .; and I think ;there is much to know; from this post!!!!!

Good post

well health information keep it up

Great, i also like fitness but i do differently with mixture of running, exercise, little bit yoga and dancing, but i don't follow any particular diet because till now i didn't faced any diet issue and thanks for your information and i really learned an new thing and that is "Appetite Suppression", i was really unaware of this aspect and yes everything should be balanced so craving for food all the time is not good. Thanks for sharing this informative post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Thank you for posting this great top post ..... the post is very nice ..... and I think .. there is much to know from this post

Agreed! I usually have to read these posts several times to take everything in.

Yea I do that as well.. It's a great way to learn deeper

I agree. Taking notes also helps me a great deal! I love Evernote!

really its a helpfull post.it will be help us to know about healthy diet.thanks for sharing

Me, failure of loss weight.

I must have missed this on a previous blog but how long do you plan on doing this?

Ciddi bir yönde faydalı oluyor mu?

Best of wishes with your endeavor. I look at it as more as a lifestyle adjustment. Building your mitochondrial machinery, your ability to fast and produce ketones. Check out the my post, it's a coffee recipe that's perfect for the diet :) Thanks for the information, too !

I'm going to start my diet in a few days. Failed many times in the past. I have a sweet tooth, wish me luck.

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Nice post as well as such a great information about health, unfortunately many of us don't know about that @khaleelkazi
Like keto, IMF forces your body to use up fat stores as fuel. IMF also helps reduce blood sugar levels, improves good HDL cholesterol, decreases bad LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reduces inflammation, improves cognitive function and decreases hunger — similar benefits that the keto diet provides.

The ketogenic diet is so powerful.
Beyond the benefits you mentioned it can help reverse insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

Hi, thank you for sharing. Im also trying to loose some weight and start to eat more healthy food and trying to loose as many Carls as possible, But to break down My fat I neede Carls so Im learning as it is now how many I neede to have to make My body feel best. Im eating a medium LCHF diet and today three month after i started I lost weight, not much but at least My body started to tear My fat down. One of the bad things with ketos is tha e bad breath- im affraid Talking to people since My breat stinks, how is it with you?
I Will follow you and see how it work for you and good luck!

You have a very detailed workout and nutrition plan!Good job💪

I agree I wish I had time and discipline.

Time and discipline can be tough, but it's important to learn how to manage both!

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