Daily Challenge Complete- Sunday 5.13.18
Push ups- 50
Total reps- 105
My notes:
Today was a quick little workout. Weekends are super busy with family functions and parties. Today obviously for the U.S we celebrated mothers day. I ate a lot of food so i can home and I focused on my 2 different challenges and completed both of the with 50 push ups and squats. Each day I focus on knocking out some push ups and squats for my #50pushupchallenge and #50squatchallenge. I am hoping people start to join me on this new challenge. If you are interested hit me up or resteem it get more people on board. I hope that someone out there is inspired and motivated with my daily post. I would love to hear people success stories so please comment them below.
It took me a while to get my first people in my challenge. Just keep posting with interesting comments/pics for it and people will find it.
Thanks for the support brother! Slow and steady, but I am sure things will start picking up in the next few months.