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RE: 5,889 Reps Added: Daily 100+ Rep Fitness Challenge (Day 139) - 50 Steemians Now Involved

in #fitnesschallenge7 years ago

Daily Challenge Complete! 137 Reps!

Back Day - Time to earn those wings!
Deadlifts - 5x5
Pendlay Rows - 4x5
Pullups - 4x5
Close Grip Pull Downs - 4x6
Wide Grip Pull Downs - 4x6
Single Arm, Straight Arm Pull Downs - 4x6

I crushed a heavy shoulder workout as well, which ran in the 4-6 rep range and included some mobility work and stretching... I was just too swamped at work to get it recorded :)

Hope everyone on here is having a great day and crushing their goals!


Nice job with those pull ups and pull downs.

Hey, thanks!

Did you notice you crossed 10k reps?

Saaaayyyy Whhhaaat!?

I didn't notice! Thank you for bringing that to my attention, and for the payout! That's awesome!