Mett or Hackfleisch is a german delicacy.
It's raw meat and regulated under the Hackfleischverordnung.
( That's a german law - no joke )
The meat can only be sold fresh, or has to be thrown out after 24 hours.
I would only buy it at a trusted butcher.
If you ever travel to Germany and you like meat, you should try Mett.
This is Gewürzmett;
additional pepper and fresh onions.
Served on a bun.
Have a great day !
Added to my soon recipes tasting list :)
But don't try this at home, unless you are a professional german !
Made me think of FPSRussia. I thought of making a shirt with "Professional Bulgarian" written on it. I think I've been exposed to the local culture enough to make comedy from it, if I had a sense of humor. :)
its treated with vinegar to kill all bacteria, tastes awesome :)
It's untreated. German law.
We have that in Nederland too. Do like it Backed also.
Do you mean Frikandel ?
This is Mett, bro :D
No man, and when I order a frikadel in Germany I get a kind of flat Oval hakfleisch thing. :-)
No, Met overhere is real raw big parts seasoned hakfleisch. :-)
That's metness !
How can you eat that without all the german regulations ?
We have met with every rule in Nederland.