
I think it's ok to do when your doing 16 hour fasts etc, but I am not sure its optimum health but it does make it easier lol. I was finding it doable eating some fruit and coffee and one 4 hour as much as I could eat food window, I must try it again have slipped out lately.

Well I suppose if the intention is set right.. anything could help :)

Best of luck :)

I drink coffee because my coworkers demand I do so or they will throw things at me.

I don’t think coffee is the healthiest thing in the book for sure it’s my only vice maybe one day lol although I don’t know how bad 1- 2 cups a day are really

Having your body flushed off nutrients also while in 'fight or flight' mode is never a good idea..

It's funny you mention this as now come to think of it if I ever had short sleep and need to function with my eyes somewhat open I will opt in to skip breakfast and maybe lunch so I get though the day with more energy rather having my body to work on digesting it :)

I used to always eat breakfast and since intermittent fasting last year I haven’t gone back to more than fruit and coffee. Yeah I’m not supporting coffee lol but it defo helps me fast one or two

But I only fast a few hours I don’t do 24 hours ones