in #food7 years ago

I just saw this article on intermittent fasting I hVe a real interest isn’t he lifestyle and hAve been on and off trying it for the last year and a bit and deciding if it works for me. After being quIte disciplined for a few months I never did go back to eating the same amount of food. Has anyone else tried intermittent fasting? The idea of intermittent fasting is your body gets a long break to fully process the food in your system so it can then start working on healing and repairing the rest of the body.


Yes.. after the first few weeks of on and off again fasting you feel so good.

Drink lots and lots of water and black coffee or green tea!!!

Humans aren't meant to have this much food available... sugar is an addictive drug.


Don't think caffeine is a good idea while fasting tbh!

I think it's ok to do when your doing 16 hour fasts etc, but I am not sure its optimum health but it does make it easier lol. I was finding it doable eating some fruit and coffee and one 4 hour as much as I could eat food window, I must try it again have slipped out lately.

Well I suppose if the intention is set right.. anything could help :)

Best of luck :)

I drink coffee because my coworkers demand I do so or they will throw things at me.

I don’t think coffee is the healthiest thing in the book for sure it’s my only vice maybe one day lol although I don’t know how bad 1- 2 cups a day are really

Having your body flushed off nutrients also while in 'fight or flight' mode is never a good idea..

It's funny you mention this as now come to think of it if I ever had short sleep and need to function with my eyes somewhat open I will opt in to skip breakfast and maybe lunch so I get though the day with more energy rather having my body to work on digesting it :)

I used to always eat breakfast and since intermittent fasting last year I haven’t gone back to more than fruit and coffee. Yeah I’m not supporting coffee lol but it defo helps me fast one or two

But I only fast a few hours I don’t do 24 hours ones

Very Nice, 17 cents incoming!

I've been doing intermittent fasting quite regularly for the past year or so. Often will do a 24-36 hr water fast (have done a 72hr water fast once) and have done a 48hr dry fast too.

From my experience - haven't found a better way to accelerate natural body healing/advancement of health in general and detox than that.. :)

Especially powerful for emotional debris cleanup.. as all things come along to the light for it to be dealt with. However, it's important to listen to your body.. I never do it if it doesn't feel right.

This is an amazing post! I will Upvote and follow :)
Hope you check my blog too, i really lack followers, and that is kind sad :(

I did intermittent fasting for more than 3 years after watching the Michael Mosely documentary about it. I found it was a really easy way for me to keep my weight down without having to worry about what I was eating.

Then we had a load of family weddings, parties, holidays etc and I was only able to do 1 day rather than 2 days a weeks. As a result I started putting on weight.

So I switched back to more healthy eating 7 days a week and haven't gone back to the intermittent fasting. I might do it again soon though because, according to the documentary, there are heart health benefits to it.

Yes I got so slim when I did it I only did two weeks and not even totally properly since I had fruit and coffee for breakfast then would eat from say 2-7 pm
People actually told me after they were worried about me as I went so slim can’t believe how much weight dropped off in a few weeks and each meal was the best meal I ever ate lol. I have a friend who looks amazing for her age and always had an amazing body and I notice she naturally intermittent fasts and would only rly snack on fruit and coffee then eat one big meal

I found it easiest to eat nothing until I had a latte at 3.00 with an oak cake. Then I would have meal of around 350 in the evening. I didn't lose any weight on it because I was eating plenty of cakes and chocolates on the days I wasn't fasting!

Hahah I don’t rly eat cake or chocolate unless it’s the odd raw cake

I find once you drop it for even two days your right back and it’s difficult to do it again lol but I think it is good for our system I’m going to try it again

good post Sarah , I added a post about fasting on one of your Facebook posts.... hoping you are well and happy

taking the load off the intestines is very good idea.
always look to the gut for determining good health.