
Great to see you on here Adam. There must thousands like myself that already know your message. You just have to hear it once and you just know this is how you have always felt about this system .I can proudly say I have been caned for not going to school ,I've never voted and do not pay my taxes. I have been keeping my head down living quietly under the radar for most of my 53 years. I built my own home on land I got outright with my own money without a permit so really admire what you are doing at the moment declaring a government free zone ! I started paying property taxes once the building inspector discovered the building existed a few years after . I had to pay them or it would be taken from me and put up for auction at tax sale .just saying it is nice to see you, and people like you with a voice, shouting about the things I never could . all the best JT

Glad to see you're making videos again Adam. You brought me to the ideas of anarchism, and we need more voices like yours in the movment. If you have some time, I'd really appreciate it if you took a look at my paper on blockchain anarchy:
I believe that by planting the seed of polycentric law in the black market through a blockchain Dapp like Steem, we can not only reduce violence now, but we can grow it into an entity with actual power for change, facilitating the transition and evolution towards a free society. We need to evolve ourselves, yes, but it won't mean anything if we don't have the tools to replace government and live free. Thanks!


Great to see you on here Brother!
Seems like just yesterday you were here with us at The Garden of Eden~
I am grateful to have really got to know you and be able to give a true testament to your character. I know as with all powerful people there are haters out there calling you shit but I can say you are an honorable man dedicated to the cause of freedom!
I just got here on Steemit too and excited about this REVOLUTIONARY community! Hopefully we can contribute to an even better community and support each other on the pathway to freedom for all!
Here is my "Steemit Introduce Your Self Post"

The evolution will only occur if we are vigilant about it for ourselves....injecting positive energy moment by moment. When a positive evolution manifests within a majority of us; that is when the onset will occur for our non-violent revolution.

So excited to see you on here Brother!
I decided since your now officially posting to Steemit that I would share the interview you did with me when you were here @gardenofeden The Garden of Eden.
It is one of my favorite interviews I have ever done and your testimonial to me is probably my favorite of all time! "The Master of Sustainability and Living Free" Especially as it came from you. I appreciate your friendship and also all you do for the cause. I wish you great success here in this cutting edge community with so much potential for success and revolution!
I will be following you and supporting you along the way~
Best Regards~*~

Oh fuck, another one.

Sorry, I am backing a different candidate, who has made a shit tonne of confrontation videos ...

Goddammit this made me fucking howl.

It's all about keeping up the momentum. Never stop, stay focused and move forward. Plant seeds of ideas in people's mind and if they don't grow move onto the next person.

The elite that want to control and dominate us do the very same thing. If they have an agenda they push and push until people just get tired and give up.

We the the freedom lovers need to never stop and continue to push back. We have the numbers to win, the truth and history. All we need to do is never give up and we win.

Congrats on being the 85th most followed account on your first week on Steemit! Also, someone thinks you're an FBI/Russian double agent (see the comments there). That gave me a chuckle.

I like how you bring in local speakers to your conferences. So many gatherings of all kinds would be greatly improved by letting attendees hear from local talent instead of the overexposed national stars in the given niche.

Keep trying

Adams Coming to Madison October 14th

In the word's of rapper Common, "The revolution, will not be televised... The revolution is here."

I enjoyed discovering you on Steemit @adamkokesh and hearing your views and messages. We are in age where social interactions between people become disconnected and to have a positive message for our fight for freedom to progress mankind.

Pizza ovens are also built brick by brick and pizza seems more tasty and less bloody than a revolution.

Interesting! Thank you.

the earth is flat, only the truth will set you free research it!

Changing the paradigm one mind at a time through gracious insight that authority can't bind. Keep on sharing Adam the message of freedom is the most fundamental for the civilized society we WILL create. Self-ownership and the nonaggression principle will prevail. Definitely exciting times to be living. Thank you for the inspiration.

You're awesome.