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RE: Should we allow drugs and prostitution?

in #freedom7 years ago

I don't believe in "legal" or "illegal". Which mortal has the godly power and especially the right, to write down his opinion declare his threats commandments ..I mean law and use violence to make the sinners obey or violate them.

It must be someone with severe hallucinations, totally delusional and megalomaniacal, high on power.;)


I had an extensive discussion with @harj on the topic or legality/illegality and government/anarchy, it started on a comment by @princeyk.

My point was:

I don't like anyone having godly powers, and I vote for high individual freedom, but not complete individual freedom as I do want to have security and prosperity.

For example, if someone attacks me or my family or some child on the street, I want to be able to call the police.

If someone drives a car while heavily drunk or drugged, I want someone to stop him before he injures or kills someone.

Cheers! : )

Thanks for the reply. Those are legitimate concerns i.m.o. whats in a word huh ;) (has nothing to do with legal though) But do you think there could be a "police" that does only that, that you pay for yourself. That only may do what "normal" people also can do. If I stop a drunk driver I have done a good thing. It actually happennend in my surrounding.

I also had a long hard think about protection against attackers, I believe that the best option is to do it yourself or someone in your surrounding. Police is mostly called afterward, they are excellent in drawing chalk lines. Not saying that no cop ever protected someone, but most contact I had with cops were that they bothered me or harrased me while I did nothing what so ever out of the ordinairy. I don't do drugs or drink or fight or any of that stuff.

Just a little about the drugs/ prostitution problem if there are crimes committed of course I need to take action, but it's very hard people choose sometimes a life filled with aggression abuse etc. I don't think asking a politician to write something with an attached punishment helps that much, I think that its way more effective to try to talk to people in your surrounding that have problems. But It's very hard to motivate people. Try getting your spouse to put the cap on the toothpaste lol you could spend an entire lifetime nagging and get nowhere. Not you literally of course. ;)

Cheers to you too :)

Thanks for the detailed reply. I agree that police is often useless, even harmful. I also agree that the best option for protection is self-protection or protection by someone nearby. However, there will be always organized gangs. Without police, a gang of 10-15 tough guys could go around town beating, stealing, and raping; no one would be able to protect himself/herself alone and the people nearby would also be powerless to help against such a gang. I believe that we need organized protection to fight organized gangs. If not police, something else.

I also think that the best way to prevent heavy drugs is through education, information, and awareness. However, I am concerned about, for example, people being legally offered heavy drugs while drunk. Informed or not, I am pretty stupid when I'm drunk. That's why I vote the most harmful and addictive to be illegal. : )

disclaimer I'm not offending you just asking a question. Hope you understand.

Don't you find it a little strange to say; because when I or someone else, get's drunk and loose control, and might accept hard drugs. I vote for people who make hard drugs illegal (and so criminalize, a lot of not criminal (who have harmed noone) hard drug (whatever that is) users under the risk of landing in jail, because I, or other people won't take the responsibility for my own actions and think someone else needs to restrict people because I can't restrict myself or won't take responsibility? Something like that.

Again I'm not attacking you and I see I ask a very confronting question which of course you don't have to answer or anything but maybe think about consequenses and that you are responsible for your own actions.

The nuance I like to add though is that if they inject you or give you drugs without permission it's a crime. And of course I see the difficulty it brings and how complicated that becomes. But I happen to believe a lot in self responsibility.....not saying you are not....oh dear.... lol.

Not offended at all. :D

I see your point of not putting someones protection from his own irresponsibility above other peoples' freedom.

I strongly agree with that in general, but still believe that in some extreme cases (like heroin and LSD legality/illegality) exceptions should be made, because:

  1. The vast majority of us get weak or irresponsible sometimes, especially while young.
  2. Although I vote for much higher individual freedom than found in the current systems, I question the righteousness of allowing absolute individual freedom. For example, if someone gets refused by a girl that he loves dearly, gets drunk/drugged, and tries to jump off a bridge and kill himself, I would try to prevent him. In a way, I am denying him his individual freedom to choose to jump off the bridge, but he will most probably be grateful to me for that later. I think that the same applies to preventing people from using the most addictive and harmful drugs - you are basically saving or vastly improving their lives in the long run, as well as the lives of people close to them.

1 ok we do dum stuff but laws are not going to prevent that.

2/3 You can not allow me absolute individual freedom?
you can question of course the rightiousness of my individual freedom, in reality (not in some future prediction) and I encourage you to do so, so that when I harm someone in reality ( or maybe myself) you might take rightious action to stop the harm I inflict by; restricting my freedom or end my freedom altogether.
Do you really think you need permission to be free or I. Who oh who is that a pure devine being to give me that permission? I have to laugh a little here not at you but because knowing how this mental slave trap works, made me more free and happy, that anything else in the world.
I'm sorry but I have absolute freedom. Not even for the "good cause" of preventing things that might happen or protecting me against myself, you can of course protect people against the results in reality like jumping of a bridge.

Just a little test ;)

I think they should ban alchohol altoghether, because then I save you/them from, that they might use hard drugs while not being conscious. Or they will not get in a fight or steal. I bet they thank me later that I prevented them from that.
End of test lol.

It is most awful to live in a prison made by you fellow human beings and if there is one thing that might convince me to take drugs, it is that. To escape the pressure of slavery inflicted by my fellow human beings.

(I edited a few mistake and added a bit for clarification)

I agree with you that laws often fail to prevent people from doing dumb things and that is a very real problem. As I wrote in the article, the Dutch are among the lowest users of marijuana in Europe, despite the Netherlands' policy on soft drugs being one of the most liberal on the continent.

I think that sometimes we have to predict future at least a little bit because if we would act only after something happens, in the vast majority of the cases we would be able to very little or nothing. Saving a person that has already jumped off the bridge or is already on heroin is quite difficult or even impossible.

You got me with your test, I admit that! :D

Your test shows how difficult it is to choose where to draw the line, if a person thinks that we should have some rules but not too many, like in my case.

I would accept the absolute freedom and anarchy idea immediately, should someone give me a good explanation on how would we solve:

  1. The problem of protection against powerful violent or otherwise harmful individuals and organized gangs.
  2. The problem of conducting large beneficial projects that can't be handled by efforts of individuals or small organized groups, like building and maintaining/operating bridges, hospitals, airports, city water/sewer/energy systems, etc.

Unless these two can be somehow solved even in the total anarchy, I choose to give up some of my individual freedom.