Yellow color represents peace and light. It is usually applied in flowers, sunrise, starlights or ribbon. This color portrays an important role in our flag.
The philippine flag as shown in the picture has 3 stars and a sun. It is where yellow color is applied. The 3 stars represents the three main geographical regions of the philippines namely; Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. The yellow sun represents independence, freedom and sovereignty. The 8 rays represent the 8 provinces that led the Philippine fight against Spanish colony.
This flag were designed by Emilio Aguinaldo and sewed by Marcela Agoncillo and her daughters. Every 12th day of June, we celebrate independence day. But until now, Philippines is a developing country.
This was interesting to learn the flags color origins. Corruption is rampant everywhere, in some countries worse than others. Nice freewrite.
Thank you. Yah true... corruption is everywhere and it seems to me it is uncurable disease in evry country.
Hopefully Cryptocurrencies will bring a lot of the corruption worldwide to an end, but I fear that in the wrong hands it could become the ultimate tool for corruption and subjugation. We need to fight to keep control in the hands of all the users and not the wealthy 10%.
Yo are right. I do believe cryptocurrency would help alleviate poverty but once abuse by men... the world would be doomed! We know already how money works.... how it affects man's lifestyle, outlook in life and his behaviour once he became a slave of money.
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Aww...! The patriotic person in you aroused by seeing the prompt. Perfect freewrite for the prompt, I really loved your explanation :)
Thank you very much.
Was glad to read about it! Had no idea that that was what the 8 rays represented.
Great work on your freewrite! Thanks for the interesting bit of history behind your flag. Freedom from corruption is truly a wonderful wish for every nation! Unfortunately, where there is money and power, there will be rats.
You are right. Solving corruption is next to impossible.
Ahooo! Ahooo! -From Tribo Lumaya