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RE: Freewrite. Stuck Here for the duration. 5 minutes of nothingness, scroll on.

in #freewrite6 years ago

Good information, @prydefoltz. Ten+ years ago, I gave up gluten -- beer and pizza, bread, all my favorite carbs! The atlernatives are like sawdust, and I'm allergic to those too: quinoa, amaranth, even soy and legumes. Last year, a blood test showed that dairy and eggs are also culprits, which explained why I was a lot better, but still unable to stay awake in a car, and the isolation and loss of mobility, being unable to drive in a region that has no mass transit, is no fun. I'm still battling an afternoon headache + fatigue, even with fasting, even with CBD oil ($70 a bottle for "two out of five" levels of strength; I may need the $300, full-power bottle). Auto-immune problems are often caused by the toxic and inflammatory American diet. European too. All those breads, pastries, pastas, red meats, sugar...

Complete cessation of symptoms?

Now that would be awesome!!!
Time to start listening to podcasts (something I never do).