Freewrite. Stuck Here for the duration. 5 minutes of nothingness, scroll on.

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

I'm stuck.

I just clicked on steemit for a little scroll around and a random uppity, but that is the extent of my...
Whatever it is I do as I draw breath.


As it happened @improv had just posted a 5 min free write on the topic of paralysis.



He asked the question.
Do you ever feel Overwhelmed to the extent that you're paralyzed?

I believe I do

I am

I have.


I can't figure what to do from here.

It was my body that would not cooperate, that was a conundrum, I most definitely felt a degree of discombobulatedness.


But I remained agile of mind.

But a length of time in such a way.

A protracted length of nothing has a way of seeping in.


The paralysis that was in it's own right a crippling malaise, albeit not a paralysis by definition, but in deed a neuralgia that stole from life, that state has it's way eventually.

It feeds on itself.

I am tired and stuck. All trying leads to further entrenchment.




Yes, I am paralyzed.

My physical health allies and my spirit is frozen in the sorrow of a hoping void of faith.




All images are my own. Once steemit was a place where such things were assumed, that content shared was produced by the individual. But...
It has been 3 years this month that I have maintained this steemit account. I have had times of greater involvement, met many great people. Thank you to those who have enriched my life. Every comment has been so important to me. I live a life of relative isolation. My family come and go and endure a life of limits to accommodate me. Steemit has helped lessen the nothingness and hold the figurative paralysis at bay and also distract from the very real creeping of ailments that have proven difficult to address and less interesting by the months to the medical community.

The greatest assistance and compassion has come from lay people and "virtual" strangers, come friends.

Heres to 3 years of beta mode for me. I hope I am not still working out the kinks in 3 years time, I also hope to still be here, and be able to be so much more than a meat puppet marionette with broken strings.




Thank you


"I know you suffer and i am here for you."

Id like to recommend a book. Norman Doidge ( The Brains Way of Healing). Interesting if nothing else. Your doodles are amazing. I patiently wait for the notSmiling ones. 🙏

Sending SuperDuper good vibes your way Sis 🙌

Big hugs from someone who hasn't been very present. I was just telling @denmarkguy that sometimes all we can do is take a deep breath when the riptide lets us up for air.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well said, and I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling I haven't been very present.

Ohhh, how did I not see this and nominate for the Friday Favorites???

Wow... and here I am, randomly looking for blogs that I haven't seen in a while!

Your art is telling a story while the words are giving some context. Thanks for being around, I know we don't interact much and know almost nothing about each other, but I can relate so much to the story that I see in between your words and drawings.

Your sketches are wonderful, so expressive. Sorry to hear that your health hasn't improved. Is it an auto-immune condition? If it is. Can I ask what your diet is like? Some people have found great relief from auto-immune conditions with ketogenic or even carnivore diets. I mean huge improvements. Complete cessation of symptoms. There are chemicals in plant products that can be quite toxic for some people. If you are interested, check out the Human Performace Outliers podcast.

So wishing you better health and lots of love.

Good information, @prydefoltz. Ten+ years ago, I gave up gluten -- beer and pizza, bread, all my favorite carbs! The atlernatives are like sawdust, and I'm allergic to those too: quinoa, amaranth, even soy and legumes. Last year, a blood test showed that dairy and eggs are also culprits, which explained why I was a lot better, but still unable to stay awake in a car, and the isolation and loss of mobility, being unable to drive in a region that has no mass transit, is no fun. I'm still battling an afternoon headache + fatigue, even with fasting, even with CBD oil ($70 a bottle for "two out of five" levels of strength; I may need the $300, full-power bottle). Auto-immune problems are often caused by the toxic and inflammatory American diet. European too. All those breads, pastries, pastas, red meats, sugar...

Complete cessation of symptoms?

Now that would be awesome!!!
Time to start listening to podcasts (something I never do).

I have the same arm warmers <3 just in black :D