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RE: On Freewriting

I'm not a freewriter, but your Reason #3 really had an impact on me. With the declaration of self and getting people to find each other. I've been trying to be more consistent in posting. That reason is big -- that, and being able to host more parties. "You can't be silent on Steemit." Thanks!


Yes! Your parties are so much fun! Will there be a Valentines one? Oooo! I'll make Next Week's Punday (February 12-19) be Valentine themed! If you make a Valentine party, you can send folks over to drop their party jokes on Punday and be eligible to win there as well!

I'm not stocked up for a party next week. I better start planning for something sometime! And I better exercise my Pun Muscles sometime. I check your Punday posts but then skulk away when I can't think of a pun. I've got pun wasting syndrome! :O

Regular exercise is important! Well, I'll be having a punny pas de deux, but for more than two Monday! Punhaps you'll be punsuaded to pun!