Carbon Lifeform -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite12 days ago



My child is telling his cousin my wife's password. This is the beginning of hacker culture.

My wife doesn't know I'm cheating. We haven't started the clock yet.

Ugh. I'm such a carbon life form. The clock started.

Ugh, I'm such a carbon lifeform. I farted and I'm constipated, things only a carbon lifeform do.

What a beautiful message.

It's my Darling Wife's borthdiy Birthday today.

DW. That seems like an acronym for a character from Arthur. It is. I'm trying to remember what kind of animal Arthur is. A muskrat?> No some kind of rodent, though, I think. He is a capybara>? No.

A carbon life form. My wife is also a carbon life form. Do you know what's funny about carbon life forms? Sometimes we want to eat things that don't shouldn't be eaten. Like the soap I got for her. It's lemon scented, and a little sweet lemon scent... It smells like it would taste so good. I'm going to have to work hard to suppress my cannibalism, because if she cleans herself with it, I'm afraid I might just have to take a bite.

Yikes. I thought I was a werewolf, but I'm not.

I'm not allergic to silver. Some carbon life forms are.

Our kiddo lasted nearly the whole five minues. It's 2:31 right now, but the clanger hasn't clanged yet, so We';ll see how long he lasted when it finally does clang. 2:32 now;

Bang bling. Wing ding. Hard to think with the world being so attentive. There's a sound and another sound. That's an airplane. That's not a poot, but it sounds like it . No eeep thoughs
it's still 2:32.