Ha. No, I've seen bizarre things. I just still find them bizarre. In Norway, for example, some folks I met believed that racism is purely a USA problem. Within 20 minutes of that conversation, they pointed out a license plate from Turkey and told me to be careful because Turkish people were untrustworthy.
It's bizarre to me that we think we can tell anything about a person's character based on skin tone
Haha! The irony! Maybe they don't know that's exactly what racism is. I've had Indian exchange co-workers before who were wary about a gay officemate. They told me that homosexuality doesn't exist where they live. All the while, they were quite handsy with each other.
So, a secondhand story, but I think what I experienced also indicates that its true: In Morocco, on health forms there are separate options for "gay" and "man who has sex with other men" That being gay means something to people who are homophobic but maybe also have sex with men.
So who has it worse in that scenario? "Gay" or "man who has sex with other men"?
Socially? Gay. Medically? Probably the person who isn't a part of an openly communicative community lacks support.
Ah yeah, I get it.