headchange! what the??? when were you going to tell me about your daughter??
is she a blogger? do you want to give her some time to adjust and learn or do you want me to start supporting her right off the bat?
Is she on now or just signed up and has to wait?
yes it drives me nuts, especially people with kids on here but I guess they trust that steemit has all good, righteous people.
how many kids do you have?
ok sorry that's way too many questions sorry. but here's one more: what is "get doxxed?"
Lets start with the easy one. Doxxed is a term used in the anonymous communities. It means to find where an anon messed up and left a tiny bit of info somewhere. Doxxed is the process of revealing someones identity, location or place of employment. Preferably with documentation=dox
Actually you are among the first to have the daughter info. She got here yesterday. I wish she would post anything even a comment since I have some delegation power. I would love to give her my little 2 cent vote. Half my delegation is from a contest and will be gone friday so she needs to hurry.
She started a new job today so may take a day or two to have time to think about Steemit. Anyway @shellad there really is nothing there yet though except a pic.
headchange....ok well she has my support too and my little 2 cent vote when she starts too.
I thought you couldn't delegate sp that was delegated to you? that's what I was told.
But as far as shellad just think of all the support she will have from your legions of fans!
Oh I just mean that after friday my vote value will go down as I will be down by 200 sp. You are right you can only delegate what you own.
Thought your grandson was going to join? tell me when he does I will vote him too. Maybe do a pifc feature with them both if they will post
he is she about writing anything. I told him just put a couple of paragraphs in and introduce himself so people would have something to look at and then start talking to people and building friendships.
But he's never taken any advice and said he'd email me when he posts something. in other words it may never happen.
hey i got a question for ya...I wanted to set up discord on another computer because the one I'm using is needing repairs but how do you do that, do you know? I mean I go and put in discord and it brings discord up but it's not the discord I have on my other computer.
take the discord that comes up and make sure you are logged into it under the discord name you want to use then all your stuff for that name will be there.
yeah that's what I thought should happen and my username is there with the green dot but none of the channels.
you are showing up grey on my discord sent you a test message
Maybe he would be more comfortable playing steem monsters
here is my link if you ever meet anyone who wants to play.
ok thanks, yeah he loves playing video games so maybe he would like this.
yeah I know some young people who wouldn't much be into steemit but may be inclined to play the game. the starter deck from my link comes with a steemit account and cards.
A whole community of new people are building up around some of the apps. I think my daughter may use the instagram app.