What Could Possibly Be the Matter?
Here's a challenge that could easily earn you a dime or maybe more if others decide to chime in on your comment and give it a little vote.
In case you haven't been able to figure it out yet, I'm asking you, the reader/viewer, to give this little character a name and tell me what she's looking at. Actually, maybe that's a he? It's hard to tell with this species of thing.
Don't Worry Though!
When nobody says anything or completely overlooks this post, I will not be feeling like a loser tonight because...
I'm on Glue! (Just kidding. It's only Whiteout this time.)
Don't worry again! I got this covered!

For Me?!
Thanks Everyone!
It's an honor to receive such a prestigious award. I realize spending a few hours producing art every day doesn't compare to the amount of effort that goes into reading wikipedia and telling us what you found there, in your own words. I know a screen capture of an outdated chart is timeless and will benefit society ten years from now. I've been working on perfecting my memes and stickman drawings as well!
Soon I'll be the talk of the town! Until then though, I'd just like to say thanks again for this award! I finally feel like I'm good at something!

Pretty sure that's ET. Or a close relative. Like maybe ET's mom. And she's looking at him and saying, "Damn it ET! I told you to wait in the space ship! Can't even leave you alone for 5 min. without you wandering off."
It does look like ET's Mom! She's probably angry and about to say, "Son! I thought I told you to call if you're going to be late! You're grounded! ... and what are those! Reece's Pieces? I thought I said no snacks before bed!"
"Double grounded!"
"Son, come home already."
"I miss you, son! And the sink is full of dishes. You know you do such a good job, son. Please come home."
Lol! Elliott is a bad influence on him.
"I told you stay away from those damn human kids! They're bad news and their parents drink!"
Headline:"E.T. mistakes m&m's for reese's pieces"
We finally learn why red dye is bad for us--or at least aliens. More on page 6.
Page 6:
They called it The Red Die of 2017. Many lives were lost. Many lessons learned.
Why not just Trippy-I-T or T.I.T.(for short)?
Those are some damn trippy eyes though. Do the pupils dilate when you stare too long? They do for me!
I feel at least 10x smarter now because of this.
Not sure what to call her. In fact I don't want to call her at all!
I think she is having a vision of the future... Your presidential election campaign ?
You know what? You might be on to something. Staring in amazement, at me, messing up a speech and dropping a few f-bombs to lighten the mood, but it doesn't work.
isn't it a frog seeing a frog-eater?
I thought it was a frog seeing a frog-eater. ;)
There's nothing worse than being a frog who's about to have his legs amputated. I hope he managed to get away unscathed and uneaten.
ET was abusive. His girlfriend's face when he phoned home.
I don't know why she stays with him...
It's ET`s grandma who sees her grandson on screen for the first time. :p
"Grandson! How did you get inside that little box! Where'd your feet go! I told you they'd fall off if you didn't stop doing that nasty thing under the covers at night!"
Yes! Just like that :)
Her name is Bitcooooo and she thought she saw a Bitcoin price drop.
Maybe Bitcooooo has one eye watching the fall and the other watching the rise. Sensory overload! The drool should start any moment now.
Her name is Gertie... and she sees what you did!!!!!!!!
Have a dime for your time! Maybe it's more than that, but you can keep the change! Gertie is shocked that I'm not asking for that penny back!
Oh wait. I wasn't done.
She sees what you did... with that turd!!!!!!
No more dimes required. That one was on the house!
The turd? That's not mine. Someone left it on the floor. Or maybe it is mine and I just don't remember putting it there. Either way, it's a turd alright. Nice one too. Maybe it's a Gertie Turd. That's probably where the name Gertrude comes from.
He should join Steemit...
Lol. I agree
Well I was going to say it looked like a female ET until I saw the comments and realized that was taken. My other choice for a name for your art is ET is Devastated After His Atari Video Game Is So Horrible That All Unsold Copies Are Buried In The Desert. It's been ages since I saw the movie but I played the Atari game online a few years ago to see why people thought it was so bad.
I owned the game. I'd walk around and fall into pits for no reason. Then I'd try to float out, but couldn't. I used to give the game the exact same look! I think you may be on to something here.
Okay this comment cracked me up. I can't for the life of me remember what the point of that game was besides eating reese's and falling into holes that I couldn't float out of.
That's "Worried Heart Face Mother" - named after all those worry-wart mom's who think their children are messing up their lives!
"If you keep playing those video games, you'll end up being a serial killer!"
Yep - you know what I mean, then! lol
Her name is ETLINA and she says: "ET You are home!! This is not what it looks like, he is only screwing in a new light-bulb!!"
"This is the third time I caught you screwing that light bulb! ...and who's this other one? How many does it take!!"
It depends on the size of that light bulb!!
ET looking in the mirror after taking a bad acid trip
We tried to tell him to stay away from the mirror. We're going on hour three. He hasn't said a word... just stands there... He mumbled something about The King, but nobody knows what that means...
I'd call her Candy - that's what her eyes look like to me.
She just opened the cupboard and is looking at a sandwich that got left in there last week, instead of in the refrigerator, because she was thinking about her low job placement test scores instead of paying attention...
Meanwhile, said sandwich has grown a fine head of hair...

I think it's only fitting now to have a short moment of silence for the sandwich.
I'm going to miss it.
No Candy! Don't eat it! It's not worth it! Things will get better Candy! I promise! Put the sandwich... down...