To begin with, I am so in love with the game, I bought a new laptop for it. How nerdy is my wall paper?
Anyway, I haven't posted in a long while. I have been playing Path of Exile in my free time. It is destroying all other activities at the moment. sigh
So why am I still playing?
Well, I like to tell people it's because I'm researching for my novel and that I need to join @mattclarke's race. But these days I just tell people I play to hang out in my hideout and find more hideouts so I can pinch all the decorations for my favorite place, the undercity hideout. I decided I am a sewer rat and that if I was not such a germ-phobic scaredy cat, I would go exploring in tunnels and under the city places. But I am easily scared, so I will just have to have a virtual game hideout in the sewer. Here it is...
And though I could go on about my PoE experience so far, the public chat below pretty much sums it up. I will say that the PoE discord forums are very helpful in the first-timers and beginners channels. The community in general is useful. But I was venting again...
I start by trying to figure out how I am tracking as an inexperienced player of games, this is the first Action Role Playing Game (ARPG) I've played since I was in University. I played Diablo ever so briefly. Many things are new to me where something as simple as operating the keyboard is not simple at all. I die often just not being able to strike the key fast enough. Despite MANY suggestions by well-meaning players for me to follow a build for my character, I have been resistant. I figured, why should I? Surely this game should be enjoyed for what it is as I encounter things. But since Act 6 I have been feeling how fragile my Necromancer witch is. I'm nothing without my minions. And even with my minions I am unable to hurt the Syndicate guys. I was once chased through a whole map by one of them....I had to retreat, at that stage I cared about I don't...
Above I am complaining how my game is really just running around in circles while my minions do the work. It had me wondering if I was doing something wrong. Surely I shouldn't just be running around like a headless chook?! But many people have told me that it's 'normal', that it's the life of a summoner. I'm backup support and not very good backup at that. :(
So yeah, I'm not trading either. It seems like players have to trade for gear upgrades to do better in this game. But I'm kinda lazy to bother figuring it out and I'm a little annoyed by the idea I have to trade to do well. Surely the game will drop me a half decent wand?!
I've been waiting for weeks....
NO decent wand.
That's why I started playing with the bow. I thought it would be fun. But I was then advised that the bow isn't suited to my build and it was again suggested that I look up some builds. I ignored them. This is my game and I will run it with all my stubborn ignorance! With that said, for all the effort I spent to get my dexterity up to be able to equip the bow, and my elemental resistance suffered as a result as well as my wealth in crafting around it, the result was less than impressive. In the end, my crappy wand was still better. :(
But trial and error it continues to be...
Here, I continue complaining. The labs are the Labyrinths we all must complete at different stages of the game. It gives our character sub-class bonuses, its part of our ascendancy. In my case, I am ascending to be a Necromancer, so I get minion bonuses. But you first need to do trials to unlock each Labyrinth. These are areas in the map that is full of traps, imagine spikes in the ground, dart traps, saws and burning floors. I am most scared of the burning floors. Once you have unlocked a labyrinth, you can attempt them. They need to be done without dying or you need to start again. So that's the bit I hate. To me it's like doing a horrible exam, only it doesn't matter how much you study, you will die. I just race to the battles and hope to live, running around until my minions do the heavy lifting. Labs are worse than dealing with the Syndicate guys....
I tagged the wrong guy; I am going to assume it is a guy. I've noticed anyone who is has a female name or a cute girly avatar is inevitably a male - except me of course! I tried a male name, but it was bothering some people on voice. They couldn't seem to equate a mannish name with a female voice. So I'll have to continue being the CrankyOldWoman, but seriously, where are the ladies? I only encountered one female on voice. I didn't interact with her because she was cursing her head off, screaming and complaining about the size of her butt. I didn't know what to say since she seemed so ansty, so I remained quiet. lol
And that's another thing about PoE, with each league, it incorporates parts of it to the core game. The Delve league, as I understand it, is the Azurite mines with its own game mechanics. The game does not hand-hold, so you learn by dying as far as I can see. Unless you ask for help and there's a type who do nothing but ask for help on every step. That is not me, I really don't see the point of outsourcing all my game decisions.
When I first went into a mine, I died immediately. I didn't know I was meant to keep up with buggy and that the darkness will kill me. Here, I mentioned how I wasted flares on the wrong nodes and dynamite on regular walls! The advice some people gave me were wrong. Basically once you see a node without a path to it, you need to check all the surrounding nodes on the map. They should have 1, 3 or 4 paths leading from them. The one with only 2 path is wrong, so therefore that is the one that has a secret 3rd path, and it is that node you need to travel to. From there, you would use your flares to light up the space to find a path to a fractured wall. I learnt this from a youtube vid. A lot of this game requires research. I only do that when I am really struggling.
Who would have thought, the person I mistagged was so useful and comforting! Nice to know that it is normal to suck at this game... lol
As always, the forum is always good for little tips like this, even if it is just to be aware of them. But I already know what my issues are. Solving them is a little harder. My life is too low and I've spread myself too thin as far as my spell specialities. :(
I could go on, but there is too much to talk about. To date, I have continued to refuse requests to play in groups, and with the exception of my favorite PoE pal, a lovely Moroccan mathematician, I don't accept any gifts. I would think a mathematician would enjoy all the number crunching in this game! With that said, my Moroccan pal has given me two pieces of gear that are key to my fun. So I still have gotten help despite not asking for handouts. It's just hard to ignore a trade request from a friend, but mostly he has respected my wishes of not having stuff given to me. He still tries to offer. lol But I really like meeting other players who tell me to just play the game and not tell me to follow builds. He and some others I chat to are like that. It's a friendly community and there are people who want to carry others or be carried through the game, I try my best to decline nicely. I think at this stage a lot of players are burnt out on the Betrayal league and it's novelty for them to play with and help others.
I might be more open to sharing my fun with others once I get to maps (this is after the acts), but it'll be slow since I play around 6-8 hours a week max. A lot of that time is spent socializing since the gaming culture is what I am also researching.
Thanks for reading and viewing if you got this far. I dedicate this post to my favorite steemian and the only gamer girl I personally know, @supersoju. I wonder where she is at, I've not been online much playing so I haven't seen her for a while.
LOL ! What did hubby say about it?
Wow! Nice hideout!!! I haven’t really touched mine. I’ve only edit it to move the new npcs that I invite to my hideout. They like to get in the way when they first arrive. Ooooo nice seeing your skills and minions. Are the blue minions spectres? I haven’t tried using them. They look cool.
The same happened with me. Took me forever just to find a new wand; even though it was only a minor upgrade. You can have my old one if you want. Don’t think of it as a gift; think of it as a hand me down lol. I think I still have it; but it might even be the same as yours now lol.
I too do not plan to trade. It seems too complicated and out of the way. I will just make do with what I find. I haven’t been playing much lately because now that I’ve finished Act 10; I feel as though I have reach the grinding stage. Maybe also because my bank is getting filled with so many junk. Well not junk but getting filled. Lol I was thinking of buying the different stash tabs; it would make it so much easier to manage and arrange the items in the stash. But I wonder how long I would play the game since I’ve been slowly down since reaching maps. I have been working on my gear, mainly resistances and got them up more. But I’m not sure why I’ve lost the interest so quickly.
But having said that; after reading your post, it makes me feel like playing again.
Remember to do the challenges to get your rewards at the end of league. You need to do 36 of them at least. I need to start working on those.
You’re maybe going a little too fast? There’s so much to do and so many different things to consider. For example one morning, I just played only to get a hideout. I find that I just dabble at this and that. A lot of the guys I meet on the forums are burnt out. Most are just waiting for the next league. Tbh, I’m mostly enjoying the community. Ignoring the dicks, most are helpful. I keep my interest up by chatting to people and listening to people talk about the game. But inevitably they want to know what you’re playing and try to fix your char. I keep having to tell people I don’t need them to give me stuff. Someone said he’d drop it on the ground for me and that I could pick it up and pretend I found it. Very sweet of him, but yeah right! 😂. So thanks for the wand offer, but I think it will be sweeter when I finally pick up a decent one, for the wait!
Go play hardcore if you need a break. You have a race next league, my money will be on you! If you’re really bored, next time I’m logged in on the weekend, you can chat to me via voice on a PoE. Sometimes I hang out there for the interesting game convo. But it’s hit’n’miss.
As for the spectres, they are great! My favorite minion because they don’t need to be recast as much. They never die now. None of them really do, but when I log out and log back in, they are still there. They’re a bit of a fashion accessory for me. I would raise the giant lady statues just so I have Amazonian chicks as body guards. 🤣
Anyway, pace yourself! You’re in for the next league at least!
I saw those challenges; I've only done 6 of them. All by chance as I played. Didn't go out of my way to complete any of them. Most are far from being completed let alone started.
You should test out your luck with the essences that change a normal gear to a rare. Find a normal wand or knife which has the base stat you are happy with; then give your luck a go and change it to a rare. Who knows; might turn out better than the one you currently have. Just remember to up the quality first before you change it to rare.
I played yesterday a bit; I got myself a new chest piece from the safehouse. Its a nice piece; I just need to try and get it to 6 link then re-arrange my skills again. I also got myself a spectre skill gem. Just leveling up the gem and giving the spectres a go. Currently they die easy; except when I use it on a bigger mob. It is pretty cool.
Ooooo I might try it on the giant lady statues next time. I wouldn't mind some Amazonian body guards.
Hummm; maybe I should give hardcore a go; just to see what it is like so I can prepare myself mentally lol
Also; did you know you can use commands in the chat to obtain some information? For example, click to hold onto a piece of gear; then hit enter and type /itemlevel It will tell you the item level of the piece of gear you are currently holding on your mouse. Also; /deaths or was it /death... either way; it tells you how times you have died lol. I gave it a go and I didn't realise I had died that many times.
There was another command which tells you how many skill points you have and which quests you are missing that give skill points as a reward. I think it was /passive
Looking forward to more post from you again :).
Posted using Partiko Android
hey holgmiester is @rewarding still working? I just ran rewarding on like a few old post i found and couldn't get it working, am i doing something wrong :(
I rewrote rewarding, it has now a website ( The feature to upvote old posts will be added again soon :).
Posted using Partiko Android
hey thanks @holger80, I'll check it out and ask you questions when i can't figure out how to manage the settings :P
$rewarding 100%
The reward of this comment goes 100 % to the author holger80. This is done by setting the beneficiaries of this comment to 100 %.
I’ve forgotten how to post! Even forgot the busy tag. I try to do something so I have a reason to interact with some steemians I enjoy. Thanks for dropping by! :)
I was wondering how your Path of Excile research (adiction) was going :-)
I'd love to get fully immersed into a game world again myself, but don't have the time to do so lately.
Enjoy your gaming !
Thanks for dropping by burgers. hehe
Hope you're close to being where you want to be. :)
wtf is this game linny? been away from any social network for months including steemit and I popped back in to find you've evolved from a sketch chick to a gamer girl.....smfh
and worst now curious to try it.....if it sticks, it will probably kill what's left of my non-device life, so yes i'll be blaming you
twiddles.... :P
Wow...are you okay,dj? Are you dj?
I'd never imagine you'd actually game. Maybe you can shock us all and run @mattclarke's race too. XD I was trying to convince @clayboyn to have a go too. Wouldn't be fun to get some unexpected entrants. But as I told him, my money is still on @supersoju . She's the real gamer girl, totally freaky...
No pressure at all..... (runs and hides)
I will hound you eternally if you don't race. Go practice HC!
Linny why are you not using Partiko as your first mobile App? Its easy, fast and beautifull...start collecting Partiko Points!
Posted using Partiko Messaging
I’ll join up through your referral. Downloading now. Thanks for the recommendation. I just assumed it’s an android thing. ;)
Cool you are awesome! I think you will love Partiko its easy, fast and also has a Chat feature that you can use with other Steemians.
Posted using Partiko Android
I'm not really quite sure what to do with it. I will try to use it this weekend. Is it like busy and you get an upvote bonus too?
What do you mean to do with it? Its the best way to interact with Steem on a mobile phone, if you only use desktop for Steem than ok you probably won't use it that much...but for on the go to check your Feed, upvote and comment it is perfect.
Yes, you collect Partiko Points for every action you do with the App. Sent upvote, comment or post you will get Partiko Points that are redeemable for Partiko upvotes!
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Great post. You've been having a very good experience with the game from the sounds of it.
My first half dozen or more characters were all 'lets see how this works', no build, no plan, explorations. Slowly got better, but didn't really do very well and never really completed the first part of the game (back then it was split into three difficulties). So all those early characters have levels in the 20s and 30s with I think one in the low 40s.
After a long break away, I came back and discovered builds. First build used as a guide and I got into the 60s. And my current character is the first to get to the maps.
I've never traded still, though have looked into it a few times. Those uniques can build up and fill the stash up all on their own.
and thanks to the stash tab sales, I've bought 4 specialized tabs now, which helps provide so much more space in the 4 you start with.
I'm mostly glad that you're having fun, and having fun your way with it. That's pretty much what I love about gaming. There might be an optimal path, but you might have more fun off elsewhere, and there's nothing to stop you doing that.
oh, and as for the challenges, I think the first reward is at 12 complete this league. That's what I'm working towards with my syndicate farming of Act 8's bridge. There's at least 3 more for me to complete there
Agree with everything you wrote and I so appreciate your giving me some idea. I got a number from my pal and he made me feel a little better. lol I think I'm just burnt out with experimenting with too many spells. A lot of my wasteful deaths is related to that an when I get stubborn with the syndicate. For example, I just did another reconfig a moment ago, two insta-deaths! XD
So lost re the spells atm...
Thanks for dropping by ratt, I know you're busy with your little princess. hehe
I just killed the syndicate mastermind for the first time. cost me about 40-45% of a level's experience in deaths, but got the job done with 1 portal to spare... Will certainly need better chaos resist for it next time around!
One of the things with reconfigs, often you're going from well leveled gems, and so more powerful spells, to level 1 gems with their basic level. I often shove a thing I want to test out into one of the slots of things I don't use much/at all just to get it up a few levels before actually trying it even
Sounds like an amazing game that you are playing. I never heard of POE but I'm not a big PC gamer anyways...when I play (yeah you know already its SM :-)
So you don't wanna give SM another try to win some Steem and hang out with us???
I don’t quite trust the people who run it, so that has me steering clear of SM for now. I stopped playing SM to give me time to play PoE. I haven’t regretted the decision. I enjoy the PoE community and have met some nice and interesting people. I don’t enjoy the SM community, it’s essentially the same crowd and mindset as many of those I try to avoid on steem. Generally, I’m just not motivated to play atm. But I still enjoy that you seem to be good at the actual game! The game is not bad, but the waiting and the tedium of buying cards was not for me.
Yeah I see all of your points especially the one with the hastle with tournaments and card buying this is sure some obstacle to overcome for the developers.
Besides that, I think both developers are doing pretty good in keeping the community together and creating a game that is somehow playable on the Blockchain.
So, PoE is something like Diablo right? I used to play Diablo 1 & 2 years ago and it was quite fun.
Does PoE also have a good multiplayer or do you mostly play single mode?
I've got to take some of the blame for this; Linny gave it a try after seeing us talk about my races. I suggested she give it a try (I meant for a couple of hours; not 2019) and she hasn't looked back.
If you enjoyed Diablo II, PoE is definitely going to be a winner.
It's free to download and play; you only pay if you want premium/decorative extras.
Every 3 months they come out with a free expansion/league and I run a hardcore/permadeath race. Highest level player still alive in each character class wins 20 Steem.
Lots of fun; and plenty of time to get some practice in before the next league drops in early March.
Definitely 500% Matt is to be blamed for my spiraling down into void of lost gamers! He’s a menace. But if you’re a competitive soul, @masterthematrix , this will be a tough but fun race. Need to train now though...the game is not for the uninitiated....
Wasn’t ignoring this comment, actually tried to reply to it a few times. But it always read too negative on SM. As a game, when you get to actually play it, it’s fun. But someone like me, plays for the cool effects and abilities. I will pay to enjoy those features. But really, the game feels like a one-way money drain for the casual player. Unless, they are willing to grind through matches, that often aren’t that fun when against bots and maxed out decks. I’m not willing to waste my time on competitions or posting about it, just so I can earn from SM. My love is clearly very shallow for that game!
There isn’t enough players atm, and that discord community isn’t great. It’s a little Stedford wifey to me, in that you can sense that any negativity expressed against the game will be squashed by their sentinels or the people who lurk there because they are heavily invested. I just don’t feel that overseer vibe in the PoE communities. So I put it down to the the usual crypto BS, where everyone is careful about what the say and who they associate in hopes for gaining more favor. So game-wise and community-wise, there’s nothing that holds my interest . I just know I feel gross about myself after playing a few hours of it, mostly it’s reorganising my deck. I’d much rather review my Path of Exile character, chat to other gamers about strategy and how the game can be played in different ways. I’ve spent some money on the game purely out of appreciation for what the PoE developers have made available for free. It’s a great story theirs. I plan to spend more as soon as they release more fun stuff that appeals to me. I play games for fun, not investment.
With that said, I appreciate you are an expert of the game itself, and good on you for finding a way to get ahead Steem-wise through it!
As for PoE, I just can’t love on the game enough atm. I’d love to have you take an interest, but you would be too busy with SM. Should you decide to play, let me know! I’ve been told it is not an MMORPG, not that I know how it’s different. But you can certainly team up with other players. I guess I feel challenged and I like the players I’ve met through the game. I really do socialize more than I play. Here, since I took so long to reply back to your question, have a listen to some music I shared with a PoE pal last night. We realized we had a common interest in ‘epic’ music. I just didn’t know it was a genre until he mentioned it. Lol
Have fun battling!
I can see all of your points and really I don't want you to push into Steemmonsters or defend the problems that the game still suffers.
So, yeah gameplay and fun is the most important thing and there are several good ideas that they want to implement.
Like with all Crypto projects development and waiting for updates is harsh daily reality. We are playing a Beta version of the project and the devs are busy everyday to make automated tournaments happen. I think thats why they don't have time to fix gameplay related stuff but they promised to do that after tournaments are ready.
So, for me I really don't stress myself over this game and its actually fun to be part of a community that brings such a game to life.
Probably if you want to give it a second chance than wait and see if things are actually improving in the next months.
Posted using Partiko Android
Yeah, well it is the 'good ideas' that has me wondering. I feel everything is pushing towards just them earning more money. They need a way to better support card progression that isn't only just buying. I suppose I didn't like the reward cards enough, so only getting them annoyed me. I was very fond of the beta deck. But to have to buy every shitty card when you have to get so much to get to the max level irritated me. I will check it out again this weekend though.
I mean even though I am supposed to merge my cards with my hubby's account, the process is so tedious, I just can't bring myself to log on to do it.
Well, I don't think that everything pushes towards them "the developers" to earn money. They actually only "earn" something if you buy Booster Packs. If you buy Booster Packs than about 20% goes to the Devs, 30% goes to Tournament prizes and 50% is about average card value.
Remember this is not a centralized game like Path of Exile where you don't own anything and all belongs to the devs/company. Having ownership in digital assets also comes along with taking care of it and manage your assets.
So, yes merging cards with another account is somehow annoying (sent as Gift card and than merge) but you do that probably only once.
So, what is your motivation for playing this game if not the rewards? Well gameplay right now is mostly focused on good monsters positioning, overall knowledge of the battle rules and opponent research.
You don't have to have maxed out cards to be the champ in your league. I also only have one maxed out team (Earth) and the other are all Gold League Teams. Like I said I play mostly Silver League upwards because there are the most abilities unlocked. But when I play Novice or Bronze league you definetly have a good chance in beating me because I don't play this league very offen. On the other hand, if you go and buy your cards from than only the seller of that card gets your money.
That's a sweet hideout. I haven't looked at the new hideout setup.
That guy's right though. Your first char will always be crap.
I like to focus on 'Increase Item rarity', to find cool stuff early in the game; helps me later on.
Give your witch a break and start a hardcore char.
Play them through until they die, then delete them and go back to the witch for a bit. It's funny how different it feels after wearing a new skin for a while.
This is also seems like good real life advice too.
So agree, but for now, I must stay true to my weakling witch.
I’m trying to hold onto my crankywitch. I want to get to maps before I attempt HC. You’ll hear about it when I do. Lol.
Check out the Hideouts. They persist across leagues, I just see it as my PoE home. It’s soothing to take a break from all the bashing and spend time in your hideout to craft or just redecorate. I actually don’t like being in town anymore.
It’s interesting your take on the increase rarity, I’ve got those mods on a couple of my items, I find I don’t want to rid myself of them. But they’re a luxury atm. Need to work on other stats.
I resemble that meme....🤣