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RE: Path of Exile: Dying, dying, dying again

in #gaming6 years ago

Wasn’t ignoring this comment, actually tried to reply to it a few times. But it always read too negative on SM. As a game, when you get to actually play it, it’s fun. But someone like me, plays for the cool effects and abilities. I will pay to enjoy those features. But really, the game feels like a one-way money drain for the casual player. Unless, they are willing to grind through matches, that often aren’t that fun when against bots and maxed out decks. I’m not willing to waste my time on competitions or posting about it, just so I can earn from SM. My love is clearly very shallow for that game!

There isn’t enough players atm, and that discord community isn’t great. It’s a little Stedford wifey to me, in that you can sense that any negativity expressed against the game will be squashed by their sentinels or the people who lurk there because they are heavily invested. I just don’t feel that overseer vibe in the PoE communities. So I put it down to the the usual crypto BS, where everyone is careful about what the say and who they associate in hopes for gaining more favor. So game-wise and community-wise, there’s nothing that holds my interest . I just know I feel gross about myself after playing a few hours of it, mostly it’s reorganising my deck. I’d much rather review my Path of Exile character, chat to other gamers about strategy and how the game can be played in different ways. I’ve spent some money on the game purely out of appreciation for what the PoE developers have made available for free. It’s a great story theirs. I plan to spend more as soon as they release more fun stuff that appeals to me. I play games for fun, not investment.

With that said, I appreciate you are an expert of the game itself, and good on you for finding a way to get ahead Steem-wise through it!

As for PoE, I just can’t love on the game enough atm. I’d love to have you take an interest, but you would be too busy with SM. Should you decide to play, let me know! I’ve been told it is not an MMORPG, not that I know how it’s different. But you can certainly team up with other players. I guess I feel challenged and I like the players I’ve met through the game. I really do socialize more than I play. Here, since I took so long to reply back to your question, have a listen to some music I shared with a PoE pal last night. We realized we had a common interest in ‘epic’ music. I just didn’t know it was a genre until he mentioned it. Lol

Have fun battling!


I can see all of your points and really I don't want you to push into Steemmonsters or defend the problems that the game still suffers.
So, yeah gameplay and fun is the most important thing and there are several good ideas that they want to implement.
Like with all Crypto projects development and waiting for updates is harsh daily reality. We are playing a Beta version of the project and the devs are busy everyday to make automated tournaments happen. I think thats why they don't have time to fix gameplay related stuff but they promised to do that after tournaments are ready.
So, for me I really don't stress myself over this game and its actually fun to be part of a community that brings such a game to life.
Probably if you want to give it a second chance than wait and see if things are actually improving in the next months.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, well it is the 'good ideas' that has me wondering. I feel everything is pushing towards just them earning more money. They need a way to better support card progression that isn't only just buying. I suppose I didn't like the reward cards enough, so only getting them annoyed me. I was very fond of the beta deck. But to have to buy every shitty card when you have to get so much to get to the max level irritated me. I will check it out again this weekend though.

I mean even though I am supposed to merge my cards with my hubby's account, the process is so tedious, I just can't bring myself to log on to do it.

Well, I don't think that everything pushes towards them "the developers" to earn money. They actually only "earn" something if you buy Booster Packs. If you buy Booster Packs than about 20% goes to the Devs, 30% goes to Tournament prizes and 50% is about average card value.

Remember this is not a centralized game like Path of Exile where you don't own anything and all belongs to the devs/company. Having ownership in digital assets also comes along with taking care of it and manage your assets.
So, yes merging cards with another account is somehow annoying (sent as Gift card and than merge) but you do that probably only once.
So, what is your motivation for playing this game if not the rewards? Well gameplay right now is mostly focused on good monsters positioning, overall knowledge of the battle rules and opponent research.
You don't have to have maxed out cards to be the champ in your league. I also only have one maxed out team (Earth) and the other are all Gold League Teams. Like I said I play mostly Silver League upwards because there are the most abilities unlocked. But when I play Novice or Bronze league you definetly have a good chance in beating me because I don't play this league very offen. On the other hand, if you go and buy your cards from than only the seller of that card gets your money.