in #gems4 years ago

So I've been thinking of a real life event to talk about for Thursday's 5 minute freewrite challenge by @mariannewest, which is today with the prompt early gift.


Joyce our history teacher always had this aura of cheerfulness about her, so cute her smile is almost infectious. You could be having the worst day but a brief chitchat with her in the hall way would leave you beaming with smiles as one on a dinner date with Michelle Obama. She'd never miss her class and for a subject like history it is rather ironic that her students always looked forward to her lessons.

It was the last week before exams commences, Joyce had arrived early but strangely not in Austin's Audi rather she rode with Taxify. As usual she went about her routine exchanging pleasantries but in an unusual way. Joyce was in pain, this appearance was rather a facade fronting some kind of torture.

"I hope everything is OK".

I inquired.

"I'm great"

she replied without looking up. I didnt give her a reply, when she raised her head to see where or what my attention was on our gaze met and I held them fast.

For the first time in like never, she broke. Ten minutes later she had laid all her tenderness and vulnerability on the table, Joyce had a delicate interior same as the exterior personality she wears on daily bases.

"Austin is filing a divorce".

she raised her chin up, tears poured down her cheeks cheerfully. Even in sadness, this woman was still graceful.

"An undergraduate is pregnant for my husband.
His birthday is in 2weeks.
So much for an early gift.
Something I couldn't give him in 12years of our marriage, a 21year toddler did it in 12weeks".

She sobbed and sobbed so densely i lacked words to console her with so I joined in her sorrows.

Thank you for Reading

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Good story, I enjoyed it very much. Thank you.

Love the way this story was coined, love how you left the painful part for the very end. Cheers

You took that in a very interesting direction! Well done!
FYI - you need to use graphics and photos that are free for commercial usage. There are many sites that provide those - pixabay among them.

Well written, and sad. There is a lot there that could be turned into quite a long short story