Always one for the limelight....
The idea behind this contest is to browse back in time over your own blog and find and showcase 5 to 10 articles which when read, would give people more meat on the bones of the person behind the Steem username. This works for me, I'm more bones than meat at present anyway.
Perhaps when you joined the platform you made some kick ass posts that got little to no attention and you think they were amazing
'Kick-ass posts'? Well, not really Eric, but I guess there is some personal stuff in each of the following.
My 10
Not sure how folks with 2 years of posting behind them and no access to data are doing this, (perhaps you'd like a list of all your posts - I can help abh12345#9343 on discord) and having a full list certainly helped. My posts are in order of creation, generally include the life tag, and are a little sad in places. Let's go....
No image / written on the phone.
Title: A distant daddy's battle with depression
Created: 8/28/2016 4:31 PM
Link: https://steemit.com/@abh12345/a-distant-daddy-s-battle-with-depression
My 2nd post, and first of any substance. I never explicitly wrote 'part 2', but bits have come out in posts over the past year.
I was a prisoner in my own home, no longer allowed to go see friends. Everything came with a similar threat.. You won't see this child and you'll end up like your dad. She knew where to attack, and I just kept taking the punches, I wanted to live with my daughter and be a part of her upbringing, so I'd back down and bottle it.

Title: 10 things I didn't tell you yet...
Created: 6/24/2017 4:37 PM
Link: https://steemit.com/@abh12345/10-things-i-didn-t-tell-you-yet
10 pieces of information, how could I not include this one!
I once took a 7k bank loan out to cover travelling (and the repayments whilst i was away). The bank asked what the loan was for, housing, transport, debt consolidation, being the main options. I wrote VEHICLE in the 'other' section. Lying on these forms is not a good idea, VEHICLE to me, stood for Very Expensive Holiday In Cambodia Laos Etc.

Title: Burdened by the thoughts of others you love and the ones that don't care about you at all, it is never too late to make a change that could save your life.
Created: 6/28/2017 6:54 PM
Link: https://steemit.com/@abh12345/burdened-by-the-thoughts-of-others-you-love-and-the-ones-that-don-t-care-about-you-at-all-its-never-too-late-to-make-a-change
A letter from an angry grandmother enclosed, lacking tact, and a spellcheck.
Reading this letter again today, it no longer has the effect on me it did that morning. Riddled with spelling mistakes, one side of the story, lies, and even threats, already low in self esteem it almost broke me, but it also confirmed to me that a move from the town i lived, before it ate me from the inside out, was essential to my health.
Title: Farewell Valencia, Hello Mallorca!
Created: 10/6/2017 4:32 PM
Link: https://steemit.com/@abh12345/farewell-valencia-hello-mallorca
A little about my time in Valencia, and some hopes n dreams of the time to be spent in Majorca. Has it been a year already?!
... until next time, where I hope to blog some adventures here in Mallorca. Enjoy a view of Cala Figuera in the north East of the island which was taken last year, about 30 minutes after I scraped a BMW along the rail of a sheer drop! My passenger was not happy but this Cala (above) made up for it....
Title: Steemfest 2: How I won and lost in Portugal
Created: 11/11/2017 11:43 AM
Link: https://steemit.com/@abh12345/steemfest-2-my-thoughts-and-journey
A review of Steemfest 2. Makes me excited and wishing to interact more in November.
After a few more drinks I bumped into @lukestokes of whom I asked if he'd spoken to @ned regarding a recent conversation on the @steemitblog here. Luke seemed very positive in general, and assured me that all was well between them - apparently they'd both shared a serving of dog food together earlier that evening :)

Title: My 2017: Awesomeness and more grey hairs, yessss!
Created: 12/15/2017 1:54 PM
Link: https://steemit.com/@abh12345/my-2017-awesomeness-and-more-grey-hairs-yessss
Catch up with the whole of 2017 here!
The U.N. base is next to the airport at a classified location and was 13 km from my home. I managed to safely navigate over 2000 km this year on my bicycle, in temperatures ranging from 2c (35f) to a rather sweaty 39 (102f). At the end of the summer my legs were solid and I had a sweet backpack tan going on :)
Title: Life Update : A new adventure with sharks and volcanoes likely!
Created: 1/8/2018 10:54 AM
Link: https://steemit.com/@abh12345/abh12345-life-update-a-new-adventure-with-sharks-and-volcanoes-likely
The original plan for 2018. I hate making plans!
Since I left the United Nations in Valencia, I have been adding content to the Steem Blockchain pretty much daily from the Island of Mallorca, Spain. And for anyone not sure of their European geography, it goes:
Miami -> Atlantic Ocean -> Steemfest 2 ->The Hanging Gardens of Babylon -> Mallorca.
Title: The eternal heartache of a distant dad
Created: 4/26/2018 1:49 PM
Link: https://steemit.com/@abh12345/the-eternal-heartache-of-a-distant-dad
More on life in relation to my daughter.
Living less than 15 km away, being 'so close and yet so far', really got to me. I wasn't interested in my job any more, many of my friends had moved elsewhere, and this left me feeling 'empty'. I was living in that city to be near her, and this was 3/4 days and nights a month. I lived for these days, but that left a lot of days in-between where I felt so low.
After some time off work and plenty of time to reflect, I made the brave decision to leave the UK, for sunshine and less stress. Being in a new place, with less worries day-to-day, seemed to level me out and brighten my outlook. I worked in a Jewelry shop here in Mallorca, and also worked as an IT consultant for the United Nations in Valencia. The last 8 months have been spent mostly in Mallorca, with short trip to Reunion and Mauritius in the middle.
Title: The haejin effect
Created: 5/7/2018 4:22 PM
Link: https://steemit.com/@abh12345/the-haejin-effect
I had to stick at least one #steem post in here. This was written following a conversion with a witness, who recently agreed this post was spot on.
In the real world though, you would hope that those striving to keep up with the Joneses, are not doing so to the detrimental effect of everyone else in the community. (But maybe they are, and then what else can I expect to happen here?)
Producing low quality content on alt. accounts looks bad on you, and it looks bad and is lowering the morale of the community.
Be happy with the wealth you have and help bring abundance to our network. Please?

And finally, another one giving clues to what can get the better of me at times.
Title: Yeah, dunno - Father's Day and a catch up
Created: 6/19/2018 7:07 PM
Link: https://steemit.com/@abh12345/yeah-dunno-father-s-day-and-a-catch-up
We had a Father's Day recently... In the past that's been a day we've spent together, I didn't have to push for this weekend - it's one her mother did appreciate. A shame it's only yearly, I wished every weekend was considered the same way when I lived in the UK.
So there you are, plenty to go off. And some people say I don't write personal posts!
Some rules for those wishing to join
- Nominate 3 other Steemians
- Use the tag #gettoknowme
- Only include posts of your authorship
- Avoid crypto, politics and religious posts
- Only Steemians with more than 6 months in the platform or more than 100 posts made can join this challenge
I'm pretty sure no-one will be counting previous posts, and would consider the last rule as being flexible. Perhaps sit this one out if you joined last week though!
You can also resteem @anomadsoul's contest post: https://steemit.com/challenge/@anomadsoul/challenge-or-get-to-know-me-or-50-steem-in-prizes
I nominate @smasssh, @carlgnash, and @indigoocean
Have a good weekend all!
That took a bit of reading. I actually enjoyed it, seeing the two years and the steps along the way you have made. I know it was a hard thing for you to take that first step away, and re-learn how to be yourself again, but I think you have done well. When your daughter is able, she will see your journey and struggles also through your eyes, it may take a few years but the time really does pass fast.
As I was reading and seeing some of the places that you have lived in the last 4 or 5 years, it leaves me wondering where you will be settling next, what new adventures await you in living locations. The Falklands next maybe, triangulating your way around the world. Here to your traves physical, psychological, and mental, continue to enjoy life and all it offers.
Thanks man, I appreciate the positive words. I think there are some who would never be able to see my side, and only look at it from the other way.
I'm not sure where next really, I do like warm weather so that narrows it down a bit. Need an English speaking place if I'm doing IT, but if crypto flies then that opens it up a bit. Beach blogging ideally!
Oh wow.... that was quite touching, Asher.
Who said you wouldn't write personal posts? I feel that there is always so much of Asher in your writings, even in your numbers :-)
That really cracked me up, hahahah! Okay, telling a lie is not stylish, but since we all know that you're one of the good ones I bet even the bank would forgive you today :-)
Thanks for being so open with us, means a lot.
Oh, and that picture with your daughter can melt hearts....
Happy weekend
Thank you Marly!
I'll not give a name away but did think that I can be quite open at times and thought I could find at least 10 posts showing this. Hopefully the above shows this to be true.
The last photo is one of my favourites, taken at a time when it was ok to leave the UK for a holiday with her.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a nice message, have a lovely weekend 😊 X
Moved to top level comment.
Hehe, that was sweet :-) Thanks for putting a smile on my face!
Great personal stuff man, it's the sort of stuff that I really love to read on here. Super kudos
And ooh, I quite fancy having a go at this. Got a lot to get off my chest again.
I'm glad its there, something to look back on to remember how it was, and how I don't want it to be again.
Yeah get to work, I'll be looking out :)
Feel honored being nominated by you you mate, thanks.
Although I tried to follow the HF20-issues as much as I could, it didn't bother me that much, because I had (and still having) a lot of "arranging" stuff to do for a very big job I just started.
Will nevertheless accept and dive into this contest tomorrow.
Thanks again.
I know you've written a few, but would be good to see them compiled up. Let me know if you need a list of your posts - I can send via discord. Cheers!
Started to go through my posts a bit already and made a first selection. Although they're not all 100% personal posts, they all at least give an impression of (or tell something more about) me in a way you wouldn't be surprised when meeting me in real life.
Gonna "refuel" now; really need some hours of sleep, but try to make something nice of it tomorrow.
Alright man, no real rush, enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Ouch man, some great and personal stuff here. I did arrive a bit at the old dad thing!
It's good you are in a better place now!
Thanks Daddy boom!
Yeah me too, I was a right miserable twat!
for a barman who provides many fun information about steemit experience through the cakes and pies, then running as witness, contests and other support for community but still have a funny side of losing the bike and wallet then asking people suggest the jean's size... I think you have a very way on telling people about your personal life, unless those people don't really follow you ... I can tell the contains of your post from the tittle that ginabot notified me since I followed your blog.
but.. there are so many things I missed out, I like the latest post on the list!
Thank you dear 😊😊 I try to, and doing have a problem sharing - I just wonder if people are really interested or not, but this contest allowed me to collect these posts together.
Maybe you should join the fun too? 😁
😂😂😂 it gonna be a boring post to read because all my posts are so personal and people could read me through it😆 the challenge is how to post something personal but the readers thought it is professional 😅 just like what you did all this time.
Anyway...after reading your post and other participants of the challenge, I think this challenge is a good way to interact with those who care so much to the community and run some program like the curation team or etc... maybe you should find a way to look at "who is the real steemceleb after the hf20" hehehe
Diversification and in my opinion for sure it's an great InitiativeSteemit Engagement Levels fell like House Of Cards. Keep up and good luck.@abh12345, Everyone holds the different stories and that's the beauty of by @anomadsoul at the right point of time means, when @anomadsoul came up with the idea of this contest, that's an time when
Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂
He's got some good ideas to draw posts out of people, and supports them too 😊
Thanks and enjoy the weekend!
Yes, you've said absolutely true. Thank you so much and you too. 🙂
Really powerful posts! I really do feel like I’m getting to knowu you as a person, not just a witness. Thanks for tagging me. Just posted.
I read one at work, loved it. And I think I'll enjoy most of your work, just need to find the time. 😊
I'm incredibly touched by all the words you write about your (difficult) relationship with your daughter, being a father... A 12-year old has simple but intense reasoning about the relationships she keeps, and she will have more nuanced reasoning in a few years probably - I hope you both find ways to (re)connect.
(Maybe it touches me because although my dad lived at home he wasn't always super 'present' but became present after he got sick - and then better again. I forced him to hug me which he never did, I kept hugging, and now he told my mom that 'he learned how to hug from his daughter'. It's the best thing I've ever taught anyone. I was 16 years old when I had that break through with him and I'm grateful it happened.)
I love reading personal posts, so I appreciate the little insights in your emotional life you offer me here :-)
Thank you. Comments like these mean a lot to me. And I remember acknowledging times when my daughter (re) taught me things too, these are special moments for all.
You daughter and her mother live in England?
Yes they do.
This kind of thing must be hard. Fathers may have hard time getting fair treatment in court in custody cases. This is why many are forced to put up with many types of bad behavior from their wifes. Birthrates are plummeting in most of the developed world and I think this is probably among the reasons why.
Yes I has been hard, but I'm in a better place in my mind with it now.
A bold statement! But yes, perhaps stick with one and so you don't risk the chance of being apart from 2 (or more) has crossed my mind over the past 12 years.
I'm not saying it's a huge factor statistically but I'm pretty sure there are significant numbers of fence-sitters all over the developed world who ponder whether they want to become fathers or not. Those men will certainly be put off by the combination of discouraging divorce rates and the prospect of having to fight over custody when divorcing less than amicably. In Japan, over a half of men in their twenties stay away from relationships altogether.
That's one way birthrates may be affected by this.
You can tell she's not real, no woman would accept that tile colour in the bathroom!
Seriously, though, I suppose women can lose much of their appeal if you get to be at the receiving end of or witness some of their worst behaviours. I wonder what goes on in the minds of those Japanese young men. In the West, most men who've lost appetite for relationships tend to be older men who've been put through the wringer in divorce court.
Posted using Partiko Android
You certainly have a lot of personal stuff here.
By the way...
I guess I still lied on the forms, but this made me feel less bad. And I paid it all back!
Glad to meet you And Upvoted you :) !
“Most women would each be left with fewer dreams or without a dream, if the institution of marriage were to be abolished.” ====> Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I'm going to return later and read this post properly.
Till then, what are your going to do tomorrow? Are you going to post the lists as usual? Or are you going to skip this week?
Ok then 😊
Yes I'll be posting without change tomorrow, and perhaps have a rethink for the following week.
I'm curious to know what changes are you going to make 🤔😀
Well I don't even know myself yet 😁
And depending what changes could be made next week by Steemit, maybe no changes are required.
I was afraid how these limitations are going to affect my ability to comment but no worries, I can comment without problems 😀
Too much of personal stuff on Steem @abh12345 all the best with the contest.👌 i never gone through all these post yet but now would love to dive upon one by one 👍
Posted using Partiko Android
I'll forgive you if you don't, that's a mission and time consuming!
Thanks for the contest support, I forgot it was actually a contest and thought just a sharing exercise. Cheers!
With this contest you showed us a small chain of adventures of your life. Yes, yes, life is a great adventure, that's how I always think and very rarely I'm sad)). Your photo with your daughter will not leave anyone indifferent! It was very interesting to read all this.
Hi @abh12345!
Your UA account score is currently 6.649 which ranks you at #117 across all Steem accounts.
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