🙎 [人蔘商號] 開張公告 🙎 本日商品-辯證觀 🙎 Ginseng Store - Opening

in #ginsengstore8 years ago (edited)


這是盤旋我腦中許久的念頭,今天擇期撞日就公告一下開張了吧!不賣人蔘,取這啥名字啊!對,我既不在東北種人蔘,也不是韓國高麗人蔘代理商。真的就只是因為「人生」跟「人蔘」音近而已,總是有些關於「人生」的觀察想寫,有些可以放在我《人間一刻》系列裡寫,但通常那得牽涉到某個觀察的瞬間;有些可以放在《致未來》系列裡寫,但題材總是得跟這主題(未來)有點關係才行... 所以,我就覺得可以開創一個新系列來串起這些觀察,腦中已經有好幾個題材(商品)可以寫(賣)了... 

寫出人生觀察,說是分享,也是推銷;放上Blog,獲得收入,也是販賣。看吧!『人蔘商號』挺適合的了吧!茶館我都開過了,賣賣「人蔘」也沒什麼了... :)

有興趣的客倌們,再請持續關注啊 ... 

Dear Steemians, 

This "Ginseng Store" series of mine starts today. But you might be wondering why or how am I selling Ginseng on Steemit and I expect this kind of question keep popping up in the future. Actually, this series of mine will be used to record some of my observations about life. It will mainly be written in Chinese and maybe rarely in both Chinese and English when the topic is suitable. It is not because I am too lazy to write in English, but these observations/experiences of mine are very subtle to express well enough for a non-native speaker like me and I really care the quality of my post so I would rather just write in Chinese. Besides, lives in different regions of the world can be very different although there are also many things in common.

Oh right! why "ginseng"? Okay. Ginseng sounds like "life" in Chinese. That's why I use this name for this series about life. I cannot sell life can I? LOL... If you really want good ginseng, you might want to ask the Korean friends here. I know very little about this human-shaped nutriment. :)






但我會Google,所以我幫忙簡介一下啊... 黑先生的思想很多很宏大,我也不介紹,因為我說不懂也是真的,你們可以自己看,別問我就好。我只說他思想裡的一件事,簡單說就是「正反合」,多說一點就是正(thesis)、反(antithesis)、合(synthesis)的三段式律動(參考此處)。









要附帶一提的是,這種思考並不是用來處理科學問題的。例如比特股系統每秒最高可達到的交易頻率是XXXX,水是由兩顆氧跟一顆氫組成,... 這裡面可沒有什麼正反合的空間了啊!


是的!聰明的客倌應該感受得到,「正反合」其實隱含了一種生生不息的循環,因為一旦「合」,新的「正」的論述就又出現了,所以「反」也會隨之出現,於是就得要..... You know. :)


images - pixabay and imgflip


haha 我喜欢










另外,人蔘,我的母語來說是「人心」 ,人心人生,哈(不知道怎樣結尾,來個哈好了...)

edited: 加了讀音連結:P

人森啊~ ((嘆

小的時候我也很常正,認為一定要幫助弱勢的人,慢慢的出了社會之後開始學會了不少反,總覺得某些可憐之人必有可恨之處,不過最後我還是覺得合才會是我內心最想做的事! :)

小Lydia長大了.... :)


請教教我怎麼合 拜託








「人生」跟「人蔘」,哈哈,我喜歡 LOL

Now I wish I could read Chinese. Sounds interesting!

actually not as profound as it might seen. In this first episode, I am sharing with them that we should try to view matters of lives with Hegel's dialectic. I am not sure if I understand it correctly, but basically first you have an positive argument, and from this one it's easy to develop one that negates it (most often than not from someone who thinks differently from you). And Hegel tells us to 'synthesize' both arguments so we can have a new one which reconcile both. The last one becomes the new argument and the new cycle begins.... I found it is useful to look at the world with such a mindset so we will have wider perspective and learn from different/opposing opinions ... That's about it. Not sure if I convey it close enough. :)

Your explanation sounds good to me. I have to brush up on my philosophy though. I don't remember much about Hegel.

neither do I. actually I got this thinking from my wife. she is more philosophical.

She sounds like a good influence.

I need to heavily upvote this comment. lol. Yeah, she taught me a lot about how to understand this world.

That's great! There's nothing better than finding a partner who helps you grow.

No, you did a pretty good job there :)

Here in Vietnam you can find candied Ginseng and it tastes so good! Did you bag some free Bitcoin cash yesterday @deanliu?

I guess you should buy me some. you know, getting a big follower and ... :)

Oh I parked my less than half btc in an exchange I trust and just watch this from the sideline... My focus is mainly on Steem.

yeah that works too, if BTC breaks ATH Steem might increase in fiat value too and Bcash is having a nice lil' bull run right now, I set my first sell target at $1000

when you set your target with $, does it mean that when the target is achieved, you sell it for btc and immediately sell the btc for $? I know for some big coins on Polo you can sell directly in $ terms... but only there...

so, btw, what exchange(s) do you recommend for general trading? I have tried polo and bittrex so far...

As far as exchanges I use BITTREX and Bitfinex for altcoins and Kraken to buy/sell BTC for fiat money. I would stay away fro POLONIEX right now though, too many red-flags :)Hey @deanliu, I usually have multiple targets on a trade (whether $/BTC or BTC/altcoin), so I will scale out of of the position along the way, I never go 100% out of a wining trade because it might always go higher and you end up being low-tipped, actually I cover this strategy in one of my old articles: https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@tradealert/strategies-to-trade-with-the-smart-money





多谢刘美女!!! 😊☺





Nice post, upvoted and followed you.

nice article! @deanliu followed and upvoted. nice comment @oflyhigh, upvoted and followed :D 赶快逃走ε=ε=ε=┏(゜ロ゜;)┛



I'm being listen about ginseng since a decade ago, while I was in India. Chinese are really lucky that they have it.

Amazing post
i just upvoted your post and following you now
upvote back if possible

steemit أكثر تقدما وأكثر ما يرام. نأمل أن نتمكن من المشاركة في هذا التصويت steemit مرحبا لجميع أصدقائه. ولكن الأهم من ذلك القيام به هو التقاط الاشياء الآخرين لدينا الاشياء الشخصية. راض جدا مع نظيره steemit الحالية يمكن أن نشارك دولار steem لأصدقائنا وجميع الناس الذين هم في steemit. تحيات الصداقة لا ننسى أن يتبعني وحصة من الأصوات على المشاركات التي يتم عرضها قوارب الكاياك للعرض في steemit. بفضل صديق مخلص steemit

Gingseng ... wow ... Ginseng, very good in consumption, I like to drink coffee gingseng



Ginseng has a lot medicinal properties and wonderful benefits to the body. It has anticancer properties and is great in reducing inflammation. What i love about it is that it boosts your brain function gives you mental focus. I took ginseng when i was in college and i know it's damn well effective.

And they said it also serves as an aphrodisiac. I cannot vouch for that yet. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


great in reducing inflammation.
upvote and resteem

it is very important for human life

It's very nice

I wish that today is only a drop in the sea of unrestrained fun and brightest positive emotions, whose banks are sweet bliss.

Some ginsengs also help men's vitality, also gives men more action in bed. Did you buy some ginseng in the store?

It is a very beautiful Ginseng store. so much quaint charm, they made the most with the materials they had, you shoul take more photos of the inside! give them free advertising!

I am editiunga nd erasing my Mobile Death squad organ harvesting comment

I apologize for this outburst but you Chinese must adress these issues

you , as a society, kill so many christians and falong gong and buddhists its not right, and you must change this

i deleted the pictures of the executions and organ harvesting mobile death vans for the sake of steemit, but you cannot keep going on steemit WITHOUT addressing these issues

I apologize for my comment, but it was WAy worse and i edited it down

I was just overly angry that day, it as inappropriate, sorry it wont hapen again

I will save my criticism of Chinese Communism for pots about that and leave the Ginseng store alone

I must admit that if you are taiwanese, i have made myself look like a massive fool, and I just asumed the chinese characters were about chinese mainland

Again i apologize for doing this to you when I dont know you and havent left any comments on urpost uyet @deanliu

I dont want to get into a steemit war with the Chinese steemit users..... I will admit I am being arrogant in my accuations and criticism of china on this post , but for anyone on Earth who is opposed to chinese communism and all communism, am I out of place for wanting to talk to a Chinese citizen on the only platform where I can talk to them that I know of? And I WANt chinese to have steemit THEY NEED IT THE MOST but when china bans the VPNs nxt year, what will happento steemit? And can the chinese Hard fork the Steem Blockchain the way Russians dd with Golos and have thir own Chinese hard fork of steem?!?! Maybe the chinese communist party can control who gts to be a Steem Chinese fork witness, and then you can totally defeat the entie purpose of steem ! heh ;) i just hope that doesnt happen but isnt it bound to happen?

Wont the chinese communist govrnment LOVE to have a system like stem blokchain where tHEY control who is a witness?

Just like how once the Chinse control ALL the Bitcoin Cash Miners in China, they will essentially have full contrl of the Bitcoin Cash system/.....all miners in china have to comnply with the government and the government is communist...so in a way, communists will have contrl ovr bitcin...ohg god, oh no hahaha the communists willhave realy won when they hve all our fiat money AND all the crypto currency