One thing I didn't mention in the post is that my sister was married for a year when she was about 24. Seeing that marriage go down the tubes and several others from people back in Indiana it sort of made me question marriage even more. It mainly made me not in a rush so much. But yeah I get what you are saying about maintaining security for a child but why does someone necessarily need to show that commitment by legally binding themselves through government paperwork?
I'm really happy for people who have a great marriage and it works out. But unfortunately we are seeing it less and less these days. Places like Iceland have almost all but abandoned the concept all together.
I'm with you 100% on hitting on girls at the gym. It is a tough thing and you almost have to talk to them when they are leaving in the parking lot or some other odd situation like I pulled off where she was shooting baskets. I got lucky in that regard. And I was lucky that there weren't more people trying to shoot around. It was just me and her in the gym to start out with.
I get what you are saying about the relationships for sure. In the past couple years the girls that I wanted to be more serious with were quite a bit younger. One was 21 and another was 22 and it is a little tougher to make that workout in the long run. It was fun for them for awhile but at their age they didn't want to get locked down. For whatever reason the chicks who are about 28 to 34 don't seem to workout at all. It sounds bad but even being pretty accepting red flags start flying or I feel like there isn't enough chemistry.
Before I really get locked down I need to travel the world to be honest. I think going to these places with all these travelers will be a good scene for me. I will probably meet some chicks from Canada, Australia, or Europe or something.... who knows.
Wow I never knew that Iceland has such a high rate of unwed parents. I presume things are still working well over there. Maybe they have it right.
I just don't see what benefit marriage has for a man. Sure, many women find it desirable because of the security aspect, but what about for a man? I guess if you are not confident in your ability to attract women, then it works the same way too.
Traveling helps you grow a lot. I've learned a lot in China and this is a place for men that want marriage. That's how their culture is. Many girls are hinting at marriage a couple weeks into a relationship.
Well if you notice a lot of guys get lazy as fuck when they are in a relationship or married. No one every says they want a husband bod or a dad bod. A lot of it is just being content and people let themselves go.
I will admit that once I got that Bootylicious girls phone number I stepped it up an extra notch in the gym the next few days. I can't be slacking when you are trying to be a spartan... lol
That is funny that girls hint at marriage a couple weeks into a relationship. lol I feel like 90% of people here are just "hanging out" at this point. The ones that are single that is.
Too much security can do that to people. When your relationship is secured by law, then you don't have motivation to stay on your A game. That causes people to feel lazier or not appreciate what they have. When there is that manageable bit of insecurity, you know that you can't afford to devolve like that. When you get married, sex gets a whole lot more boring for many people because of the same reason.
Yeah it is an interesting concept. It is like when someone is subsidized too much. It incentives laziness.
People don't hustle and get too comfortable living on easy street.