My 3 day Juice Fast - AMAZING Results!

in #health7 years ago

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Energy, Weight Loss, Flat Tummy, Clear Skin
Ok, flatter tummy and clearer skin. I didn't completely transform in three days

Every once in awhile I feel it's important to cleanse. To reset. Body and mind. Our lives are so full of clutter and chaos and our bodies tend to pay the price. There's no better way to restore and recharge than a juice fast. Three complete days of nothing but water and this amazing detox juice recipe. Ok, and I sneak in one cup of coffee each day. Shhhh

You don't really need a juicer, but rather just a nice blender. I use my Ninja. There are a zillion awesome juice and green smoothie recipes out there in the world, but this is the one I use. It's especially detoxifying and good for the skin.

Ultimate Green Detox Juice

  • 2 green apples
  • 3 stalks celery
  • 1 cucumber
  • 8 leaves kale
  • 1/2 lemon (no peel)
  • 1 pc fresh ginger
  • 1/2 cup water


Super simple. Cut everything up into reasonable chunks
And go!

If you're using a blender and want true juice and not smoothie-like texture you can blend and then use a strainer to get all the pulp out. I prefer it a little chunkier (feels more like food) so make it as is and store it in ready-to-go meal-sized cups. I actually keep them in the mixer cups that came with my magic bullet. When I'm ready to eat I grab one out of the frig, add a tad more water and throw in the bullet for 20-30 seconds.

I forgot to take a photo of the meal-sized smoothie in the bullet, but this is what it looks like before I blend it up the first time. Tiny view of the bullet over there to the right ;)

That batch gets me through about a day and a half, but really depends on your hunger. I find I'm hungry (or more craving food than actual hunger) through the majority of day one. But after that it really just disappears. When and if I'm hungry but have had my juice replacement meal recently a big glass of water does the trick.

So that's it really. I drank one for breakfast, lunch and dinner plus on two of the days I had a smaller one for a snack. The thicker smoothie vs true juice helps keep my belly a little more full, and (in my opinion) there is no detriment to drinking the pulp, so it works for me. Oh, forgot to mention if you REALLY can't stand the taste (if does taste a bit like kale) you can add a drop or two of liquid stevia. That does the trick, but I caution against it simply because it might (most likely will) trigger cravings. It's 3 days, I promise you can do it.

Now My Results

  • 5 lbs lost
  • Energy restored
  • Skin looks great
  • My belly is flatter
  • I need way less sleep
  • My focus is off the charts

I don't really know how to put it into words the immediate changes I feel. I'd been waking up in the morning with that brain fog that's reminiscent of the world's greatest hangover, yet I wasn't drinking. I'd need copious amounts of coffee to carry me through the day (although I do LOVE coffee). I'd start 10 things and finish 1 if I was lucky.

What am amazing way to remind yourself of the mind-body connection

Happy Juicing!


Fabulous! So glad you are getting good results! I am sure many people will enjoy having your recipe, too, and the pics are great! 😊

Thank you!

I need to do a fast one of these days!

Don't wither away please :)

  1. Dont stress the "image source" in the preview. Everyon is looking at your photo and your title.
  2. Frankly, I'm kinda hip. I need a blender /magic bullet. I need that energy!!! Dang.
  3. Omg u r so freakin kyute. I better see more selfies in the future!!! Hehe

Awww thank you!
The bullet really won’t do the job; i just use it for like quick remixes. Go get yourself a good blender and go!! I promise you will feel amazeballs!

Absolutely love green juicing with herbs! It’s reviving & refreshing! Combine it with daily sessions of memetic yoga & your doing your body a serious favor 🌿💚

I really am interested in starting yoga. It's been on my "do-this-thing" list for awhile now. I've started meditating daily, which was also on "the list" so I am making progress towards a happier, healthier me. Do you have any suggestions on where/how to start yoga? Thinking until I'm comfortable enough with it I'd probably like to start with something I can do at home. A video or something...

Yes Definitely ! I did do my own memetic yoga sessions through video however I’m big pregnant now so certain movements are uncomfortable! Start out with breathing exercises before you jump straight into stretching + movements. So find a video that focuses on breath— kemetic yoga I find Does this best. I also personally like psyche truth yoga videos. Check Them Out, See which ones you like, just remember to focus more on breathing than anything whenever doing any physical activity ⭐️💚

Good for you, keep it up! I did a 21 day green juice diet where i lost close to 30 pounds.

Thank you! I'd love to do a 21 or 30 day juice diet; I've never gone that long before. I probably could have gone longer on this one if I'd been more resilient. Had some cravings the last day.

I will try.because I need it..losing weight will be good for your health...

Would you be able to email this post? Please. Less whatever you deem unnecessary, but the straight goods on fast and recipe, as I've a recalcitrant boy I'd like to print it up for. Thank-you. [email protected]
Keep on keeping on. 😇

Are you on discord? I can DM it to you

No, sorry, that's why I sent gmail address. I've no cooy/paste at present so I asked you, but don't worry if you can't, I will hopefully have a computer soon, and can scroll back to find it.

Will definitely try it !!! Upvote+saved! :D

I loved it! Day 1 is pretty hard lol but after that it's really not so bad. Helps to like the taste of it.

I just realized that I'm missing the blender, but I'll manage! :P 'Suffer for beauty' I don't care about the taste ;P

You're definitely going to need a blender. I don't know about there, but here you can pick one up pretty inexpensively. Can't wait to hear about your results

Here too I think, it's just a more limited market - Can't wait to actually make it !! I will let you know, obviously ! :D