
I really am interested in starting yoga. It's been on my "do-this-thing" list for awhile now. I've started meditating daily, which was also on "the list" so I am making progress towards a happier, healthier me. Do you have any suggestions on where/how to start yoga? Thinking until I'm comfortable enough with it I'd probably like to start with something I can do at home. A video or something...

Yes Definitely ! I did do my own memetic yoga sessions through video however I’m big pregnant now so certain movements are uncomfortable! Start out with breathing exercises before you jump straight into stretching + movements. So find a video that focuses on breath— kemetic yoga I find Does this best. I also personally like psyche truth yoga videos. Check Them Out, See which ones you like, just remember to focus more on breathing than anything whenever doing any physical activity ⭐️💚