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RE: 209,826 Total Team Reps (+4,630) - Steemit Daily 100+ Rep Fitness Challenge - Day # 91 - 3/7/18

in #health7 years ago

I've been on and off with a belt. If I hit a high enough weight that I feel like I need it, I use it. But I'm also actively trying to strengthen my body enough to not need it. Keep in mind though, that I have an incredibly weak posterior chain, which is an admitted weakness.

Before, I'd hit 135 on back squats and immediately grab for the belt. I can now safely go to 150ish before I feel the urgency to grab it. There are some days I'll even do a couple sets at that weight with no belt and finish off with a belt.

I guess it always goes back to the old adage of "Know your body." Don't avoid the use a belt just for the sake of not using it.


Yeah I feel like I'm getting to the point where it's time to think about it. I'm squatting and deadlifting over 1.5x my bodyweight for 5 reps now and already tweaked my back once on DLs. I'd probably only use it on lifts that are 275+

Yeah, you're doing quite a bit more weight overall than I am. But I certainly wouldn't risk hurting your back again though. If you hit a set and start to feel that core get a little weak, grab the belt and finish 'em off.