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RE: The Harmful Parasite that is Living Inside of 250 Million Americans - Part 1

in #health8 years ago

I don't doubt large corporations are playing the government for their own financial gain. That much is pretty obvious. However, your fear mongering is not helping. You have a click bait title about a parasite and then only mention it abstractly in your introduction and once in your conclusion as an aside.

85-90% of Americans have a very harmful parasite living inside of them today. How did it get there? Who put it there? Why is it there?

How did it get there? You didn't answer this.
Who put it there? Nor this one.
Why is it there? Nope. Not this one either.

I am all for freedom and speech and knowledge, but your post creates unsubstantiated fear in the reader. You are no better than corporations manipulating customers to buy their harmful products under the guise of health.


Gonna have to respectfully disagree here @proskynneo ...

I agree that it was a bummer that the parasite thing wasn't covered but, based on my understanding of what I just read, there's a lot of information necessary to get us there. Also, as a blogger they have to draw us in and then leave us wanting more. This author did that.

I also mentioned the click-baity title but I'm not even sure if this would count as click-bait, seeing as it was a full-fledged multi-part series. That's like getting mad at a three part series of book called "First encounter of the alien kind" because the first book sees no aliens.

I could be seeing this wrong, though. Anyone else have an opinion? I don't feel fear from this post, I feel like I want to read more. Isn't that a good thing for a steemit author?

Stick with me and when I have finished this series you can shoot me down as much as you wish. I don't think that you will be disappointed and I welcome you to do so if I have not tied this all back together into one very coherent and consistent story.

You do raise a good point though. I could have written a better ending to this post and I will now go back and see how I can improve on it.

Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it.

Honestly, it was a very compelling, well-written post. I'd just steem on to the next part of the series.

Ok, ok... more honestly... I just want to read more.

thanks @prufarchy and I'm pleased that you enjoyed reading the 1st post. I am working on the next one now!

Let me be clear, I am glad you are getting the information out there. I have read other articles on the subject in the past and they substantiate the narrative you are sharing. My preference is the gather the facts and draw my own conclusions. I tend to interpret sensationalization as a tool to hype a topic when the facts don't quite substantiate the claim. In your case, I think the facts more than substantiate your claim and no sensationalization is need. The sensationalization then hurts your argument because it makes me wonder why you feel you need to sensationalize the article. But this is just my personal preference. I encourage you to finish your series and I will consider your argument as a whole rather than the parts.