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in #health7 years ago (edited)

Unless you sacrifice animals for a higher rebirth or murder people, that is really a lay person it is easy to follow sila. But the article is pointing out there are worse things a person can do compared to eating meat.


I loved the article. I think that there are worse things yes, but often eating meat is LINKED with these things. For example, excess consumption, factory farming, waste, destruction of forests etc. So buying and eating meat can be ourselves and others. I am not vegetarian rhough I try best to be and am.careful when I do.

Most areas around the world are supplied food through small holdings. Many places on earth cannot grow just vegetables and grain to feed their population. Especially the northern countries and arid countries. It is easy to be a vegetarian if grocery stores are easily acccessible and one has the funds to pay for suppliments needed, there is no way to get heme (digestable Iron) from plants or vitiman Bs...Strict vegans need supplements or they become sick. Vegetarians can eat eggs and other animal products depending on the diet they follow. not getting enough heme, (anemia) for children and women is dangerous, it stunts growth and causes painful menstrual cycles, pregnancy issues, and breast feeding. We cannot absorb plant based iron, it is a fact...

Also if the world stopped eating domestic animals we would lose our hardy heritage livestock put the world in danger of famine if our corporate food grids fail...they are fragile because of their dependency on our energy grids and subject to infectious diseases from the use monoculture, chemicals, and crowding.

anyway, as you said there are far worse things we can do....lying, stealing, greed, murder, consuming more than we need....

Okay so if there is places on earth that cant grow veggies for humans where are the animals getting their food from? like cows who need more food and water than humans, Especially the factory farmed animals which depend on factory farmed vegetables. Because of the monotony of modern diets people have forgotten the abundance of diversity of plant food that grows in all environments, northern and arid.

Cows fill a symbiotic relationship with plants and dirt microbime, as do all grazing animals. They do not eat or take water from other animals and plants. They actually help the enviornment retain moisture through fertlizing the soil , which promotes healthy microbiome that feeds plants, as they graze as all grazing animals do. Ruminits should not be eating grain, it will actually kill them if that's all they eat...Plants are an important part of the human diet. However many cultures that live in deserts and northern climes cannot eat just grass or scrub but animals can. That is why their diet is primarly meat like the Masai and Inuit people...We have a symbiotic relationship with the animals and plants we have have a simplistic view of a world that never existed and you are reacting to a toxic environment I do not want to be apart of just like you.

Thank you for your passionate heartfelt response @jaredcordon, however this post wasn't actually about eating meat. Is about blind reactions to what we do not like or do like ....

I don't agree that we can't absorb plant based iron. My entire family has been vegetarian since 1970's (although I eat meat now) and we never had a problem with iron absorption as Mum always made sure we ate the right foods. i will never forget being fed raw cabbage and capsicum as we were waiting for tea when we were hungry kids, never knowing the reason she did it was so that we were getting enough vitamin C to absorb the plant based iron we did get. However, I acknowledge that in other countries this might be trickier as of course we had access to supplements if we need them, not that we ever did.

Edit, I found my reseearch papers and I will write up an article. I just found out over 2 billion people are iron deficient, a study done by WHO....

Your Mom was right and I was was wrong about iron...nonheme iron is difficult to absorb and I will write a paper on this...

Men don't need that much iron so for you and me, a post menopausal woman getting enough iron is not a big deal!

Ill get the data for you, And also there has never been a pure vegan society...and vitamin c is needed in greater quantities if eating a high carb diet, your Mom was spot on with that...

But there are worse things than disagreeing about diet regarding the articles topic like hating meat eaters or vegans just because of telling meat eaters or hunters they are going to Buddhist hell....lololol

I totally agree that ideology sucks. We never shoved our choices down peoples throats. My parents did it for health reasons as they were worried about preservatives and hormones in processed meat. After a while they just felt better and would never go back. My Mum was smart enough to research and do it properly. And that was the 70s, before online research was possible! Im glad you discovered some new information to adjust your thinking. Love these steemit conversations!!! And thanks again for this fabulous Steemit article. I wpuld resteem but i cant handle the picture of a bbq on my feed 🤗🤗❤❤

I posted meat pictures to see if I could catch any vegans or vegetarians was bait....thank you for your lovely discussion with me and I love your Mum!

I enjoyed it too! Yeah Im proud of Mums intelligence and resourcefulness.. I learnt alot about nutrition from her.

I found 3 studies related to gut bacteria microbiome, iron deficiency with pregnant women , and autism...this is going to be a great paper because of you @riverflows and your awesome MOM <3

Nice article, and yeah some meat consumption might have worked 1000´s of years ago, since it did NOT directly kill humans and plants.
Today thou, I must say, it does and the Buddha would turn to veganism looooooog ago, according to the philosophy you describe.

I am a vegan since 5 years, an engineer in biochemistry and I´ve never eaten any supplements for vitamin B or iron, there are no reason what so ever.

Having non heme iron in vegan, antioxidant rich sources, enables 20% uptake , standard uptake from heme iron with no extra vitamins e.g stake, sauce potatos, peas, you will take up 10% of the heme iron... Guess which is more healthy?? doh..

The numbers vary greatly with the iron level in the body off course.

The combo of sugar + fat, makes it impossible for humans to get rid of the fat since ketosis is extremly important and eating sugar for breakfast
stops it, and meat / fat intake over during the day is never burnt off, is a death senescent!

The biggest problem might still be protein diseases which is growing more then anything, and is my arena of profession.

Meat wont work in 2018, we lose 90% of the energy to heat, while 50% of humanity is suffers the maths!

The Buddha wished love to all sentient beings before all else, if you don´t see this conflicting with meat consumption, after the numbers i just gave you, I fear nothing will change or view on global state of nutrition :((

Why produce 90% heat instead of food? Ah rite the corporate agenda, big money, export meat to rich zones FROM the poor, leaving the poor with no soils or forests.

The beef produced in The Amazonas is not eaten by the starving population close by NONO, it is exported to fat / obese, ignorant Americans who gladly pays premium to DIE faster and take the planet with them :)


You can read my post regarding diet and poverty here

Humanity is suffering from malnutrition because of corruption in their governments....corruption causes famine, war, disease, and poverty.

Buddha was not a vegan or a vegetarian he ate what was given to him when he went on his alms need to read my post and stop reacting to titles and pictures.

I love your passion but your blind reaction is kind of boring and has nothing to do with my article, which has nothing to do with has to do with reacting to what we like and don't like...

You are NOT what you eat @clausewitz <3


:) This is a planed and long time coming project!

Humanity is suffering from malnutrition because of corruption in their governments....corruption causes famine, war, disease, and poverty.

It is easy to blame others and point fingers, but all non vegans are as guilty, not the government or anyone else, I pray for awakening, as the Buddha would say, I guess hehe

I find it very useful to point out such a thing, The Buddha based his view on eating animals on non suffering...He would be vegan in 2018, I know plenty of Buddhist agreeing, what do you think about it?
I find it a useful and strong argument pointing to that times have changed...

I have never mentioned you, your article or anything it states... I adress all articles promoting meat in this post, and yes, ONE article about ---> THE <---- Buddha, since i Love both topics and feel obligated to do so.

Kinda shocking that anyone would feel targeted, but I am glad you actually read this, thank you <3

Exactly we are NOT what we eat, all the meat consumption in the world will NEVER make us carnivores, only sick and dying, like the american population.

But i might confuse myself or you, since i am not sure if you´r referring to this comment or the post i made today xD

Peace & veganism to humanity

Thanks! Look forward to reading it!

of course, there are always gonna be worse things-that's just the world we live in. Eating meat, for me, is honestly extremely hard to give up... I have tried but I have not been able to do so for more than a few weeks at a time

When you give up meat be sure to suppliment your B complexes, I have lots of vegan and vegetarian friends that are very healthy but they supplement. You can do it if you want to @conradsuperb <3

You don't need supplements. where do you think animals get their B vitamins? its from drinking natural flowing water and different kinds algae and bacteria. Most nutrients found in meat are in a state that is non digestible. Finland has one of the highest populations of milk consumers while also at the same time having some of the highest levels of calcium deficiency. Just cause the nutrients are there doesn't mean they are bio-available.

thanks for the great advice and support, it has given me that extra push and motivation that I need to make it happen!! You are much appreciated @reddust :-)

You will do it, just think about what we do for the planet!

you will save 1000 gallons of water daily as a vegan, as well as animal lives, C02 imprints, and up to 30 sqf Forest area a day <3

It is so easy to stay vegan, think of the endless suffering animals endure, the Buddha would cry, he would not believe what has happed to this earth..
Remember 50% of humans eats less then optimal while meat wastes 90% of the energy into heat and spews out gases, methane, warming our planet.
90% of the energy is lost, this means 90% less food if we eat meat. We can get 1kg beef or 10kg vegan food from the same area, or probably more then 10kg, since animals have more interactions with the suroundings and much more devastation occures.

Many protein diseases and deaths from cardiac failures are linked to eating sugar and fat continuous. Staying vegan excludes many bad fats and processed foods, at least the way I cook :)


Yeah, many times people forget about the 'virtual water' that goes into producing foods from animal products... chicken, beef, eggs, you name it (even coffee-which we all love so dearly) takes hundreds and hundreds of gallons to produce for an individual's daily consumption.

I really think there is a lack of education regarding this stuff bc we reallllllly are in a water security crisis, especially in the immensely growing megacities around the world...

I am a very healthy person, and I know the threats which eating meat proposes in the long-term, so Vegan may just be the way to go. Hopefully more and more people hop on board bc it really will do great wonders for the greater good of society :))

See ya around my friend !!

It makes me glad to read some insightful comments from time to time :) yeah water are getting scarce even California and Texas have tasted the shortages by now!

Indeed education is the key here, I am currently trying to get a few posts done on this topic and I must say it hurts to see what we are doing to animals.

Peace friend!