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RE: 259,071 Total Team Reps (+6,117 added) - Steemit Daily 100+ Rep Fitness Challenge - Day # 103 - 3/19/18

in #health7 years ago (edited)

How high were those single jumps - onto a box? 400 of them in the middle of the other stuff in only 18 mins sounds like superman after you just ran forever this past weekend. Or was this "jumping rope"? I'd think they have to be jump rope.

Are you going to do this type of stuff more often or was it a one-off? Also assuming 1,440 for the rows was the distance in meters? You are an absolute animal if you did 1,440 rows within that short timeframe.

For this time, just because I need to put the post together and want to learn more, let's say:

50 for the push-ups, Workout #1: 250 reps, Workout #2: 150 reps

It's tricky because it'll open up a can of worms for everyone else. You did a ton of work, but it's hard for me to judge what non-weight stuff should be worth. I don't want to take away from anything most importantly, but also don't want to keep things simple enough for everyone when it comes to the formula.


No the were single jump rope jumps. I know its been back to back leg days right after I ran my half marathon on Sunday. LOL

Yes, the 1,440 was done in Meters.

Okay, I am okay with those rep counts. I know with crossfit its a bit tricky because my classes are 1 hour and we hit maximum reps as quickly as possible. I trust your judgement and I am okay with whatever you decide bro. You have been a absolute genius when coming up with fair reps for all.