Hi Steemit Friends,
Through out the years of my weight controlling I've realized I've made more than one mistakes on the wrong understanding about dieting or losing weight.
Diet can be very unhealthy and here are some of the things i did wrong
1.Skipping Meals
I thought i would lose weight faster and i did, but the process made me feel starved and unhappy a lot. This works well and worked for me for a while until i notice some changes. My hair started to get thinner even until now that i'm eating better it's still fairly thin due to past diets. The long hours with out food the body goes into a "fasting" mode and can cause nutrient deficiencies. I was not putting enough into my body so through time it has lower but surely showing some unhealthy signs.
2. Working Out Too Much Or Too Little
Exercise is awesome but it can also be an addiction. People who starts exercise a lot cant stop and i used to be one of those. I would feel bad not to work out. I saw that i was consumed by it, so i tried stopping. When i stopped for while i got lazy and didn't want to do any. It's difficult to be disciplined but balanced it at the same time which is important.
3. Think Of Nothing Else
When i started thinking so much about my body i started getting obsessed and it started to be all i'd talk about and focus about.Everything was around how my body looked and felt but i forgot that my growth in other things are as important and i cant be only focusing on this. It was really hard to not face this when you are in the industry i was in all people commented was how you look so it's important that i drifted to self developments in other ways.
Everyone makes mistakes and i was that one person who harmed myself through dieting in some ways i dint even know. Sometimes i purposely don't go to socialized because i was scared i would eat too much. As i acknowledge it i started to change and become more balanced. I want to share to you all and think what are you doing today that your body doesn't appreciate. Listen to your body and dont be hard on yourself. Cherish yourselves.
Much love, Suzana
Thank you for commenting and votes
Hi Sue! Someone is trying to copy your work!! I flagged them. Here's the link. https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@powersteem/hi-steemit-i-m-sue-how-re-you-all-guyssss
Thank you for the notice sweetie !! I appreciate that ! <3
That is unbelievable, same happened to me 3 weeks ago... somebody copied my profile and whole bunch of my posts... users like this needs to be flagged right away.... Have a good one, nice post!
Same here! I flagged them and commented on the copied post with a link to my post, and can you believe it... they flagged my comment, then went over to my blog and flagged a load of my other posts!!
Unbelievable cheek!
I understand this struggle all to well, but I'm so glad you have found your balance. I'm a certified personal trainer and I see this every single day, thank you for sharing your story and spreading awareness :)
I agree that the excessive, constant focus on dieting/the perfect body (whatever that is) is not a good way of living. Cheers!
'listen to your body' is sound advice! Everybody has a different make up. I'm getting great weight control results from intermittent fasting. Nothing to eat after 7pm then lunch at 1pm.
Yes eating at night is not so ideal for me too!!
Nice work! Inspirational for everyone. I am believer that sugar is really the root of all dietary evils.
Yup, I'm also starting to believe this. :)
Very smart and full of energy, i am now following you are
nice tips and post on exercise... dieting and general healthy living... keep it up!
Thank you :)
welcome dear..and keep up the good works... find time also to check my blog posts
Hi Sue, it seems that you have a good balance of diet and exercise now :)
what will u do my friend if your voting power goes to 0% ?
He won't give a meep
thats so sad news :/
I once saw peem in my mirror
beep oh sorry meep is healthy :D check his hair fully charged :D
Yes I try to, We all need to take care of ourselves because noone can do it for us.
amazing pots
Thank you :)
wow you have like a 20 inch waist, that's some dedication!
20 is scary ! lol not that quite
I also need to go on a diet, but to increase weight. Lol! :D
hahaha i wish i had that problem !!!
great post - thanks for sharing!
Big thumbs up@suerisue it's a great diet chart firstly yet time people leaving to food for a zero figure. But they know it's harmful for our body. Yaa we need to follow that chart it's really good health.
Thanks for sharing..upvoted and followed
nice comment of support
do you skip meals and exercise too?@mhel
Yea kind of before, but now I try eating more healthy foods and a little exercise in the morning...😊
you looking really beautiful
ok i vote you welcome to my blog @farhannaqvi7
Hello :) Really important advice. Skipping meals is a common mistake and it's not good idea when someone wants to lose weight. I see on the photo that you know a lot about diet and exercising. Good job! :) Upvoted :)
Thank you :)
great post... keep it up...
followed n upvoted....
Its always good to have a thought of trying to stop others from getting in to a hard exprience which we were in to previously..!! Thanks for sharing @suerisue
i understand that fasting is hard but if done right it can bring great results , the idea behind fasting as a diet is to put your body in a state where it goes for a long time not releasing insulin since insulin is a hormone that if it was released in a large amount in the body it can cause a lot of problems like when you eat healthy fats instead of burning it as an energy it store it as fat in the body
Thank you for sharing i'll sure take a look on that :)
How do we know if we are working out too much? I made sure that I worked out everyday for 1 hour. is that too much? And i am working out not to lose weight but to keep fit.
If you are not obsessed with it and it doesnt consume your life, you're fine. :)
Get that flex on 💪🏼🙌🏼💯
hahah yes !!! :)
Hey @suerisue, this is the situation that I'm going through too. As I was reading the post, I thought to myself "Wow, you and me could be the same people"
I've always had trouble balancing exercise and dieting. Dieting is the HARDEST for me. I skip meals and go exercising intensely. Then next thing I know my body wants to eat EVERYTHING. I'm also to the point where I have to exercise everyday or I won't be happy. Usually when school starts, then everything goes downhill because I have no time to exercise. Hopefully this school semester I can make time for exercise and diet.
I learned no matter how much you exercise, if you don't eat right then you won't see the results you want. I'm still trying discipline myself so that I can get everything balanced, but it's a little difficult for me.
I will definitely keep working hard at it though. Thank you for your post and keep it up!!!!

hahaha i learned that people like us need to just take it easy !!! Yes eating unhealthy will not give you the results in the long run. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. :)
What we do to our body sometimes is horrible, so lesten your body and be balanced. Love yourself! :) you don't need to live without food, just let it be different and full of colors :)
Perfectly said :)yes
Read this paid book (#eat_to_live) It's good Diet plan but get it free from this url
thanks for sharing this post
i have been making that same mistake for long n it looks like nothing is happening to me n that they is nothing like weight lose but with this your post am good to go
some affects dont show right the way but they do once you age... yet everyone's body is different.Just make sure you listen to what it is saying. :) cheers
okay thanks
i like
Ayyy, at least you saw the mistake and look super fit now ;)
I've become a vegetarian recently and due to the lessened fat in my diet have seen pretty good results, but the pitfall of not eating enough is definitely more of a danger now. I have to eat almost non-stop to get the correct calories/nutrition.
Taking care of yourself is the name of the game. It is easy to get caught up in others peoples opinion sometimes, probably even normal. As long as we realize when it happens and get back in line we'll be alright!
Great post!
on point !!!
Yes love this! So glad to see you discover and make those changes! I myself have been through this and each person has to diet and train according to what works for them. Cookie cutter diets and training plans aren't always the answer. Keep it Up!
Thank you :D
Hey, great tips! They will be priceless for any beginner just starting his work out road. I've done many mistakes as well and I guess if you are not guided by somebody, but learning it yourself and by experience you are just meant to make mistakes, but now I have learned a great deal and wasted pretty much a lot of time, but I'm back, stronger than ever with correct mindset. Good luck to you and stay fit!
Just take it easy and listen to your body :) Good luck to you too... Hope you have a great journey on getting fit !!!
Great tips!
you get it, sometimes less is better )
"the minimum dose training effect rules " :-)
I agree with you. Definately listen to your body. Sorry to hear you learned it the hard way. The best way to stay fit is to combine any type of exercize you love with healthy eating. Also cutting down sugar really helps! Good luck, you look great! Thanks for sharing:)
Nice article. One definitely needs to figure out what works for them. But it's also important to know that intermittent fasting, such as not eating for 16 hours an eating within the other 8, can work. There's quite a bit of research done on that. You do need to make sure that you intake all the nutrients you need for the day in that 8 hour time period, but the only thing that does is compounding your food intake. Research even suggests that exercising on an empty stomach burns more fat, as the body needs to get to energy resources that have not been processed recently - which in this case would be your fat reserves.
But again, it is important to figure out what works for you, and it seems you've done just that!
Since I just joined in this steemit, and just completed the introductory stage .. it's about me ... if you have time and there is a chance please visit my blog to see about me and this link:
hello @suerisue you'are beautifull in this post https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@ashasteem/introducing-the-amazing-ashasteem-2017820t92718931z
Thank you for your time
impressive! appreciate your efforts
This is a great post. It's nice how you're sharing your mistakes to others that might be making the same mistakes to help them. I'm glad you overcame that though, you're body is looking great now. It's important to have a balance in your diet, exercise and life I think. 😌
Yes balance is key to everything and so important to your mind and soul.
Nice girl and good story
@suerisue I can relate to this. There is so much external pressure and influence on how we should be with our bodies. I'm just being the healthiest I know how to be, fruits berries and melons, vegetables, exercise, and just trying to be in the now. Much love and support going your way, you are beautiful! Namaste
Your post is spot-on!! I am a wellness coach and see these same patterns in my clients ALL the time. Listening to your body is key. Don't starve yourself from the foods you love, just eat them in moderation. When we starve ourselves of what our body is craving, we are prone to over eat that thing when we do finally introduce it back into our diets. Thanks for your post!
Oh yeah, I've made these mistakes too. Mindset is everything I've found. I don't want to be slim but obsessed with food... hell no. My journey with food/weight loss and food issues has lead me to understand that when it comes to eating and being my perfect weight, freedom and happiness MUST be how I feel about it.
Great blog btw, cheers and followed! :)
Can you show b4 and after pictures