A new community for melting snowflakes one laugh at a time called LOLS
Yes, that is my name too and I am in charge. Any posts that I find offensive will be deleted - just kidding (JK) - I'm not planning to delete shit, but if it's totally gay I will mock the living snot out of it. 😃
Post Funny Shit - Anything Goes
Changing the world by melting snowflakes one laugh at a time. A place for dangerous misfits to mock libtards, gimps, midwits, femnazis, lefties, numpties, soyboys, masktards, spastic wankers, and serious cunts until they cry. If you are funny as fuck, tag your posts #LOLS
We don't have many members yet and this is the first post. But that is rapidly going to change because lurkers on Hive are lusting for funny content and there is going to be a lols gold rush
Speaking of gold will there by be any money being flung around?
Yes, they don't know it yet but several totally hip orcas are hanging out to upvote funny content so you will get rich quick.
Having a sense of humour is something that only intelligent people have. Thick cunts never have a sense of humour because they are thick cunts.
So it can be said that proof of humour is also proof of brain and that is why it is important to also tag your #lols posts #proofofbrain – only then will you get your just rewards
To get the ball rolling for the month of June there will be a LOLS contest.
Write the funniest post with FUCK in the title
There is a real shortage of posts with fuck in the title on Hive and it's an ongoing problem.
While people are constantly going on about there being endless boring posts about cryptos , whales jerking each other off all over the place, and nobody having a sense of humour, the elephant in the room - an acute lack of fuck posts, is being widely ignored.
So I've decided to do my bit to rectify the problem by having a contest. Write a funny post with "fuck" in the title and tag it #LOLS and I will read it and say something nice.
Originally I was going to say the prize would be 5/8 of fuck all, but I've decided to be a generous cunt and give the winner a five Hive tip.
To drum up some members I'm going to do a shout out to some potential members.
If I have missed you off the list, don't get all bent out of shape, just post a naked selfie in the comments and tip me 10 hive. Then I will add you to the list - that is how democracy works.
This list is not alphabetical, it is in order of how funny I think you are, which also coincides with how much money I think you might have.
Sorry @shepz1 but you are poor as fuck so you are bottom of the list - get some more money and be funnier next time
LOLS - the only community on Hive that gives bonus rewards for causing anal discharge.
Be funny out there. Or failing that just be out there.
If you have read all my delusional crap, congratulations, here are 10 bonus LOLS memes!
I should be at the bottom of that list mate. I'm a bankrupted, recovering alcoholic in therapy, and I may or may not have a friend that has a small penis.
(good shout with the contest, when I'm on the front end I'll pump the tits out of the post to get it seen by all the boring fucks ((if this offends you, make sure to check the trending page because this post is for you)), let's spice this place up a bit)
PS. I'll sponsor this with some juicy rewards, send me the winning posts and I'll throw 100-200 POB into the prize pool for you.
pumping tits? - got any selfies?
You'll have to contact FB and see if they have them on the internal servers. I told my flatmate to delete them from their platform because it wasn't a good look on two blokes.
@frot may disagree
#frot is a degenerate pervert...
I can totally see myself transitioning into a bike.
Thanks for being an engaging little fucker and commenting on a #lols post. Step two of the evil lols masterplan is to get shitloads of subscribers because that is like having a big cock, and right now a big cock would be good PR.
So if you have been as lazy as fuck and haven't done it yet, go to the #lols community homepage and hit subscribe. It will be worth your while later you lucky cockwomble.
Fuckin, how can I not sub.
14 inches on glorious growth, bitches beware. I'll not only best that puss, I'll also be digging in deep.
I should actually be higher on the list and my essays on why are coming soon as I actually have a cunt , I call her " The Bat Cave" but I thought all of this was to highlight the intellectualism on the blockchain and see that it's all about money?
Thanks for being an engaging little fucker and commenting on a #lols post. Step two of the evil lols masterplan is to get shitloads of subscribers because that is like having a big cock, and right now a big cock would be good PR.
So if you have been as lazy as fuck and haven't done it yet, go to the #lols community homepage and hit subscribe. It will be worth your while later you lucky cockwomble.
Fuck yeah, job done. Feeling like Pinocchios alter ego, whenever he spits straight facts, he gets a massive erection.
just when I thought this place was a little bit serious

Thanks for being an engaging little fucker and commenting on a #lols post. Step two of the evil lols masterplan is to get shitloads of subscribers because that is like having a big cock, and right now a big cock would be good PR.
So if you have been as lazy as fuck and haven't done it yet, go to the #lols community homepage and hit subscribe. It will be worth your while later you lucky cockwomble.
I object!
I am not funny.
I have never been funny.
I will never be funny , at any point in the future(confirmed).
I find this community wholly offensive, and the only reason I'm in it, is to make the entire environment as un funny as possible.
Are you transitioning into a whale now?
I knew having all those pob tokens would go to your head.
Transitioning to a whale with a vertebrate - (Name of this new species ?...to be confirmed).
whales have huge spines you big numpty
the whales on hive are just slugs identifying as whales
Silly me - I was forgetting how 'woke' they were...
I never realized you were a whale !!!...lol.....of course, that then raises the question of the whale 'spine' - or lack of ( as an observer of malicious vindictiveness, and toxic behavior, and doing nothing..).
Hahahaha 😂😂
It's about fucking time!
Many of us have thought about making a Community like this, including me, but we've never come around to it. My own excuse is simply patriotism, I'm always too busy trying to grow the economy of my country so I've not really had time to start a Community. And I must add that like all great Patriots, I would have critics, some of these critics might come here to say that all my economic growth endeavours are concentrated in the strip clubs in my country, but don't fall for that, I don't concentrate all my efforts on strip clubs, I also spread some towards sex toy shops, bars with god-fearing waitresses, etc. Do not be deceived.
Anyways, thanks for creating this Community and for mentioning me, you got my full support!
Then about mentioning 'fuck' on a post tittle, I feel you on that, but haven't I done worse? I've mentioned 'booty' and 'ass' all in the same post tittle! And do you see the cover photo of that post? Even on more fire than the tittle:
Then, lastly, dyou want to remain anonymous or something? I'm asking because there's no need, I already figured out who you are, bribe me or rather send some funds to help the economy building efforts in my country and I'd keep your secret.
NEVIES you have found your soul tribe, now your literature can be fully appreciated
whatever, a good laugh is needed in a world filled with Gwyneth Paltrow's vagina scented candles
Oh, and I just looked up Gwyneth Paltrow, I owe her an apology for not knowing about her all these while, she's such a genius, I wonder how I can make-up for this wrong I've done herHahahaha @battleaxe you really put it rightly 😂
GOOOOOOOOP, where rich bitches go to buy herbal tea you steam your vag with and also the vag candle, I'm eagerly awaiting to have my house smell like her magical female zone that was sooo magical that even Coldplay's leadman fell deep into it (for awhile) ;)
Thanks for being an engaging little fucker and commenting on a #lols post. Step two of the evil lols masterplan is to get shitloads of subscribers because that is like having a big cock, and right now a big cock would be good PR.
So if you have been as lazy as fuck and haven't done it yet, go to the #lols community homepage and hit subscribe. It will be worth your while later you lucky cockwomble.
Do you know somewhere I can buy those?
Fuck me, this is serious as fuck....
With a funny, gorgeous, sexy, and beautifully unexpected scent, this candle is made with geranium, citrusy bergamot, and cedar absolutes juxtaposed with Damask rose and ambrette seed to put us in mind of fantasy, seduction, and a sophisticated warmth
And I know that you are a wealthy strip club owner just pretending to be a down on your luck activist in order to get better payouts on Hive.
Well, your multiple personalities are worse than mine so you the one who still gotta pay
bribecharity.You are now on the lolfeed!
Hey, I hope it's not too late to edit and add 'fuck' to that title and make it an entry? I don't know how I missed it the first time. Also I hope we can give more than one entry?
FUCK YEAH! - Now we are talking...
Thanks for being an engaging little fucker and commenting on a #lols post. Step two of the evil lols masterplan is to get shitloads of subscribers because that is like having a big cock, and right now a big cock would be good PR.
So if you have been as lazy as fuck and haven't done it yet, go to the #lols community homepage and hit subscribe. It will be worth your while later you lucky cockwomble.
OK, now I'm going to be a serious cunt - a weird thing about blogging on Hive is that it seems to work better if you use different personas for different subjects...
But maybe I have a multiple personality disorder!
Shit! I wasn't aware of this post nor of having been mentioned in it either.
But now that I've stumbled upon it, I'm kind of glad that a community like #LOLS finally exists.
On the other hand, I feel quite surprised to have been included in the "Funny Cunt" list considering how fucking serious I am. But what surprises me even more is having been featured so low down the list. Since I'm pretty sure that I am as poor as fuck as @shepz1 is. Although maybe, if anything, a little bit funnier than him.
So, in the name of true seriousness, I feel obliged to claim the last place on the list and that MeMe with a chap so serious depicted in it dedicated to @shepz1 as mine. Because unlike him, you can bet that I indeed can really do high jumps in the humor supermarket without getting my feet tangled up so easily between the little chains when it's necessary.
Me seri arse, you are hillary arse. I intend to defend my last place to the death.

But... butt... you are not as pinky nor cranky as to seriously retain the last place. Huh?
Thanks for being an engaging little fucker and commenting on a #lols post. Step two of the evil lols masterplan is to get shitloads of subscribers because that is like having a big cock, and right now a big cock would be good PR.
So if you have been as lazy as fuck and haven't done it yet, go to the #lols community homepage and hit subscribe. It will be worth your while later you lucky cockwomble.
You have penis issues.
My last place is not up for grabs, or my pink crown.
Let rip dude, you can do this, don't let @shepz1 intimidate you just because he has more motorbikes
Yeah! I agree. I'm all about melting snowflakes regardless what others might have or not more than me.
And now just let me use your own words read somewhere else to rephrase your so encouraging meme.
I am offended, my crotch pocket is way bigger than that.

Looks like the A/C took a shit in the red button room again.
Thanks for being an engaging little fucker and commenting on a #lols post. Step two of the evil lols masterplan is to get shitloads of subscribers because that is like having a big cock, and right now a big cock would be good PR.
So if you have been as lazy as fuck and haven't done it yet, go to the #lols community homepage and hit subscribe. It will be worth your while later you lucky cockwomble.
Are you saying my content is totally gay already?
Community abuse like totally sucks.
We can swing both ways!
Fucking hell, that's my mates cock.
Does he wax or shave his nutsack?asking for a friend...
He dreams of the day when optimum efficiency for friction, effort, and of course, wind resistance, are achieved. But for now the sacrafices of comfort are too great in the short term with relation to how often he's hitting the slopes.
Yeah nah yeah.
I remember we had comedyopenmic in S*****it. About fuckin' time.
You can say STEEMIT here you know, Justin's nuts won't fall off!
or did you mean Shiiiiiit?
They're the same thing.
Wait, are you Justin Sun? no offence
i'm watching you now...
You sound like my wife.
And what I mean by that is she thinks I'm funny.
thank fuck for that for a minute there i thought you meant i sounded like a giggly schoolgirl
My 'hitler bunker' video will be posted here, soon...(or hive bunker video, whichever)
y;io m zsdt ...
Dengit , wait up , there was a rope hanging over my keys .
But , yeah , this post made me smile ,.. just in time . ;-)
HU??? thought lols was about ripping some ?

But ok , i took a long angle , let me be direct then .
You hit it . ;-)
Thanks for being an engaging little fucker and commenting on a #lols post. Step two of the evil lols masterplan is to get shitloads of subscribers because that is like having a big cock, and right now a big cock would be good PR.
So if you have been as lazy as fuck and haven't done it yet, go to the #lols community homepage and hit subscribe. It will be worth your while later you lucky cockwomble.
I would just like to go on record that I've been droppin' f-bombs all throughout PoB since apparently 10 days ago? https://www.proofofbrain.io/hive-150329/@reverendrum/why-i-only-give-one-hundo-s
You sound wreckless...
"Write drunk, fuck editing"
"Write drunk, fuck editing" hasn't served me wrong yet. Hemingway would be so proud.
crap, I'm at the bottom of the list, or maybe you think I'm poor AF? :))
not as poor as @shepz1, but on the bones of your arse, yeah....
Fuck yeah! Fuck, this is a good fuckin' idea.
Thanks for being an engaging little fucker and commenting on a #lols post. Step two of the evil lols masterplan is to get shitloads of subscribers because that is like having a big cock, and right now a big cock would be good PR.
So if you have been as lazy as fuck and haven't done it yet, go to the #lols community homepage and hit subscribe. It will be worth your while later you lucky cockwomble.
You fucking cunt. I win. I have bikes, not money :-)
Have you turned off your rewards again?I won't upvote you because you look like a loser, and Yamahas don't count anyway, get a Harley...
Yes I have, comments are not worthy of a vote, an Harleys are fucking shit and for fat people who can not go around a fucking corner
Speak for yourself, my comments are worthy..
A pure wanker indeed lol.

OMFG you got naked in front of me, here is my balls, all 6 of them.

OMFG you got naked in front of me, here is my balls, all 6 of them.

OMFG you got naked in front of me, here is my balls, all 6 of them.

Lol the memes are so funny
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