Personally, religion has nothing to do with my opinion neither should it. Topics like this tend to have gray areas, hence there is never really a perfectly right answer or a perfectly wrong answer albeit should play a major role in decision making.
I guess I'd have to say I'm prolife. I believe it is morally, ethically, spirituality, etc. Wrong to commit abortion. It's basically murder. You've taken someone else's life because you have the power to.
Now here's the complicated part.
A child can be aborted because he/she is SS which in a sense is saving the child's life and future agony for the parent.
A child can be aborted if it is detected that this child would not survive medically and coming to live would only cause more pain. It's basically avoids euthanasia or is sef
A Child shouldn't be aborted if you had premarital sex and feel you are not ready. It's basically why there's different type of prevention for unwanted pregnancy. Its one of the reasons I personally advocate for sex Only when one is ready, which in most case for me is marriage.
A more reasonable thing to do is to give the child up for adoption so he/she would be taken proper care off
The above is not me given reason for whichever action one is to take. I'm not a clergy and sure as hell not a medical personnel, I'm only giving instances where certain decisions become rational.
I believe I'm humanity. I believe in live and let's live. I believe in Morality.
Okay. Let me give a complicated instance of a woman that was raped and got pregnant. Rule out emergency pills because in these parts, that's not even given thought when things like this happen.
Are you Pro-life in this case? Where the woman is mentally scarred and hates the thought of carrying a child conceived out of a crime.
I can't even begin the life of such a woman. But I have read stories tht these kinds of situations having happy endings though.
Not always
I don cause I don't understand where @khaleesii's stands
I am pro-choice, I want to be pro life but there are too many gray areas.
Yeah, that's true 😔
FOR ME this is pretty straight forward.
I'M not a rape apologist. I think rape is a terrible offense and rapist should be castrated or punish at least. And on the part of the victim, I can and will never understand thier pain, no do I try to, I can only pray for them and try as much as possible to put out the word against rape and all. I think rape is a gruesome offence and whether we're victims or not we should not be bystanders in raising awareness and protecting women, and everyone in general as much as we can.
One thing I learned and believe is, You can never determine what would happen to you or how people would treat you, you can only control how you react to it.
It was not a child she asked for, but she can love and cherish the child as her own, (which he/she is). She can teach the child to love, instead of heart or bitterness. The child can great bring immense join to the mother eventually.
I am and will always be prolife.
This is just my personal opinion and ideologies of coirse
It's not that straightforward though. Some women want kids, have them, and then don't want them anymore. They suffer post-partum depression and might cause harm to the child.
Now imagine a scarred woman who doesn't even want the child in the first place?
I have come across several true stories of mothers killing their babies, babies Pro-life made them keep. Society will tag it spiritual attack but really, that's just an effect of depression.
This is more common than we see, as we only get to see the successful stories of how the child became a blessing.
He doesn't get it at all, you expect a woman to raise a child that she had maybe 5 men rape her to get.
Like the trauma that comes with it.
I guess he doesn't get my point
Pro-life might be okay morally and all that, but we shouldn't ignore the mental health aspect of it that can be very detrimental to both mother and baby.
I understand being prolife but you can't say a woman who was raped should learn to love a baby born out of trauma.
Its his choice if he doesn't get it. We can't change it.
Yeah we can't.
Just to be clear,
You're saying killing there child for some personal reason is okay?
Also, I think putting up a child for adoption is a thing.
Ofcourse it's not okay, I'm seeing it happens, it's as a result of a mental health condition that shouldn't be overlooked. Women commit suicide too because of it.
Adoption is a thing yeah, but it's not reason enough to carry a pregnancy you really don't want to.
Sometimes you don't want sometimes but you have to make a sacrifice.
In the end, people have the liberty to make thier own decisions and live with it.
Lol...I rest my case o
Fair point well said.
And even been sickle cell or not, God has a purpose for our life too and I have never regretted been born.
Only out of ignorant would one advocate that a sickle cell pregnancy be aborted as well, another way round it is to teach such child to accept their live and live it best, sick or not.
I have many sick people who have made much more impact better that the so called healthy ones.
And this is on a very light note. 😊
What if I don't believe in God? That's y i added if you are strictly contributing from a religious perspective.
I do believe in God and i believe he has reasons for everything. I also think he would understand aborting a two weeks pregnancy gotten from a rape incident.
It is really interesting to see @wolfofnostreet , @young-boss-karin and @nkechi all being a fan of pro-Choice!
Have you guys got any personal experiences to share? Or any you've heard about?
A friend of mine. She was a religious person until she got into the situation. She was so sad and bitter thinking of how her life will end up cos of that unplanned situation. Her family, her education. She couldn't imagine that she'll have to pause her life despite all the sacrifices the family had made for her.
It was a mistake. One which anyone can make. Pro choice was the only way left for her. In that moment, she forgot all the religious perspectives and went for the Pro choice.
An outsider might get all judgemental about it but Hey.... No one really understands a situation they haven't been through.
A lot of experiences we have in this life and have little or no control over them. So when there's a choice to make, we really shouldn't leave to chance as well especially when it's affecting our life adversely.
"My 13year old SC warrior is pregnant. She has known for few months but didn't tell me and I'm so ashamed and worried as a mother that I did not notice at all. I did not even know she has started seeing her period and I did not ask because I was told that as girls see their period late because of their health status She is so decent and I have never seen her talk to boys. the boy that impregnate her is an Christian in our church staying with his old grand mother He is 17 and my daughter looks like an ten year old even at her age.
Is abortion an option, is pregnancy at her age an option. What can I do. This torture is too much. I beat her so much that I wish the pregnancy will be miscarried but no it didn't. Please help me people. Just a young warrior that falls sick every now and then. What will pregnancy now do to her. I can't eat,sleep or think straight. The girl has tortured me forever".
Sorry I had to re-edit because of posting permission.
Now Here is a typical real life experience.
Forget about the mothers irresponsibility.
The adolescent mother and baby's health is of priority.
We meet with this for counseling..
Pro choice or pro life in this instance?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and the mother here also seeks prochoice, but the adolescent mother has to be involved in the decision making along side medical personal who should monitor the whole process.
At this point, it's tricky because she's minor but it's still her body. However, whatever decision she makes had to be backed by her parents. If she makes a decision that her parents don't morally support then they won't go for it. Let's face it, not many Nigerians are liberal.
I believe that liberal parents will support their child to be pro-choice if that's what she wants. Because let's face it, in a society like ours it's easy for that girl to go ahead and have an abortion without any adult knowing.
She was already having sex without anyone's knowledge so what's now stopping her from terminating it asides from her morals.
The age isn't the issue, because if she can be held down through the entire 9 months then she can be walked through an abortion. Yes, still pro-choice.
Her health condition kind of makes her age an issue in this case especially if she's one who has frequent crisis.
Then is it giving birth that will be easy on her?
In this case abortion is even the BEST option
No, we can't say as it's a peculiar case. Both options have to be weighed based on doctor's advice.
If it's not too late to get an abortion, I maintain being Pro-choice here. She's so young and an ss warrior for that matter, her body is not ready for the stress about to occur! She already has her crisis to deal with then add pregnancy at that age? Haba
*pro-choice not pro-life
Yeah , edit , thanks....and I'm waiting.... any experience? I feel personally that when it hasn't happened, it easy to conclude or say pro life
Thank you for sharing that. That's a different and valid perspective to this.
And That's because those one understand they have limited time to live unlike the heathy ones.... Cool point.
The last line lol
I think it's the answer to the question in general sef 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Condoms have 98% success rate of preventing unwanted pregnancy and STDs.
People no just day hear word 🤣🤣
Haba, e no dey sweet with condoms nau, @samostically tell him 🤧😏🙃🏃🏾♀️🏃🏾♀️🏃🏾♀️
I don't know these things lol
Hahaha, Linus 😂😂😂
Please use Durex.
Ewweeeee, see recommendation, you are affiliating for them 😂😂😂
Iska goan buy and keep 🤣🤣
Also, you've being missing bookchat????? 🌝
I don't want oooo, I am doing celibacy this Year 😂😂😂
Oh fuck, I need to be punished. 😔😔Why do I have a feeling that the dates has been changed and I wasn't aware 🥺
Shed more light what are you guys buying and
But @iskafan you know condoms is protection 🙂😃
I didn't want to laugh but the last line got me 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Is very very important 🤣🤣🤣🤣
No wahala ooo 😂🥰
You are talking from a man's point of view, not a woman.
Give the child up for adoption? Have you gone to orphanages and seen how many people are actually adopting these children and what they are going through?
I am all for practicing safe sex but until a man gets birth control, y'all aren't on the losing part in this conversation.
I can't speak from a woman's perspective, cos I can never know how it feels or is but I can speak from a moral point of view and I stand strongly by prolife
People who say they speak from a moral perspective always have gray areas in their morals also.
Fair enough
But we all do
It your last line for me