Organize an organizer for pills is HELL literally, when my parents got covid it was insane how much pills we where all taking. But im glad your dad is feeling better at home now, eating fish and looking at his family :)
Organize an organizer for pills is HELL literally, when my parents got covid it was insane how much pills we where all taking. But im glad your dad is feeling better at home now, eating fish and looking at his family :)
Yes, I think, most of the people ( if not all) always love the place where they live permanently. Some kind of mindset to get attached to the place and things over there.
I guess is the mindset of a builder, like i build this home, is my home, i made it with my own hands, or something like that?
He built it with all his hard earned money - even he was the architect. Later we extended, but he did buy the huge land.
That is a prove of how much he loved you, he maded that home for his sons in a way or another, one men only builds a house for love of for ego, and i think he did it out of love. An example of a parent, because it kept going and extended even when you guys were all grow up.