The reality of growing old suddenly hits home when we have any kind of injury as it takes so much longer to heal. A toddler falling down usually means just a graze or two, some tears and then it's back to playtime.
Once we reach our Silver years however, having a fall can be deadly serious and that old phrase, getting old isn't for the faint of heart, really sinks in.
I fractured my ankle when in my fifties and it was no fun, but I was on my feet some eight weeks later.
However when Mom Lily suffered the same fate at the age of 89, it was a calamity and has taken four months before she could even attempt walking again!
This tiny determined woman has proven the specialist wrong as she refuses to do that slow shuffle with a stainless steel walker, which is now an ornament in her bedroom!
Frustrated and angry at her lot, she told me one night, that it's best to get a wheelchair.
However when a new day dawned, her figthing spirit suddenly resurfaced and she said she wants to try walking with one of us by her side for balance, she did not even want to look at the walker!
Gorgeous sunrise greets us every morning as we open the front door.
Mom ended up walking up the stairs to the car, the going was extremely slow and someone had to assist her, BUT she's on her feet again and so we took a slow drive down the old south coast road and stopped here and there so she could listen to the sound of the waves, which she loves!
Railway bridge which travels all the way down the south coast of Kwazulu Natal
We got closer to the sea and watched the fishermen hoping for a shad run.
Our family were keen fishermen, in fact Mom used to show the menfolk a thing or two as she'd often land the big one in her heyday:)
A lone fishermen on a jetty
Winter is the best time to fish in our waters; not only is it time for the Shad run, but also the Sardine run which is an annual spectacle bringing a feeding frenzy with large game fish following.
Father and son at the fishing waters, a reminder of a long time ago when my four brothers used to go and fish with Dad.
We stopped at Anything Fishy, a fish & chips shop in Scottburgh that we used to frequent and were happy that the fish was still as good as always!
So good in fact that I forgot to take pics of it as we were starving and battling to eat it on our laps in the car; Mom would not get out in public being so wobbly on her feet; yep, still fiercely independent and proud!
I did take a snap of the battered Mushrooms though, they were scrumptious.
Oh and I almost forgot, wanted to share an easy breakfast with you; this is what we had that morning; eggs in a hole done two-ways. The photos speak for themselves - bell pepper rings make perfect egg baskets and bread with the centre cut out for the fried egg.
That's all for now, just to say thank you to my friends who have encouraged me as I am not a good nurse at all, needed to practice much patience with this little old lady who finally can walk again, in a fashion, but walk she will walk!
So guys and dolls, my advice is to appreciate and nurture your good health, take regular walks, learn the art of meditation (check out @ericvancewalton's blog), take all the natural supplements your body needs (much advice in #naturalmedicine) and enjoy life as a #silverblogger!

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Hello @lizelle I can just see her waking up deciding to "just do it". No excuses. She a tough and proud lady. I know you love her to death. Thanks for sharing her story.
You've summed Mom up very well @justclickindiva, one determined and very proud woman!
I really should get into walking more regularly... my wife has started to make a bit of a habit of taking walks... I prefer biking! But often, that is with purpose... to go somewhere or to do something.
Walking is very good exercise but I'm sure biking also, just go around the block one extra time and I'm sure that will help with your fitness levels @bengy!We have stairs everywhere and I'm forever running up and down the stairs,,,although always with a purpose, not for exercise;)
Ah yes, stairs... I'm always doing those, I think I would be surprised how much energy I spend each day going up and down...
When we were young, we felt invincible. Any injury is only an inconvenience. We knew we will be good as new in a couple of days. Now, if we have the same injury, we asked ourselves if we will ever recover from it. If there were some affliction, we wonder could this be it. Could it be that 'dreaded thing' slowly eating our insides away. 😊
Very true, our whole perspective changes as we grow into our silver years; the mind may still feel young, but the body starts telling us otherwise and so the falls becomes serious!
Hope you're keeping well @quotes-haven:) Miss your wisdom.
I am well thank you. All good! Keeping myself busy and still posting everyday.
Well timed drive, just before rain and cold set in Lizelle, wonderful news Mom Lily is moving on her own power again. Rain gauge indicates we have had just shy of 200mm from Monday to Friday, great start to winter!
Now we sit an wait for arrival of sardines, timed right one has great fun seeing all the activity and frenzy when they come through. A tasty Shad or Garrick would be lovely for dinner will have to ask local fishermen what their catch of the day is soon.
We're hoping to take a break in time for sardines or shad, lovely sunny day although there's still a bite in the air!
Have a great Sunday Joan:)
Rain last night left the park full of puddles which the dogs pulled us from one to the next, chill in the air I never noticed after first few minutes doing the zigzag walk, lovely morning out!
Have a lovely Sunday, keep an ear on the radio for sardine run they normally let everyone know.
Nice views and nice collection of photos. Love it. I also fractured my ankle few months ago, still feeling the pain. Love your simple breakfast .
Thank you @anusrimollick, ankle is not an easy injury, one's foot is never the same again! Thanks for popping in.
Your mom is such a spunky monkey, God bless her! I have to remind myself to slow down some days, especially when the kids are here, I just want to play. I am always exhausted when they leave, but happy with all the new memories.Very nice post @lizelle, beautiful pictures of the shoreline.
Ah they are so lucky to have a Grammy like you but hey, you have loads of time to recover afterwards not so; precious memories indeed!
You've summed Mom up so well, a real spunky monkey who is not ready to slow down just yet and that's what she hates about the walker as she walks too fast so ends up too close to the front and of course would go tumbling then, so I've given up now and we will just walk beside her when she moves around. She used to go for long walks on her own up till about 10 years ago, but sadly this acoustic neuroma was growing inside her head without us knowing and affects her balance really badly!
Life can seem so unfair as she always took good care of eating healthy foods, not a junk food lover like me! And was always walking with a friend or on her own!
But she's a very determined little lady and has adjusted but this ankle injury is a huge setback!
Thank you for your kind words @farm-mom.
I must say though, she is inspiring.
Give her a hug from the grammy up in the mountains of NYS.Good day @lizelle, seems any injury in advanced age just takes so much longer to heal. Even though it is tedious to walk with her, the more she's weight bearing, the better all around.
Well done to your mum for getting back out there and walking!!! :) Love your sunrise
Ah thank you @andysantics48, appreciate you stopping by.
Well done to your mum for getting back out there and walking!!! :) Love your sunrise
Mom is a strong little lady and yes, that sunrise over the ocean is just gorgeous, never get tired of seeing that when we go down the coast!
Lovely post Lizelle - and I love the eggs in the peppers - have made those before - a nice reminder.
Peppers and eggs are a nice combo not so, the flavours really go well plus it makes the perfect well for the eggs.
Yes, a great combo - but then we eat peppers a lot in our household. Cooked and raw.
Wow! Beautiful picture 🧡
Thank you!
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