Health Mysteries


I have not been very active on Hive for a year, especially for the past six months, much to the consternation of the half-dozen people who read my posts with some regularity. The primary reason for my inactivity is simple: I have not felt well.

I have chosen to use my limited energy for other purposes than writing, primarily spending time with my grandchildren. Another high priority was making it to the 50th class reunions at both the high schools I attended. I succeeded in doing so, and had a marvelous time at both of them. I came home exhausted, but it was worth the effort to see classmates I hadn't seen for years.

Somehow I managed to turn 40# of apples into applesauce, and canned 40# of pears. Some of them went into pear sauce, a new experiment for me which turned out very well. Pear crisp happened, too.

I also repainted the railing on our deck (brown) and a large storage shed (light blue). I have no idea how I found the energy to do those things. I guess I just started and made myself finish. It took a few days.

Currently I am trying yet another alternative health care provider, since traditional Western medicine has failed me. (The previous alternative health care provider was only slightly helpful, and not affordable long-term.) I know plenty of people who swear by acupuncture, but I've had a few treatments in the past and did not find it to be a pleasant experience, so I'm putting that off.

I don't think my family has any idea how exhausted I am. They all have their own worries (jobs, finances, relationships, the world), so I try not to burden them with my issues as well. I force myself to keep going, to do the things that have to be done, as well as some of the things I simply want to do, so I give the appearance of feeling fine.

Instead, I am going to dump my woes right here.

Have you ever been almost asleep, and then a noise startled you, or someone spoke to you? It wasn't loud, but you were almost asleep, so it seemed a lot louder than it was. That's how I feel most of the time. Because I sleep so poorly at night, I am half asleep all day. The phone might ring, or my husband says something to me, and it makes me jump, because I am half asleep while standing up and doing things.

I have walked out in front of moving cars in parking lots while doing errands because I was too tired to realize there was a car there. It's getting harder and harder for me to drive, because my brain works so slowly. I've gone through 'way too many yellow lights that turned red before I got through, because I couldn't decide quickly enough whether or not to apply the brakes.

After 39 years of home ownership (3 locationsj), I completely forgot to make the house payment a couple of months ago. I got distracted by a credit card payment that got lost in the mail, and forgot all about the house payment, even though the bill was sitting right there.

My youngest daughter, a single mom, relies on me heavily to babysit her 3-yr-old on days when her daycare is closed. I adore my granddaughter, but am beginning to question whether it is really safe to leave her in my care, considering how slowly my brain works some days. When she quits taking naps, I won't be able to babysit any more because I need a nap to get through the rest of the day.

I don't think I am developing dementia; I think this is all the result of severe sleep deprivation. Perhaps that will lead to dementia if nobody can help me. I have tried the "sleep hygiene" suggestions: My room is dark, 66 degrees, white noise machine and small air cleaner running. I avoid alcohol, caffeine, and bright screens near bedtime. I do take a nap, because I usually can't make it through the day without one. The one thing I haven't been able to try is turning off the wi-fi at night, because other family members use it until the wee hours of the morning.

Sleeping pills don't help: they are actually sedatives, which make me not awake, but not properly sleeping. I had to quit taking them because I woke up so groggy and not feeling rested. I get the same results from melatonin. Valerian messes with my brain.

The sleep apnea test was negative.

Exercise doesn't seem to make a consistent difference in how I sleep, nor does what I eat or when I eat. Sleep comes and goes at will, occasionally cooperating, usually not.

So here I am, plugging away at life, trying to live normally, trying to be cheerful, and not really succeeding at either. Now I am going to go outside and prune another spirea bush, because it needs to be done, nobody else is going to do it, and I can't just sit here feeling miserable all day.

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That sounds like a nightmarish scenario. I used to have trouble sleeping and found topical magnesium helpful. I have confidence that Owasco will sort you out.

I have been using a magnesium cream since mid-August, and it has not helped. Bummer.

 5 months ago  

Lack od sleep will surely do you in, and can lead to dementia, and can surely mimic those symptoms.
I hope you don't get that. It's odd to me that you tested negative for Sleep Apnea, as almost everyone, especially us older folks have some signs of it.
I've also heard a LOT about these new "Semaglutide"/weightloss drugs having measurable improvements in health; Diabetes, CardioVascular and Dementia chances all diminished.
The VA won't get that for me, and I'm not seriously considering it anyway.

Good to have you back here with us my friend @scribblingramma

Thanks for checking in on me. I am no fan of pharmaceuticals, and am trying to avoid them as much as I can.

 5 months ago  

I also avoid Pharma drugs as much as possible, but when something new shows promise to addressing several concerns of mine at once, I begin to sit up and take notice.
I still use my Oladaterol Inhalor every morning for COPD. I want to be able to breathe.

Yes, breathing is nice! LOL

Oh dear I am so saddened to hear this! I'm studying homeopathy and, while this sounds way out of my league at this point, I could connect you with someone who can help you. The remedies are very inexpensive, and I am certain there is a protocol for you. I just yesterday learned of a remedy that might be considered for you, Baptisia tinctoria, for someone with your symptoms (trouble sleeping, stupor, occasional clarity but reverts back to stupor, falls asleep while talking...), but of course much more needs to be known before a remedy can be chosen. Lemme know. I know homeopathy could help you.

I have the same trouble with sleeping meds. I might sleep some, but the next day is awful. Whatever this is, western meds will only make it worse, or drive it deeper so that something else goes wrong.

Thank you for reading my long post. I am entirely open to homeopathy, and I know there are some practitioners in my area. It's just hard to know which one really knows what they are doing.

I'm sold on a type of homeopathy called practical homeopathy. They can help you! You don't need to see the practitioner in person.

This is different from most of the homeopathy practiced in the US, called classical homeopathy. I tried those four different times for my kids to no avail.

I can look into actual persons for you if you'd like.

Thank you, I would appreciate it if you could do that!

I have never spoken to this person, but she was recommended to me as a coach for my own practice. She gives a 15 minute freebie, I'll ask around for others.

Hang in there! You're going to be fine again!

Thank you for the help and the encouragement!

Firat of all, it is great to see you back posting in Silver Bloggers.
I feel you and this is terrible, not getting proper sleep is an absolute nightmare and I hope you can find suitable treatment from somewhere. My body has worked on a very little sleep cycle then a day of sleeping from exhaustion for years due to my having Ankylosing Spondylitus. I hope you find something that works, and having seen my mother evolve into a dementia sufferer as a result of type 1 diabetes, not this does not sound like you are slipping into dementia. Keeping my fingers crossed you find some good alternative therapies that work.

Thank you for reading my long post. I, too, hope to find a solution one of these days.

Hello @scribblingramma

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So sorry to hear this, it must be so worrying. It sounds like you are doing all the right things. I don't know very much about sleep or the mysterious ways our brains work, especially as we age, but I hope you get some relief.

I hope so, too.!

I am so sorry you are going through this. I know my suggestions may be useless, you may have tried, and the situation may be different. Valerian definitely doesn't work for everyone.

Can I suggest Ashwagandwa? Also melatonin. Kava may also help. Sounds like you have to reset your sleep cycle in a major way. I don't know what your health issues are but a lack of sleep can't make them any better.

Much hugs xx

Thank you for reading and for caring. Ashwaganda and melatonin both disagree with me badly, but I appreciate the suggestions.

Oh no that's no good!! Dammit. Kava then?

Also.... I do these amazing yoga nidra on the insight timer app. Choose the top rated sleep ones..m Jennifer piercy is incredible. I put on noise cancelling headphones and get settled. Could be worth a shot?

Hello greetings, giving advice is not my thing, but I can tell you a few things to help you sleep that I do, because ever since my family left for another country I couldn't sleep and I was very sad, until I decided to change my routine and I didn't allow myself to be sad, I stopped taking pills, I only take them when I have a headache, I remember my mom would give me a glass of warm milk with a few spoonfuls of sugar, I don't have my mom anymore, she is still the love of my life, I take long walks with soft breathing, I exhale and release, concentrating on what I do, I raise my arms and breathe, it's all up to us and how to deal with a situation it's better to talk to the family, as you are for them, they are there for you, but it's your decision. I heard on a program recently that cinnamon and banana before going to bed make a soup to make you fall asleep, the banana, with the skin washed, you have to count the ends and chop it, boil it for 10 or 15 minutes. This has a lot of magnesium and potassium. The program is called, I think it's German. Too much salt is harmful when raw, and too much in food is good, but the dose must be exact. Too little can be as harmful as too much; too much salt can cause confusion and disorientation. This is what the professionals in these programs say. Alejandro Lorente, expert in natural medicine.
Greetings, a nice day to you and your family.🌻🦋🌈

Hola saludos, el dar consejos no es lo mío, pero si puedo decirte varias cosas para dormir que yo hago, porque desde que se me fue mi familia a otro país no dormía y estaba muy triste, hasta que decidí cambiar mi rutina y no me permití el estar triste, deje de tomar pastillas, solo la tomo cuando me duele la cabeza, recuerdo que mi mamá me daba un vaso de leche tibia con unas cucharadas de azúcar, ya no tengo a mi mamá, que aún es el amor en mi vida, doy largas caminatas con respiración exhalo y suelto suave, concentrándome en lo que hago, subo los brazos y respiro, todo está en nosotros y el cómo lidiar una situación es mejor hablarle a la familia, como estas para ellos, ellos están para ti, pero es tu decisión. Escuché en un programa hace poco que la canela y el plátano antes de acostarte hacer una sopa te hacen dormir al plátano, con la piel lavado, hay que contarle las puntas y trocear, hervirlo durante 10 o 15 min. Esto tiene bastante magnesio y potasio. El programa se llama, enforma creo que es alemán. La sal en exceso hace daño crudo y en exceso en las comidas, es buena, pero la dosis debe ser exacta. La escasez puede ser tan dañina como el exceso; demasiada sal puede provocar confusión y desorientación. Esto lo dicen los profesionales en esos programas. Alejandro Lorente, experto en medicina natural.
Saludos lindo día para ti y familia.

I had not heard it either, but my sister suffers from it sometimes and I recorded it and, as I heard it, I wrote it down for you. It is very important that the sayings you make when you say it won't do anything to me, change it and think that it will work for you.
Be positive in what they do to you or what you do. If you can get a massage on your back and arms, that will also sedate you and make you sleep well. My clients, when they leave after the massage, say they feel like they are floating, that it relieves tension. If you have a roller, run it over the feet and mainly where the big toe is, which is the neck, and by relieving neck tensions, there is an improvement in energy. May you sleep and rest in a restful sleep.

Tampoco yo lo había escuchado, pero mi hermana lo padece a veces y lo grabé y, como lo escuché, te lo escribí. Es muy importante que los dichos que haces cuando dices no me va a hacer nada, lo cambies y pienses que sí te va a dar resultado.
Sea positiva en lo que le hacen o hace. Si puedes que te den un masaje en la espalda y brazos, eso también te seda y te hará dormir bien. Mis clientes, cuando se van ya después de recibir el masaje, dicen que se sienten flotando, que les alivia la tensión. Si tienes un rodillo, pásalo por los pies y principalmente por donde está el dedo más gordo de los pies que es cuello y al aliviar las tensiones del cuello, hay una mejoría de energía. Que puedas dormir y descansar en un sueño reparador.

More interesting ideas!

I've never heard of the cinnamon and banana idea. Interesting.

I hope you can find out what is going on with yourself because I could have written this, right down to the jumping when someone says something to you. I push myself to do things and have to nap every day. When I wake, I can not get my eyes to open, I try as hard as I can but they will not open until they are ready to do so, it is aggravating.

My driving is not as bad as yours, but I have noticed I am slower to react.

My nights were hell trying to sleep, for the last 2 weeks I have been trying CBD oil, you can order it from Rush Hemp Farms in Maryville Tennessee. I take it a couple of hours before I want to go to sleep, I still need to get up to pee, but I can fall back to sleep.

I wonder how many women our age feel like this, it can not be just the two of us.

I think it is actually quite common. One of my sisters sleeps terribly, and my cousin says she only sleeps well now and than. My brother has had sleep problems, too. I'm sorry to hear you have the same issues as I do. It's no fun!

No, it is not fun, and like you said if you do not get out and do things, they won't get done. :(

The program is called enforma, it gives a lot of health advice, I saw that the keyboard did not write the name, I hope it improves, a 🤗

El programa se llama enforma, da muchos consejos de salud, vi que el teclado no escribía el nombre, espero que mejore, un 🤗

Some time we need break ;) i could be anything, you needed break from writing and now you are back ;) feeling fresh?