Kitchen Day Prepping - by Sunscape

in Silver Bloggerslast month


One day this past week I spent the morning prepping cabbage to ferment for Sauerkraut. I hadn't had any for quite some time and my gut was missing those amazing probiotics.


There is nothing like homemade sauerkraut compared to what you get in a can at the grocery store. I have been making my own for a few years now and wonder why I never made it when I was younger.

Slivering a large cabbage head is the longest part of the process. Sprinkling it with sea salt and letting it rest for a few hours to release some water. I use the pounding tool to smash it from time to time to help the process along.

I like adding Caraway seeds to mine for a little flavor and packing it tightly into a glass jar. After covering the slaw with two large cabbage leaves I put the fermenting weights on top to keep the slaw under the liquid.


After a few days, tiny bubbles can be seen and the color of the sauerkraut has started to change. Plus, you can see that it has shrunk down a bit since it was started.


After 8 days I tasted the kraut and was satisfied with the ferment. I transferred it into two smaller jars and put them into the refrigerator. It will continue to ferment, but much slower than if sitting at room temperature.


After getting the sauerkraut finished I decided to make my husband some French Toast for breakfast meals. I like to make an entire loaf of bread at one time and freeze them for him.


He likes to have some occasionally instead of his usual breakfast casserole. having it already prepared makes it easy for him and me. I always add cinnamon to the egg mixture because he enjoys the extra flavor.

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Once they all cooled off, I put them onto a cookie tray to freeze overnight. The next day they go back into the bread bag with parchment in between each one. It is easy to take two out for breakfast and let them thaw before popping them into the toaster to heat through.


I managed to get both done just before lunch so I made a nice salad and topped it with the last of my fermented Daikon Radish and Carrots. I will have to make another batch of that soon as it is a nice addition to any salad, and so good for the gut too.

I've been trying to stick to a Keto-type diet. It is a little challenging when cooking for two. My husband can't afford to lose any more weight, I on the other hand would like to drop 30 lbs. So far, I am down 5 for the first three weeks and that is encouraging. Plus, I purchased a smartwatch to monitor my steps, pulse, blood pressure, and sleep.

This afternoon will be another day of starting vegetable seeds. I can't believe it is almost the middle of February and I have so many seeds to get started. It is going to be a full week of seeding trays.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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The French toasts look yummy. How much salt did you use for the cabbage?
I must try to set my mind to making this fermented cabbage one day soon!

 last month  

Hi Kaminchan, I never measure the salt, I just sprinkle it lightly when layering it in the bowl. It is probably close to 1 1/2 Tablespoons. It doesn't need much.

Okay! Thank you very much. I


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Thank you, @tengolotodo for your support.

Very cool on the sauerkraut. I have those jars but never thought to use them for that. I always started out with the big gallon jars, as I have weights for them. Then decanted into the wide mouth quarts for the fridge, as I have weights for those.

Good for you on the keto! I need to be more diligent, as I need to loose much more than that!

 last month  

Thanks, Pam, if I find large jars with lids at the Goodwill I always pick them up. They come in so handy and I like glass over plastic any day. I love the weights for fermenting and I do transfer into wide-mouth quarts too. I am only half-way through the diet book and need to sit down for a change and finish it. I would like to drop 50 lbs too but am aiming for 15, then 25, and then keep it going. I would love to be in great shape before gardening season is in full swing.

My goal too! And I've not made it to page 200 yet. I was just reading ahead to my sister this afternoon about the various oils' properties. I really need to read it!