A Very Cherry Feathered Friday

in Feathered Friends3 years ago

Welcome to the Cherry Tree Everyone

Well the cherries are getting ripe and the birds are all over the Cherry tree now.
So grab your favorite fruit and pull up a chair for a very cherry Friday here at @featheredfriends


Come and Get Em !
Just about all the birds here in the hood take full advantage of the ripe cherries this time of year and sadly one of the last times for all of us.
The old Cherry tree has to come down soon due to bugs and illness, part of the tree is already dead and most of it dying. There is one dying branch that just managed to flower.... in mid July... The flowers were small and immature but the Hummingbirds are enjoying the late blooms.

Staring off with the Sparrows here, they can eat the cherries on the stem without detaching it from the tree.



Each bird seems to have it's own tecnique to eating cherries



Now the Robins will select a cherry and pull it off the tree and take it to the ground bite into it and unroll the skin and fruit from the pit and then wolf it down


Ah yes the perfect cherry



Really like this shot along with the lead image , those cherries the Robin is with are no longer with us, RIP


Here Mr. Crow tightropes it down a skinny branch to retrieve it's selection


After a short acrobatic routine the prize is almost won


Wooo Hooo time to eat.


The crows seem to show off the cherry for a bit befor pinning it to a branch where they peel it and rip chunks of it off like eating an Apple around the core.




This one ate about 5 Cherries in total before being chased off by our next guest The Raven, who doesn't like Crows in "His Cherry Tree"


After Chasing off the Crows the Raven opted to score a bread roll from the preschool across the street to bring back and eat in the Fir tree in the back corner where he can keep an eye on his cherry tree.
Funny thing is these Ravens don't seem to eat Cherries... at all, never seen them eat even one.


There are a mated pair here that live close by, this is the large male pictured and he doesn't let Crows or Pigions stay in the Cherry tree long unless they are off doing Raven stuff. Doesn't seem to have a problem with Robins or Sparrows though


Well I'm loosing the light and my arm is tired from holding the 600 mm lens all day so I'll leave off here.

Buzz on over to the #featheredfriends community and join @melinda010100 @nelinoeva @barbara-orenya and the rest of the gang at #featheredfrinds for all your feathered odds and ends.

Oh look O.o the night shift is here


CHERRIES !!! Did someone say Cherries.... I absolutly friggen love Cherries, WoooHo !!


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Wow that's quite the ecosystem around the cherry tree. I'm sure the orchard owners have quite the time keeping the critters from eating their crops.

Yes the tree is full of life most of the year. Also have a crop of Licen and Hourseshoe Fungus going as well.
I don't know about the orchards but I haven't gpt to eat cherries from that tree for a few decades lolHey @sketch.and.jam how goes it ?

The bandit racoons are probably eating all the cherries before you can even get to them lol.

Yeah they get all the easier to reach ones and the birds get the rest... I did see and Opussum the other day so them too probably. Plus there is the fact that I try not to climb tree anymore because my insurance company considers stupidity a pre existing condition and is not covered lol.

This has been sitting up on the computer since Friday, and I just revisited it again today.

My neighbor says to hang Bird Scare Tape Near the Tree - for real! He swears by it. I have never seen them, but, it makes me smile when he says it. They ain't afraid of no ghosts! :)

I do love your shots, especially as you adlib ~~ :)

I love your thumbnail! So very cool.

 3 years ago (edited) 

Yeah I've hear about the Tape, Foil strips, netting, etc.
Truth is we haven't harvested any fruit from the backyard in over 30 years when the we had to cut the two plum trees down due to excessive fruit.... One was over by the cherry tree and it had so many plums on it the trunk split and the other one was breking branches( the main ones) at the trunk. One grew back thought I have my seed and suet feeds hanging in it.
We have let the wildlife have at the fruit now days, the deer will start jumping the fence soon to eat the fallen fruit( mostly apples ) in the next couple weeks.

Haha! Omg! Seriously! Only you would have to chop down an overbearing tree!

We had a couple crabapple trees the deer loved and they shared my peach tree with the sqirrels, but we have lots of fruit and don't mind sharing. They actually dont bother the two pear trees!

Very cool the tree grew back.

I expect you need a few nut trees!

INR, That one plumb had hundreds of pounds of giant plums in it and we had it pruned in a "teacup" style prune and the main trunk split almost right down the middle starting where all the branches tied in....to the ground. Never seen a tree do that before. The other one took storm damage and was weekened, then started breaking main branches from the bumper crop of fruit.

Awesome post and photos @chromiumone!! I have to say that my favorites out of this hungry bunch were the Crows and the Raven! They are just so cool looking! They are all terrific though but now I am hungry for some cherries..lol. Have a wonderful week ahead!! 💕

Yeah I had to score some cherries myself..... frome the store.... ours are mostly gone. I'm not monkeying up that tree and out on a limb to score some of the few cherries left and more tham likly bird pecked as well lolHi @deerjay and Thanks !

Oh they are enjoying their dinners! Great shots! My neighbor uses shiny thick foil strips much like tinsel on his cherry tree. Dont know how well it works, but he seems to have a load of nice bright cherries!

I never get to eat cherries from that tree, the birds and racoons get them all as soon as they ripen.Hey @old-guy-photos Yeah the foil strips are supposed to keep the birds out, kinda like a scarecrow.

Reminds me when I was a young boy and my uncle had a cherry tree. My friends and I would pick sacks full and eat them till we were about sick lol. I still love cherries and hope to get a cherry tree or two someday!

@chromiumone What a beautiful image, both the birds and the tree make a very beautiful game of colors.
