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Here are a few of my bird odds and ends this week. They are my favorite visitors during these days when seeing people is rare!
Red Bellied Woodpeckers and Northern Flickers have been coming to my feeders all winter.
White-throated Sparrows
I love these little guys with their yellow eye brows. They have just started showing up in my yard again this week.
These little sparrows feed on the ground under the bird feeder and enjoy eating the millet seeds that many of the other birds ignore.
White-throated Sparrows typically nest on or near the ground
I noticed this squirrel and Mourning Dove who appeared to be deep in conversation.
Yellow Rumpled Warbler
Today the first brown headed cowbirds arrived back from their long winter further south.
And always a favorite to see every morning and one of the last ones at the feeder as it begins to get dark, the Northern Cardinal.
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Well you are spending your time in very finest way.
They are great company these days! ❤️
Thanks so much, Pix ❤️
Ah, more visitors. Your backyard is getting busy. 😊
They are just beginning to return!
Enjoyed seeing all of the birds in your yard!
Thanks! I am so glad they are out there to keep me company!
Your are having beautiful visitors even if they are not the human kind Melinda. :) The squirrel and the dove do seem to be having quite the chat.
Thank goodness for them! They do help to keep me entertained.
Your squirrel and dove photo reminded me of a scene that took place in my back yard earlier. There was some black sunflower seeds in the grass and a squirrel was munching away. A large crow slowly got close enough that the squirrel would jump at it. The crow would jump/fly up a few feet and land a little distance away and then slowly works it way back up. It happened over and over and was fun to watch.
I love watching crows and am sad that they seldom visit me here in the woods. That would have been fun to watch!
I bought a crow call.... did I tell you that before? When I put out stuff I think they will like, I call them to come over. LOL !
You didn't tell me that! How did you learn crow talk? I wouldn't want to be shouting 'danger' at them!
I'm trying to learn the calls for "I found some food, everyone come over".....LOL... I read that sometimes it's ok because they might think it is a younger bird that hasn't gotten their calls just right yet. I'm still learning. I never really know if they come because I call or if they would have just come to check it out anyway since there have been some goodies here in the past. Either way, I haven't scared them off yet. You know how smart they are, they probably have many jokes between them about that whacky human making those funny skawking noise that is suppose to be like theirs. ha ha .... always the jokesters.
Hi, nice catch :)
I would really like to try to put a bird feeders on my place. I am sure birds will come :)
They would love that! Putting out the right kind of food for the type of birds you want to attract is the key!
What beautiful colorful and interesting birds! Especially interesting woodpeckers!
I have 4 different types of woodpeckers that visit the feeders each day. They are such fun to watch.
The woodpecker and flicker are gorgeous! How funny to see the squirrel and mourning dove together :-)
I think it was a young squirrel. Maybe not wise to the ways of the world!
Great shots of your visitors. Dove and squirrel a good one...:-)
It was funny to see them together!
I'm envious of all these visitors dear Melinda ! ^_^
A squirrel, really ..? All the wood beasts have befriended, don't you feel like Snow White between them..? 😉
It's funny how I have come to take having a yard full of critters for granted. I forget that not everyone has a backyard nature reserve! Now I just need 7 Luigis to show up singing HiHo!
How much is a yard Melinda ..?
It is the same as what you call a garden. Only because our homes are often much father apart our outdoor space is much bigger and the grassy area is often referred to as "my yard"
What a nice variety of beautiful birds you have coming to visit you Melinda! Great shots of them too. I like the name "brown headed cowbirds." lol.
The first oriole arrived back today! And the first house wren, too!
That's a great confirmation that Spring is here to stay, now I hope the weather cooperates!
It has been thunderstorming all day. I just talked to my friend and she says Ransom is refusing to go outside, so the storms must not be over yet!
I rejoined the EL to help give Ashers numbers a boost. Several of us are rejoining. Everyone wishes you would be there, too. (check the mentions, your name has come up several times)
Howdy today Melinda! Yes I saw the mentions, you all are too kind! But Mrs. J would kill me if I spent more time on here!
You guys have fun though and you don't need me anyway if everyone else comes back. That will definitely do the trick for the numbers! lol.
The typical beautiful Spring weather needs to take hold up there!
We all can see that the numbers need improving!
You have worked so hard here to build your account.....
I know, it's painful to back off but I agree with her that I need to find a way to make some steady income.
Thanks and thanks for saying hi during Crim's show! I usually just listen and don't watch the chat. I will look forward to seeing your feathered Friends!