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RE: First visitor at the bath today!

in Feathered Friends4 years ago

Nope, Squirry and the senior entourage has dissapeared for the last 3 weeks and there's all new youngsters here doing their thing.
I think that squirrels have a way to find calcium, but the palm tree's contents remains a mystery.
In fact I haven't looked into it lol.


Oh no! Squirry hasn't been seen for 3 weeks? What does it mean?

Thec way of life my friend and we simply have to accept the fact that nothing is permanent.
I avoid the issue now of discussing Squirry with Marian, as every time there are tears, so we just leave matters to rest.

I understand about not talking about Squirry, she was something special!

Squirry is indeed a sore point.Thank you Sir @janton, we are struggling a bit with the signal here as they are loadshedding again and it affects the signal towers.

So you guys have intermittent internet connections down there? Did you guys have a New Years Eve party on New Years Eve? I can't remember if you are way ahead of us, New Years Day might be over there. lol.

We have what they call "Loadshedding" meaning that the electricity supply has deteriorated so much that they have to switch different areas of the country off on a rotating basis.
So when they cut our supply, the signal towers die and we end up with no internet.

Howdy sir papilloncharity! I hope things are going well for you. The power situation sucks. Most of the world wouldn't be able to handle what you guys do! We had our own power problems in Texas 2 weeks ago when the deep freeze of the polar vortex hit us.

Most people were out of power for 4 days. The water stations also froze up so we were also out of water, that was almost as bad as the electric outage.